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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Sigh... Was just dealt with one of my life's biggest blows - car just got stolen with pratically ALL of my clothes in it. In retrospect, it was incredibly stupid to load my car with my clothes (moving off of Staten Island) prior to leaving. If anyone is in the NYC area - maybe Staten Island specifically, look out for a dark green 1995 Toyota Camry - license plate T65 VBP. If you come across it, please call the police ASAP!! I am one of the last people that can afford this kind of setback at the moment <_<


    Oh man. I will close my eyes and emit the strongest, most positive karma I can muster.

  2. Remember this is not a rail on TBD posters thread.


    When I worked a the hospital there was a night when everyone was rushing around trying to fill prescription orders for the inpatient units in the building. So as we're all flying around busy this one blond girl, seriously she was blond, said:


    "I'm having a menage a trois." Everybody just stopped dead and the room was filled with silence. I said: "Ok, when?" She looked at everyone staring at her and asked: "What's that word for when you've felt something before?" and she was answered by a roaring De ja vu!! We all turned around and resumed working. She said: "What did I say?" One of the female techs next to her whispered in her ear and she let out an "oooooooohhhhhh!" :thumbsup:


    This is the same girl who said: "I hope we all get snowed in, then we could order out!" :worthy:


    When I was in 8th or 9th grade my best friend informed that he couldn't hang out because he had to go see the proctologist. I said, "WHAAAAAA?" and he said-"yeah, I gotta get these zits looked at." To which I said, "WHAAAAAAAAAAA!?"


    He looked at me as if I was missing something, then added, "Yeah, I have to go see the skin doctor." And I said, "You mean the DERMATOLOGIST!"

  3. At the risk of incurring Philster's wrath, I've got to say I'm rather unimpressed with the 08-09 squad. I'm sure they're all wonderful gals, but as a group they fall short in the "hotness" department. Too harsh? Sorry, but that's what pro cheerleaders are supposed to be -- eye candy.


    This photo really cracked me up. Every other bio shot is pretty typical, but for some reason poor Jamie decided to "prowl."


    I for one think it's great that Buffalo had the courage to put a legless cheerleader onto its roster.

  4. As many here may know, I just recently quit smoking, May the 8th to be exact. I started smoking when I was 23(i know what an idiot) and smoked bout a pack of Red Cowboy killers every day for the next 22 years . To go along with that, bout the only exercise i got in those 22 years was hoisting twelve ounces of liguid to my gullet while sitting on the couch.


    Well today I made a half marathon, the Va Beach Rock and Roll. It was hot and humid as a sum B word, but I still made it. My goal was 2:11.00, and i did 2:10.58. LOL That equates to 10 minute miles. I know not fast by any means, but when I started running mid June, I could only do a mile in 14 minutes.


    Ahh, the beers will be flowing tonight fellas!! Hope everyone is having a great holiday.


    Oh yea, for those who no believe me, here is the link to my splits, I was bib #22369!!






    I'm doing the Chicago half in two weeks! Congratulations!!

  5. It has been talked about for years. I have lived in Seattle for 7 years and they talk about it every time they go to the east coast. Have you ever played an NFL game at 10pm in the morning?


    Thats what I thought!!! :thumbsup:


    Well, since it's the first game of the year, it doesn't disrupt any sort of "rhythm" that a change in game time would disrupt to the extent you're implying.



  6. Poor guy, liked him in a Bills uniform.


    Just posting this since he's an ex-Bill, not the whole I've heard of him let's pick him up thing.


    I used to watch the games with his brother in the one of the Chicago Bills bars. Well not with him, we didn't sit at the same table or anything, but he was always there fervently cheering for his little brother!

  7. By the criteria that The Big Cat posted, Obama would also be considered a gimmick:




    Obama certainly wasn't chosen for anything tangible; he was chosen for his seeming ability to speak well to large crowds (which Palin also has, or so I've read).


    Rather than try and spin what I said to make your point, why don't YOu tell ME why Obama is a gimmick candidate.

