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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Cleveland, Oakland, KC, Rams, and two against the Dolphins- that is 6 games against the five worst teams in the NFL. And no one else on the schedule scares me. We have a very good shot at going into the bye week 5-0 and I would be shocked if we did not win 12 games this year. Nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills!


    Cleveland in the bottom five? Have to disagree there. They're off to a slow start, but their DLine looked really tough last night. That Monday Nighter will be a tough game.

  2. i do too, i really enjoy his column, but he really need to stop giving the Patriot*s a collective BJ. Matt Cassel looked fine yesterday, bit all he has to do is not screw up too bad. The Bretts went 4-12 last year. The addition of a semi-retired future hall-of-famer wasn't going to push them over the top. Cassel played an OK game, but Offensive Player of the Week? :thumbsup:


    Seriously! How about all the other young, unexperienced quarterbacks that are having success and that DON'T take snaps for a TEAM that finished 18-1 last year!

  3. As for the OL, were the heat and crowd noise to blame, if not the shuffling of the O-line?


    The DL was getting held, blatantly, all game long. Chalk it up to the refs realizing how bad-off the Jags were and helping them out. :devil:


    That pass to Hardy that was overthrown would have been a nice gainer. Hopefully we'll see more of Hardy from now on.


    Very good call. All game long, I don't know. At least 3,4 times, though.


    As for the Hardy pass, may be- but his extension didn't seem strained and his balance didn't seem too outta wack. It hit him in the hands, so...

  4. Okay what the Heck? After a tremendous first drive, Brad Butler single handedly cost us 20 yards during the next possession. A nice one-two would have been clutch, but his hold on first down and then getting BLOWN up on 2nd down for another 10 yard loss totally killed the offensive's momentum. Normally, I like to praise Brad, but after the possession, I say, tisk tisk.


    Special Teams broke even today. After a few blunders- specifically penalties and Freddie J. laying on the field- they still put forth a solid effort. Moorman had a rock solid day as usual, Lindel hit his 10,000th chip in a row, but also got the 45 yarder to seal the deal. Bravo! Hats off to Parrish again for setting up that final possession!


    I was a bit disappointed in our DT's today. Even though they played well ENOUGH, I expected them to dominate the Jags backups on the OLine. It seemed after we ate them alive on the first drive, they did a good job of keeping our DLine honest and at bay. While it seemed at times like we were getting gashed by the run, we only gave up 99 yards total. If we were taking players down on the first hit, Jacksonville might not even cracked 100 yards for both passing AND rushing! :devil: But alas, as folly countered brilliance all day, KYLE WILLIAMS, PLAY OF THE GAME! (Youboty = Defensive MVP, though)


    Marshawn does for Freddie Jackson what Hardy does for Royal in the red zone.


    If Hardy would have come down with that timing route he may have had an entire open field between him and the endzone. But I LOVED THE TD- I was going CRAZY!


    We played a very stout defensive tough in their own house. The pass protection was superb (although TE gets a good deal of credit for that too!!), but JAX really made us earn it on the ground. It was quite the bout, and I'm glad we came out victorious!



    The TD, on-sides, fumble combination could have been the knockout blow. Remember? Bills can't play in the heat! :w00t: But as bad as it was (and it was pretty f'ing bad) that string of events to start the second half only netted Jax 13 points. And they didn't score again after that. I give loads of credit to the offense for attacking, attacking, attacking (except to end the second quarter! :doh: ), but the defense didn't quit today. The whole team deserves a day off!




    OT: Brett Favre is washed up. He has NOTHING on the ball. Anyone watching this game? UGLY! Also NE hasn't so much as LOOKED at Randy Moss in this game (1 catch 8 yards). Pressure, building, anger, rising, CANCER SPREADING! :lol:

  5. The only people who call it the Bush Doctrine are lefty wonks and lefty media. I couldn't tell you what it was called either. But I remember Bush stating that in his speech to Congress.

    It is also common sense. We need to kill those sub human vermin wherever they are.


    Doesn't they way Clinton speaks remind you of the Beverly Hillbillies? (they're from the same area).

    Doesn't the way Hillary speaks remind you of a Martian from "Mars Attacks!" ? She sure sounds like one to me.


    Don't you sound like someone from Buffalo?


    Are you including militant Christians in this category? Or just the people in funny clothes you see on TV?

  6. True, but that My Yami team was one of the worst teams of all-time.


    There's also this:


    10. What kind of hydration regiment does the training staff have our players on this week? Going into Florida in mid-September can be tough on guys who are used to upstate NY weather. Getting enough fluids in the body doesn't start on Friday, either. It's too late by then.

    Jeff, St. Bonaventure




    CB: The hydration process starts at the beginning of the week. The strength and conditioning staff along with the training staff encourage forcing fluids as much as they can through the course of the week. The players are used to this regimen since they go through the same thing every season to prepare for the Miami game. They’ll be ready. This is one of the best staffs in the league when it comes to hydration. As long as the players follow their instructions there should not be any issues.

  7. Edwards played terrible in the rain and wind early in the game last week, right?


    It's going to be beautiful in jax on Sunday......


    Anyone see where I'm going with this.......







