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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. How bout Copeland Bryant, number 96? I saw him around the ball A LOT in the first portion of the game.


    Hamdan didn't look lost out there either.


    Liked me some Brian Scott, and Steve Johnson also looked sharp.


    Dwayne Wright, how I wanted you to succeed! Xamier Omon, take a chapter from the Bible of Freddie Jackson, and make the most of your opportunity!


    Hardy seemed to have a better grasp of things.


    I'm also really glad Ko got some reps.


    McKelvin has some learning to do, but the boy's got a pair, that's for sure. Gotta get his head and body caught up with his heart! STOP TRYING TO JUKE THE KICKER, THERE'S A BIG FAST DUDE COMING UP HOT!

  2. I'll see if I have time tomorrow to write up a side-by-side with analysis.


    Ricky Williams is primed for a VERY good season. Jake Long is dominant already. Ronnie Brown was on route to 2000+ total yards last season. He was shredding defenses. Ginn looks like a top WR. On defense, they are active and young. Ssaban knows talent -- and stacked the team with guys that will blossom. Compared to the Bills, who had one pro bowler in, what, 10 yrs (brad morman), they have some talent.


    Come on man. If you're going to troll, at least be good at it.


    Turns OUR punter is named Brian, not Brad.


    Also, here's a list of all the Bills to make it to the Pro Bowl since the 1998 season:



    1998 (season, game played in 99)

    Sam Gash

    Ruben Brown



    Sam Gash

    Ruben Brown



    Eric Moulds

    Ruben Brown

    Ted Washington

    Sam Cowart



    Larry Centers

    Ruben Brown



    Drew Bledsoe

    Travis Henry

    Eric Moulds

    Ruben Brown



    Sam Adams

    Takeo Spikes

    Terrence McGee



    Sam Adams

    Takeo Spikes

    Nate Clements

    Terrence McGee



    Mike Schneck

    Brian Moorman



    Brian Moorman

    Aaron Schobel

  3. talent wise , coaching and overall managment, the FINS are just as good as the bills. the games will be close. do a position by position analysis. i can't stand rose colored glasses fans. we are all bills fans, but lets be sober about the other teams in the division. parity exists. you have to put aside bias and use logic. do a sidebyside...and get back to me.


    Please, let's have this so-called position by position analysis.

  4. Ok, this is some strange timing. I just came here to post basically the same exact thing. I always get those groups of people on the sidewalk. They see you walking the opposite direction but don't bother to move. I'm at the point now where if the closest person is a guy, I walk right through him. If its a woman, I have no clue how to respond to that one.


    I feel like lighting some dude up is pretty hostile. I'm a fairly large guy, so I could really leave someone sore. I guess I'm not grizzled and jaded enough just yet.


    When it comes to chicks, do what I've done in the past- just stop walking. Don't move, but just stop walking so they either walk into YOU, or they have to stop and go around.

  5. Folks who walk three wide in crowded public areas then don't move out of your way as you walk past them, forcing you to practically turn sideways to get by.


    This JUST happened to me outside my office building and it was some thin-as-a-rail finance looking d-bag. I, of course, dodged him but he kept right on walking as if his space is not to be shared.


    Had I not been carrying my lunch in my left hand, I might have had a good mind to blast the SOB, see how he likes some shoulder action up in that cereal bowl chest of his.

  6. :rolleyes:


    If we finish third it means either the Jets or the Dolphins have a better season than us. If EITHER of those is the case, I'll eat my shoe. I swear to God, cross my heart and hope to die, I will lather my oldest, smelliest running shoe (I run without socks) with Buffalo wing sauce and ranch dressing, find the sharpest knife I own, and eat that thing with a fork.


    I will even video tape it, and edit the footage (pun intended) because I know it would take me a long time.

  7. watching nfl network last night and i caught adam shefter asking cowher which team would be the 2008 surprise....without hesitation, he said the bills. he then went on to say edwards has established himself and that marhawn is a special back, then added that the defense will be tough.

    i know weve heard these things before from other talking heads, but coming from cowher it really made me jump to edge of my seat, i loved it. bring on the chithawks!!



    All aboard the 1-0 train! :lol:

  8. I've seen it a few times now, people think we are going to lose to Arizona. They are the freakin cardinals! If we can't beat them, we won't beat anybody good, and we'll be a bad team.


    Here is my prediction: If we beat the Cardinals, we'll have a winning record (or 8-8). If we don't, we'll have a losing record.


    I'm right there with ya on this one. It seems that the Cardinals are beginning to have some pieces in place, and are working to rebuild, just like Buffalo. I'd say their team development is about a year behind where we are right now though. I also think we have better, smarter coaches, and have done better at drafting talent instead of relying on FA.


    Buffalo is better than Arizona. No doubt in my mind.

  9. WTF? (Red)


    You are off your rocker that somebody is going to assume somebody else is going to willfully disregard the rules of the road.


    The burden is on everybody to follow the rule/laws... You see a stop sign, you start to slow down early. You see a "stale green"... You begin to slow down.




    On a bike, just follow the rules of the road... What's the problem?


    So you are the kinda of guy who I see boating around everyday during the summer...


    I see you are in Chicago... Get a boat and navigate the river here on the South Side... I bet you last no more than two minutes making these "brilliant" choices...


    Sorry for being so harsh




    Beerball... Your avatar is brilliant!!! :lol::lol:



    <_< Thanks, dad.

  10. 8-8 is a very reasonable expectation....they were 7-9 while 30th in O and D last year remember....


    Yeah, I do remember. Remember when the defense was missing anywhere between 5-15 players a game? I also remember when we switched offensive coordinators and didn't have to start rookies at QB and RB.


    8-8 IS a very reasonable expectation, if you field last year's team (counting the injuries) against last year's opponents.

  11. Ok so let me get this straight.....your unattractive ex-female roomate who never even gave you a BJ and takes dumps every 15 minutes causing your bathroom to smell like complete sh*t all day moved out.............what am I missing here, I would have kicked that biatch out a long time ago.


    Haha, she caused way more problems than I chose to add here. In fact, for a long time I wanted to make a venting list to share with y'all, just to be sure that I wasn't the one who was COMPLETELY OUT OF MY MIND.


    The point was, on top of all this crap (pun intended), she blew town and set us up to live with a kid who (in all likelihood) has mild Auspbergers.


    And said Aussie has dreams of being a comedian, hence his youtube stardom.

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