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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. from Adam Schefter


    Paving the way for Peters arrival were the talks the two sides had throughout the past week, when they began speaking Monday morning for the first time in a long time. Throughout the summer they had limited, if any contract, but with the regular season approaching, both sides recognized the need to open the lines of communication, which they did.


    What bothers me about this, is it seems the lines of communication were opened too late. If the Bills had done this earlier he would have been in camp and playing on Sunday


    Were these talks in secret? Wasn't it Clayton who reported on TUESDAY that he won't be back for a LOOOONG time? So what? Did the Muppet toss a dart at the board and miss...MISERABLY? Sweet reporting, you retarded looking, pock faced elf.

  2. If you're trying to be sarcastic, I would've had the exact same score had both of them been in there.


    Seriously, Seattle has been a playoff team the last five years, and they made it to the second round last year.


    Yep, and that was last year, and that was in the NFC.


    And yes, they've been regulars in the playoffs, perennially besting the likes of SF, AZ, and STL. Whoopee! :w00t:

  3. I agree, Ellison does look much bigger this year.


    But Poz? Are you kidding me? He looks like a moose on steroids. Out of curiosity, do you go and watch training camp?


    No, I've never seen the man in person. And I suppose that checks my evaluation, but seriously, what NFL player (kicker/punter excluded) DOESN'T look like a beast when you see them up close?


    I didn't just say that I think he looks small to prove a point. I've thought that to myself several times watching him during the preseason.

  4. Yeah, there's no dropoff between Crowell and Ellison :thumbsup:


    Honestly, I don't think the dropoff is as severe as you imply. I agree with eBall. Plus, Ellison looked SIGNIFICANTLY more bulked up during preaseaon- something that will bode well.


    You guys rag on Ellison because he's tiny, but when I look at Poz, I see a very youthful frame that could also use some bulk. Not as badly as Ellison needed two years ago, but let's call a spade a spade.


    Didn't Ellison miss most of last season too?

  5. From MSNBC.com


    This guy gives his "three bold predictions for every team." Here's what he says about the AFC East:


    New England Patriots:


    1. They'll really, really, really miss departed corner Asante Samuel and receiver Donte Stallworth.
    2. The Patriots won't be setting any offensive records this year. They begin the season with a sketchy offensive line, no Stallworth, and -for a spell- no Wes Welker.
    3. They'll start 4-0, extending their regular season winning streak to 21 games, before falling to the Chargers in San Diego. That will be a preview of the AFC Championship game.

    New York Jets:


    1. Brett Favre will make the Pro Bowl thanks to a flashy start to the season.
    2. Favre will backslide radically in the second half of the season once teams adjust to what the Jets have him doing.
    3. Free Agent aquisition Kris Jenkins will be a sizable disappointment in the middle of their defensive line.


    Miami Dolphins:


    1. By the end of the season, Chad Pennington will have the Dolphins playing more competently than the Jets will be playing with the guy that replaced him.
    2. Ted Ginn Jr.? Still not going to work out as a receiver.
    3. Ricky Williams will be in the Comeback Player of the Year conversation along with Pennington.


    Buffalo Bills:


    1. Dick Jauron will be the AFC Coach of the Year
    2. Believe it: the Bills are a playoff team.
    3. And their defense will lead them.
  6. That is a very accurate list, imo.


    That's a pretty good list, for once.


    Football being a sport that breeds such diehard fans (fewer games/shorter season increases the lust factor and heightens the urgency past other sports, IMO) it's really hard to determine "who loves their boys more." I think those top 10 are basically interchangable since all of them include fan bases who have been there through thick AND thin!

  7. Why? He went out on a limb to say the Bills will make the playoffs and has been helping all the rookies get acclimated to the NFL. He was arguably our most consistent defensive player last year and has become a star in the league. I predicted it would be Whitner before i heard this. No surprise to me at all


    He was making Mel Kiper joke.

  8. The set-up to pay-off ratio of that joke is around... infinity.


    Yeah that's what I was thinking.




    Setup =


    • Old man brings cat to bar.
    • Old man has to haggle with bar keep/owner to allow the cat there.
    • Cat is a Bills fan.
    • Cat is possesed by some supernatural force- most likely possesion- which ignites humanoid qualities upon Bills success.


    Punchline = Bils haven't scored a TD in five years.


    Sure is a lot of work to arive at mediocre punchline.

  9. How can you be confident thinking our defense and special teams will score 14 points for us? Thats "retardedly" ignorant.


    Because I think there'll be some miscues with their inexperienced receivers which will result in at least one pick six. Plus, I've always liked McKelvin's edge and I think he has something to prove.

  10. Why does it seem like I'm the only one who thinks we're going to destroy the Seahawks? Provided everyone stays healthy, our defense should chew them up and spit them out! I'm thinking the defense and special teams give us a 14 point boost in this one. If McKelvin is back there returning KO's, I EXPECT to see him take on to the house. Just a hunch, I've had one everytime he's had a good return, and never had one when they were only so-so.


    I'll agree that the offense will have an uphill battle, but I think they're good for at least one TD and probably a handful of FG's, let's say 3.


    So there you have it. I'm confident we'll put up 30 points to Seattles' 6. There's NO way they find the endzone, they'll get one FG to get on the board JUST before halftime, and then get another one sometime in the third quarter. The fourth quarter will be a sh-tshow since they'll be playing from 2+TD's behind. During this time of desperation we'll get a pick to the house, mark my words.


    Final Score:


    Buffalo 30

    Seattle 6



  11. I always love reading these!


    Here's mine:


    • Jump out of bed, literally. I hate getting up in the morning, and when I've just begun to regain consciousness, a little light goes on and the thought of watching the Bills in just a few hours perks me right up.
    • BLAST my iTunes playlist entitled "Hey-Ho Let's Go Buffalo" - which includes The Beatles singing "Shout!" (Anthology)
    • Hop in the shower
    • Throw on my jersey and cover my bottom half with whatever the weather calls for.
    • Grab my good friend Mr. Maguire, light him up, dance around my living room for a few minutes while playlist continues to blare.
    • Hop on my bike.
    • Ride to one of the two Bills bars here in Chi-town.
    • Order a $2 Labatt/20 $0.25 wings
    • Hypothesize with my buddies why the waitress with the *MIRACULOUS* cans is always so cranky
    • Pay my bill, leave the bar drunk, but not wasted
    • Go home and chill with Mr. Maguire in an attempt to soothe the pain from a loss, or to celebrate the buzz of a win

  12. It may be the fact that all his clothes are in it since he is moving


    But otherwise, yeah, i am never afraid of having one of my vehicles stolen since they are insured and I will just get another one with the insurance money. And since I don't own new cars, I'm not out a whole heck of a lot. Those Camrys are nice cars, My mom and sister share one


    Moving = worst thing in the world. I just did 28 straight hours from Sunday-Monday.


    Moving and having your car stolen with your gear in it = a newly discovered layer of Hell.

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