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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. I wondered (today actually) if this was how Lynch would be geting most of his scores this season. It seems obvious that in EVERY first down situation inside the 15, we'd line up wide, spreading the field- and I think more often than not it's gonna go to Lynch straight up the gut for the score.


    We've all seen the guy run, if he gets 4 yards of realestate past the LOS without being touched by a defender, GOOD LUCK stopping him for those extra 5-10 yards he needs for a score!

  2. If Shanahan went for the 2 in order to give San Diego a second chance, he ought to be fired on the spot. Coaches are paid to guide their teams toward wins no matter the circumstance.


    But in any case, that's not what happened. Like a previous poster and Tuesday Morning Quarterback noted, the chances of scoring on a 2-point conversion are roughly 50-50. The chances of winning in overtime (especially when the teams are so evenly matched) are 50-50. Shanahan probably figured, "Why leave this game up to a coin toss?" Going for 2 in this situation doesn't decrease your odds of winning, it just makes it SEEM worse if you fail.


    Congrats to Shanahan for having the cojones to do that. And furthermore, it's brave in another way. If you go for 2 and fail, the coach gets blamed. If you head to overtime and lose, the players get blamed. He was putting the onus on himself as head coach, something that many don't do because they are afraid of getting bashed in the media.


    Shanahan's a HOF coach. In doing some wiki-research on the guy I came across this VERY interesting tidbit:


    Coincidentally, Shanahan has the best record for any active coach against Bill Belichick. Including the postseason win, Shanahan is 5–2 against Belichick's Patriots, the five wins coming in the last six meetings.
  3. Let's not pretend the Bills were ever near a playoff birth. Mathmatically alive late in the season last year, yes but they didn't beat a team all year with a decent record. They simply beat the bad teams. Don't look now, but the Bills at 2-0 have beat teams with bad records. Don't get me wrong, this year looks a whole lot different (so far than the last two) but it is way too early to call this team a playoff team or a contender for anything. For all we know Seattle and Jacksonville may end up near the bottom of the league. They certainly were both depleted teams when the Bills played them. Let's see what happens when the Bills start playing treams that are healthy and with winning records. If they win a game or two against good teams we can ramp up the expectations. For two games though, they've looked darned good.


    Fair enough, and I'm right there with you- let's see what these guys can do against the real heavy-weights (although part of me has the feeling Jax will be a "heavy-weight" come Wild Card race.)


    It's a shame that our first contest against a "winning" team might not come until week 10 if SD doesn't get it's sh#t together. I'm saying this not even counting AZ as a "winning" team, as I know the most skeptical of the skeptics would write off that victory as well. But by my logic, 9 wins against losing teams aint a bad way to start the season!

  4. Sorry if already posted. I looked over the first 1 1/2 pages and didn't see this.






    While it's a far cry from a ball-washing YET, the NM is certainly jumping on board the B-Train. I don't like that this guy gives us credit for just now "throwing ourselves into AFC playoff mix." In each of the Jauron years, the Bills were on the fringe of the wild-card race up until week 15. It's not like we've been TOTALLY resurrected. He was right to refer to previous efforts as "mediocre," but what we're ACTUALLY witnessing is the proverbial straw on the camel's back that's tipping the scales mediocrity to contention.

  5. Why would Mike Shannahan go for two at the end of the game against the Chargers? He probably wanted to just stick a fork in San Diego. But the 2-point conversion struck me as Shanny saying "okay, we got a break...but I'm giving you chance to take it away, San Diego." Am I just imagining things?




    Actually, your logic is along the right track. But you're essentially wrong. After the game, Shannahan likened the decision to splurging a $50 you found in a puddle that day.

  6. Uh...thanks. Since apparently you are an idiot, allow me to point out that I responded to someone who used a Pat Buchanan quote to draw a conclusion on what 'hawks' think about McCain, even though Pat Buchanan is as far away from being a 'hawk' as you can get. Last I checked, this is a thread about McCain.




    Shame on me for making my idiocy so apparent. :thumbsup:

  7. Jauron needs to win a playoff game. The bears went 13-3 and lost the first playoff game if i remember correctly. Even after the win against Jacksonville i am still concerned with Jauron's style. He still seems conservative to me. The last field goal drive done by the Bills is a good example of that. Roscoe has a great return and then the Bills run their way to a field goal. It still put Jacksonville in a position to win the game with a TD. In my opinion good teams put in that situation would go for the TD.


    Yeah, you're right. Jauron played that one conservatively. He allowed the other team 29 seconds to score a TD with no TO's left. Mind you this was a team that didn't have one gain of more than 15 yards the entire game. So yeah, he played that one conservatively all right! What a boob!

  8. better yet he has the Bills ranked as the top AFC team. That is if you put any stock in writers ratings


    Better YET, he has the Patriots* listed as the only 2-0 "middle of the pack" team! :lol:


    EDIT: I forgot the * first time around. Please don't banish me! :thumbsup:

  9. So, I have a grandchild due on Nov 30th so thought it wouldn't be a good idea to make plans for the Chiefs game. Even though it has been a dream of mine to visit Arrowhead stadium for a Bills game.


