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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat


    Sooo someone like me can't B word? I'm not doing it to waste time. I'm doing it because I see specific things that Ryan can't do with this defense right now - without even bringing up how much he has set us back to this point.


    i really miss someone who could actually talk football with. The ones who can, thebandit, for example usually don't dive in to it like we used to. DrD doesn't come around as much, either. Rex Ryan needs to go. Plain and simple.


    B word all you like. You're welcome to B word at the sky when it rains, too.

  2. this is a lazy argument. You don't know their assignments or schemes. Because of this your entire argument nullified. Not that it was strong, but you also need to work in how they can succeed and what it will take to succeed. Simply saying gilmore and Darby are inferior is not an argument or counter to am argument

    this guy gets it


    speaking of lazy arguments: you just nullified every argument posited here for all of time.


    Maybe Josh McDaniels and Darrell Bevell are just really smart and worked mismatches of epic proportions.


    Let's not forget that Nickell has seen action against Eric Decker, Tavon Austin, Jarvis Landry and Larry Fitzgerald this year. It's not like he's seen a string of mugs.


    Hey, Bloke. I was being ironical.


    Robey has been our best CB so far this year. He can't beat anyone in a jump ball and unfortunately got caught covering both Gronk and Graham one-on-one, but I think for the most part he's played well.




    Yep. Before the Gronk/Graham victimisation, NRC was 12/26, 154 yards, 2 INT, 2 PD through 7 games.


    Hasn't warranted benching at all but, if this leads to a schematic/stylistic change, I'm all for it.


    So you're saying that NRC...just like Rex's "stupid dog **** stuck in 1970's overly complex, too cute for its own good" scheme did worse against better opponents? So may be...players...just aren't as good as other players??

  5. I believe we would have won more games but that is only opinion. I have never presented that as anything else.


    And hey, I like the guy, so I am pleased he is having success elsewhere. I actually liked him as a Head Coach.... he lost his way at the end in Detroit but his first 3 years he gave a team that had been soft for so long a real edge.


    I have never fantasised about having him back. The ship has sailed, but his success elsewhere is noteworthy.


    I believe the defense would have been better...in the fantasy scenario.


    But given the possibility that Fred/CJ (and not Shady) would have stayed on at RB and that ??? would have been the QB, I don't know how anyone can begin to speculate the quantity of wins.


    It isn't ideal, but its showing that Rex has some backbone, and is making the players show some accountability.


    It's sort of like the firing of Karl Dunbar/hiring of John Blake. Fans were apoplectic...because the coach made a change at an area of weakness. :wacko:


    B word B word B word about it, and as soon as the coach does something to make a change, it's time to B word some more. Why? Because the change wasn't Rex Ryan driving himself over The Falls.


    Lunacy has been running at an all-time high for the past 15 months. And I'm saying that with about a decade's worth of context.



    Im going to assume bad.


    Corey White and Seymore are not better than Darby and Gilmore and Robey-Coleman.


    Probably not. But they might be playing better.

  7. I don't have a link but I have an extremely good source. Everything I said at the time about the situation has checked out. That Jackson wanted Schwartz and that the Bills had hin under contract are both facts.

    And regardless... all I want the Rex lovers the admit is that Schwartz was a loss the Bills and they won't because it exposes what came after for what it is.


    Just because Jackson (whom the Bills didn't hire, so the point is !@#$ing moot) wanted Schwartz doesn't mean Schwartz would have stayed.


    Also, for the price of 0-10 Hue Jackson? May be keeping Schwartz would have been worth it. May be.


    We had no QB, we had no Shady. The revisionist history saying Schwartz was locked and loaded to stay on at DC and if he had we would have been great is an insurmountably unprovable premise that fans have convinced themselves of/now judge the current regime by. And since treating this fantasy as a reality has now motivated 100+ responses to Schwartz's (unsurprising) success elewhere, I remain at a loss as to why. I don't understand why we're clamoring over false/alternate realities.


    On the other hand: Of course losing Schwartz was a loss. Nobody is suggesting it wasn't


    Its easy.

    We had a great defense with Schwartz. We could hvae hired Hue JAckson who would have kept schwartz.


    We hire Fat Rex and the defense is a cluster F(^*_


    No. This is a false and alternate reality that posters have clung to. It was never the case.


    So again, I don't understand the point of this thread, if the crux of the analysis rests on things that didn't/would never have happened.