  8. By the criteria that The Big Cat posted, Obama would also be considered a gimmick:




    Obama certainly wasn't chosen for anything tangible; he was chosen for his seeming ability to speak well to large crowds (which Palin also has).


    Nothing tangible? He's been in public service for over 12 years. Did you watch his speech last night, or are you conveniently ignoring the fact that he did actually lay out some HOW and WHY to his WHAT?


    Also, Obama was picked through the primaries, BY VOTERS, not by a political steering/handling committee at the behest of a 72 year old man.

  9. I am more comfortable with someone taking over who has been mayor of a tiny 9,000 person city and a governor for a mere two years than with either of the candidates on the Democratic ticket, neither of whom have ever been responsible for supervising more than 10 people outside of their campaign staff, and neither of whom have ever had to balance a budget, meet payroll, or deal with government crises. Anyone can write legislation to give people rebate checks, cut taxes, and start pre-school programs. Being an executive requires a different kind of managerial experience.


    Frankly, outside of the National Security issue, I think she is the most qualified on *either* ticket despite her limitations.


    Your logic is retarded.

  10. I'm waiting for a reporter to ask her if she ever thought about aborting her newborn son Trig (he has Downs Syndrome for those of you who didn't know).


    Also Trig is named after his great uncle.


    Please explain why this is an issue for someone seeking the secondest most powerful position in the world.

  11. - She re-ignites the idea of a McCain candidacy being about good government and fighting waste, special interests and corruption. It's always been central to his message, but he's been unable to get any traction this time around (maybe because it's old news to the press).


    I'm sorry but someone from an "oil state" married to man working for BP has to do a lot to convince me of this point.

  12. Where he voted 150 times as "present" (= abstain). Great way to take a stand for your principles. He served 150 days as a US senator before he ran for Pres.


    Great choice as we see all the libs crawling out from under their rocks to add their two cents today.


    It's a great choice because it scares liberals, huh? Well I haven't spoken with any frightened liberals and I find it interesting that you applaud a choice made by the GOP which in your mind is intended to cast fear. They must be turning over a new leaf!

  13. Absolutely! I am all for unusual names, or ones that are not the average everyday ones. But Willow? Track? "Piper Palin?" I think Malia and Sasha are pretty cool names.


    Malia has both Kenyan and Hawiian origins. It's a form of Maria.


    Sasha is a fairly common name.


    Bristol sounds like a Petrol product.


    Willow I can live with.


    Piper, Track and Trig all sound like rusted fragments of machinery left scattered about an abandoned foundary!

  14. She's got 2 years of executive experience.


    Obama has 2 years of legislative experience, but actually a lot less than that since he's been running for president the entire time. So she's actually got more high level experience.


    High altitude, yes. High level, no. IT'S ALASKA, MA MAN. There's more people living in Pittsburgh!

  15. My wife is a Hilltard as you call it, and was undecided but leaning towards McCain. This solidified it.


    My wife is pro choice (and passionate about it), but the fact that Palin knew she was having a child with Down Syndrome and went through with the pregnancy hit home with her and said will with other woman as well, even if she is pro-life.


    Whole different ball game when a woman is pro-life as opposed to a man.


    So your wife will only vote for a woman? Your wife's attempts to combate sexism have rendered her a sexist!

  16. I don't think people are nearly as concerned about the VP's experience as the Presidential candidate's. We have seen so few VP's take over office. If people were really concerned about McCain dying within the next 4 years, they probably would not be considering him anyway.


    We've also never had a man as old as McCain sworn in for the first time...

  17. I just politely chided a lady today going to work... I was going done the road and a car made a left well in front of me and traveled in the same direction as I was going... But, the next car rolled through the stop sign and cut me off... I said to her at the light ahead: "I don't mind you cutting me off, but do us all a favor and stop at stop signs."




    I gave some guy in an SUV the finger today while I biked home.


    There was another biker getting a really slow start after a red light and he was to my right, pushing me into the traffic lane which was coming to a stop up ahead. Then this douche pulled up behind and slammed on his horn because I was pinched into the traffic lane.


    The real kicker was that he had to then slow down and stop shortly there after while I quietly and happily pedaled by.

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