    I guess you didn't hear- travelling from WNY to FL turns your muscles to mush and decreases your lung capacity 85%. You're also at a severe risk for immediate onset skin cancer, seizures, and menstrual cramps.

  8. Yeah, unfortunately, I think the opposite is true too. I don't think we have much of a cold weather advantage any longer either. Sure, we're used to RWS and those conditions, but like you say... lots of our boys are southerners.


    I'm sorry, but in week 2, the heat makes NO difference. Now if it were week 12 and we're leaving our little indoor facility or the blustery Tundra at Ralph to travel to Rio de Janero, then yes we'd probably lose a step or two.

  9. I imagine the most obvious choice to the NFL network will be the 1990-91 team that lost to the Giants. With Tim Russert's passing, I'm not sure who will be the narrator. Please don't let it be Vincent Gallo... :nana:


    May be some Johnny Rzeznik action??

  10. The forecast down there is for about 93 degree at kickoff, which would be a Jaguars team record.


    Their fans are counting on this to wilt the Bills, but I think they'll be OK. Stroud played down there for years, so he should know how to deal with it and tell his new teammates how to deal with it. Plus, a ton of our players are from the south or southwest, so they are use to it already.


    But Jack Del Rio has this whole mindset he imposes on his team that to be tough, they have to act tough. So the Jags will be wearig their teal jerseys Sunday, allowing the Bills to wear the cooler white jerseys, according to Jacksonville radio.


    For at least some games last year, Del Rio wouldn't let his team use the sideline "cool zone" machines. They were the ones who wilted in a loss to Indy.


    I hope De Rio has more of the same for the Jags, but either way, the Bills need to be ready for 100+ degrees on the field.


    Okay, I've had about enough of this heat argument! Just because you practice in conditions 5-10 degrees warmer than your opponents during the SUMMER (like ALL THE PRACTICES HAVE BEEN LEADING UP TO THIS GAME)- doesn't mean you're completely impervious to the affects of heat.


    Furthermore, just because the Bills aren't "used" to these conditions (somebody please compile the dosier of the VAST MAJORITY OF OUR PLAYERS who grew up in the south and learned to play when it was hot), doesn't mean they'll just freakin' shut down when they're sweating more than usual!


    Eee gads! This argument has pissed me off all week. Totally absurd.


    The one's who ought to be worried about the weather are the OL players plucked from their 9-5's to fill in against a DL who brings a heat of its own!

  11. I knew this whole History teacher thing would be useful one day! :nana:


    Jamestown (est 1607) is the oldest continuously occupied English settlement.


    The Spanish were all over the place but our collective Anglo heritage discounts their exploration and accomplishments, like the founding of St Augustine (founded some 40 years earlier than Jamestown) because they were the Anglo's "bad guys".


    EDIT: I guess I should have scrolled down and seen that RJ already posted what I did


    I wish we had a snarky looking smiley wearing a mortarboard.

  12. I think what he was saying was clear: That the nice solid opening day victory may or may not have an affect on the next game, may or may not have anything to do with the season, and may or may not be a harbinger of things to come, good or bad. And that we have had a random series of opening day games, with victories and losses.


    Ah ha!


    Well, to go right along with that, I'd love someone to argue the point I made a few days ago: if we don't win on Sunday, it's likely we'll lose. Ties don't happen very often.

  13. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080910/od_nm/..._6IND00cIQSH9EA


    SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - San Antonio unveiled a deal on Tuesday that will make it the first U.S. city to harvest methane gas from human waste on a commercial scale and turn it into clean-burning fuel.




    San Antonio residents produce about 140,000 tons a year of a substance gently referred to as "biosolids," which can be reprocessed into natural gas, said Steve Clouse, chief operating officer of the city's water system.


    "You may call it something else," Clouse said, but for area utilities, the main byproduct of human waste - methane gas - will soon be converted into natural gas to burn in their power plants.


    The city approved a deal where Massachusetts-based Ameresco Inc will convert the city's biosolids into natural gas, which could generate about 1.5 million cubic feet per day, he said.


    Methane gas, which is a byproduct of human and organic waste, is a principal component of the natural gas used to fuel furnaces, power plants, and other combustion-based generators.


    That Clouse character is full of sh*t.


    Seriously though, I always wondered why major cities didn't try to go this route. I'm in Chicago and can only imagine how much poop is running through out underground pipes.


    That 1.5 million cubic feet per day doesn't mean anything to me. Anyone put that in terms of how much/how long that will power?

  14. 2002: Opening day loss on final play - Bills end up 8-8, a five-victory improvement from the previous season.


    2003: Opening day blowout victory - Bills end up 6-10 and running to the bus as fast as they can.


    2004: Opening day loss on final play - Bills end up 9-7, three victories better than the previous season.


    2005: Opening day easy victory - Bills end up 5-11 and running to the bus as fast as they can.


    2006: Opening day close loss to Pats - Bills end up 7-9 with a nice run at the end of the season.


    2007: Opening day loss on final play - Bills end up 7-9 again but possessing a good deal of promise at season's end.


    2008: Opening day blowout victory.


    What was the point of all this?

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