    Otherwise, it's sour grapes, crying about things that don't fit what you think should have happened, regardless of whether it could.


    Except, we had Jim Schwartz who was willing to stay and let him walk becasue we hired an idiot for a HC. And we never had tom Brady



  9. but the coach could push different techniques.


    there could be poor communication between coordinator and position coach (and maybe assistant position coach) causing issues.


    could be a variety of things related to coaching changes.


    they could also be having lousy years.


    they could also have lousy attitudes.


    LorAx's comments might lend themselves to the latter.

  10. I guess I'm just being nice, or clinging to what's left of my optimism ... Incompetent it is!


    Well, you essentially echoed what I was saying last week: if you can't stay with your man 1v1, or you're losing him in a big way once a game...that's a problem. And it comes down squarely on execution.

  11. I don't think they're incompetent, although obviously others disagree. I do think they're no better than average, maybe a little worse. I watch Wade Phillips in Denver playing his CBs man-to-man and bringing pressure from everywhere else and it seems to be working. So I have to conclude that their CBs (Harris, Talib, even Bradley Robey) are just plain better than ours, and it's not even close. Which shouldn't surprise anyone since the Broncs defense has been dominant and the Bills has been, umm, not dominant. But here's the weird thing: against all evidence to the contrary, we've had knowledgeable fans right here insist that Gilmore and Darby really are that good, and it's all on Rex. Winning or losing man-to-man is about as individual as football gets. It's kind of like pitcher vs hitter. Either you win the majority of the time or you don't. And lately our guys just don't. (Related point: I also understand that Jerry Hughes is not Von Miller, so bringing pressure that doesn't quite get there in time is also part of the problem)


    I mean..."a little worse than average" is just a nicer way of saying "incompetent." :flirt:


    I think our guys are incompetent too often. But not all the time.

  12. Exactly. The CBs are being exposed because Rex's defense - the full version, not the Rex Lite we saw last year - is built on exposing them in man-to-man coverage, freeing Rex up to bring pressure from all directions. So we get the elevated sack totals, but since neither Gilmore nor Darby is good enough to stick with good (not "great" - we're talking Doug Baldwin, Eric Decker, Chris Hogan here) receivers without safety help, Rex is getting burned regularly. So you can (1) blame the CBs for not being elite, prime Revis types; (2) blame Rex for thinking that they were; (3) blame Whaley for not bringing in the personnel to help hide Gilmore's and Darby's weaknesses; (4) blame all of the above. I vote (4). Oh, and by the way, great season by Lorax, and I really like him and the constant effort he puts out. But you have to remember that he benefits from the same schemes that are destroying Gilmore's future value. Folks, it's mostly this: the defensive personnel just isn't good enough. You can get pressure by leaving other guys' weaknesses exposed. Scheme all you want, you can't hide the weaknesses. I almost feel sorry for Rex. Almost...


    They're being exposed as "not good." It's not that elite-level play is required. It's that competent play isn't even being achieved. I don't know many schemes built to function when your CB1 and CB2 dabble in incompetence at some point every week.

    1. The blown long play against SF
    2. The blown long play against MIA
    3. The blown long play against BAL (he gone)
    4. All of the Jets game
    5. Most of the New England game
    6. Key moments in Seattle

    We're talking about two to three losses negated by competent DB play.


    The only games not mentioned above featured an injured Jake Briscuit, the up and down Cardinals (although that was prob the DB's best game of the season by far) and Case Keenum, who still managed completions of:

    1. 31 yards
    2. 31 yards
    3. 28 yards
    4. 26 yards
    5. 24 yards
    6. 21 yards

    I think that the really tricky part about all of this is that the scheme is working every where else.


    An overhaul or even a philosophical rethink is bound to compromise the things the defense is doing well.


    So I guess the question is, would you rather do three or four things worse for the sake of doing one thing better? And if two of those things are stop the run and get to the QB?

  13. "Growing up, taking accountability...executing and being a pro."


    But what would LoRax know about it? He's only been in the league since Prohibition.




    Video embedded if you scroll down, couldn't link directly to it: http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Bills-Today-Starting-jobs-up-for-grabs/d1f6b985-69b9-48fb-b68a-6d535cb02cfb

    Boy it sure sounds like he's talking exclusively about Darby with shades of Gilmore. Selective listening, may be.

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