    But now, after thinking this through and realizing that if they induce the baby early, it will be on a week day. I can sneak out on an early flight Saturday morning and fly home Sunday night after the game. And the best part? AA has a fare for $159 round trip from Dallas. No way am I going to tell my daughters.


    So Kansas City here I come!!!


    Does this make me a bad mom?




    Who elso is going? (Besides Kenny and Paul).


    November 30th would conflict with the 9ers game. Am I missing something?

  10. I don't think there is any doubt:


    He lost his helmet in the game Sunday but didn't stop until the play was over. For that, he got three stitches and his eye started to swell shut. But he returned to the game and finished with the second most tackles on the team.


    After the game, he had given so much of himself on the field, he needed five bags of IV fluid.


    Weeks ago, he put his name on the line to fire up and challenge his teammates when he guaranteed a trip to the postseason for our beloved Bills.


    Donte Whitner is my favorite current Buffalo Bil,l and he is, for my money, the toughest player we've had on this team in quite a while.


    This is the first I've heard of the head injury, though I remember the play where his helmet popped off and was impressed to see him go (head first) for the tackle anyways.


    Did he miss any action on Sunday while they were stitching him up?

  11. Lots of love for our Bills








    Kelsay obviously is becoming a team leader. Love his quote about Roscoe.


    On a sidenote about Kelsay:


    I distinctly noticed two years go that in interviews he seemed very youthful in apperance and in voice. When I saw an interview with him for the first time THIS year, I was shocked at how much he has matured. It says nothing to this playing ability or anything like, just something I noticed.

  12. The sign of a mature team is putting teams away early and leaving no doubt.


    It will be interesting to see how the bills respond to this.


    One thing that has been true of the DJ era has been the team's knack for beating teams they should have beat. The lone exception to this rule that I can think of was the 06 game in Detroit. At that time, however, we were knee deep in some JP Losman, and I have far more confidence in Trent as a game manager when it comes to sealing the deal against inferior opponents.

  13. Personally, I believe the biggest mistake made by the Jauron detractors to date has been to ASSUME that the failure of his Chicago teams was primarily his doing, and to ignore all of the other factors that go into making a successful team. Additionally, they have characterized Jauron as an "overly conservative" coach without factoring the talent level of his teams. All in all, I just believe they've taken an overly simplistic view of Jauron as a coach, without much in the way of insight or appreciation for all of the circumstances involved.


    I'm not going to call out anyone in particular for what I believe have been incredibly immature criticisms of the coach -- if they want to hop aboard the bandwagon and claim the team's success comes in spite of Jauron, so be it.


    Ding Ding Ding! My thoughts exactly. It's always great fun to compare DJ's first five years to Bellecheat's first five years, epsecially on this topic. It seems then, and only then, does the minutia of a coach's record suddenly become relevant!

  14. I like the fact that the offense is opening up. I like the fact that we have a QB who reads the defense quickly, makes a decision, and gets the ball out. JP, too often, would have the "deer in the headlights" syndrome while in the pocket. Trent is the polar opposite.


    Our rushing attack has not hit full throttle yet. I imagine it will take a little time with Walker going back to RT and Peters having to get into the flow of things. The Raiders defense isn't really too much of a slouch, but I do expect bigger #'s out of Marshawn this week. But somewhere in these next 3 games, I expect us to be piling up yards on the ground and be in the swing of things. We have Oakland, St. Louis, and Arizona coming up.


    Guys, we should be 5-0 by the time we come off of our bye week to head to San Diego. Oh yeah <_<


    You mean when San Diego heads to US?

  15. Really. Honestly, I can't believe they fell for it. A lot of crap has been foisted on The Sheik for 3 years, but - boy oh boy- he's hitting like a ton of bricks out there. Truly. He's not getting a lot of coverage - which is appropriate at this point. The Bills have only won two games. But that son-of-a-gun is going to field tackle some receiver and send him out on a cart, and just watch the headlines roll. I'm not saying in any way, shape, manner or form that he's a headhunter. Don't misinterpret that statement. But that kid hits like tomorrow doesn't matter.


    How much does he pay you for the PR rep?

  16. I'm not exactly positive on how this call works but Reggie Hayward jumped in the air towards Trent Edwards 1/2 second later the fumble is forced, while Hayward is still in the air, then Hayward's Helmet goes directly into Trent's Face mask (Unavaided to the quarter back or something?)....like I said idk how it works if Trent lost possession but if he was in the air before the fumble should it be counted as a blow to the head and the Bills be awarded a 15 yd personal foul penalty and receive that ball back? Just a question that could possibly be answered by a more NFL Rules knowledgeable person.


    http://www.nfl.com/videos?categoryId=highlights <----Here's a link to the highlights and about 2:30 into the highlight you can see a good view of the play.



    GO BILLS!!!


    You know, I noticed that too...there was def helmet to helmet contact on that play. But since it was a fumble and therefor a live ball, there may be some leniency. Otherwise, that's 15 yards no questions asked.

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