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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. It was excellent play design, run against the perfect defensive scheme for it's execution. Gilmore would have had to make an All-World play to stop it.



    Really ummm ok. That route was perfectly designed for that coverage. That was no ones fault learn the game a bit ok.


    fine, then let me rephrase, i'm tired of players making plays with gilmore in the vicinity...constantly,


    There are some good points here. I'm not sure the 2014 season was an exception, considering Schwartz is excelling yet again, but that's not that important...


    What is important is that the front office made a mistake, and a lot of people commented initially on the absurdity of starting fresh on defense when that was what we were best at.


    I like Whaley, at least his acquisitions and his ability to build a team, but... he needed to have more gumption during the Rex hire. If he wasn't on board with the hire, he should have really used his role as a GM and made a stand. It might have gotten him fired, but sticking to his gut would eventually prove true and he'd rebound and probably be held in higher regard shortly thereafter. If he was on board, he and every front office member that decided Rex was the answer should be fired. I'm serious. It was a remarkably poor decision.


    Now, for The Big Cat - this isn't because I think Rex Ryan is necessarily terrible (he's very average - I assume we can agree on that) - it's because he absolutely was NOT the right coach for our team at that time.


    We needed to have continuity on defense. The FO should have tried to see what it would take to keep Schwartz as a DC and find an offensive minded HC. In the event that Schwartz was being difficult and was making waves about being disrespected, we should have made him the HC, with the caveat that he focus more on gameday on defense. We then could have recruited whomever at OC. Even if you don't agree with my plan, at the very least it is a plan...I'm not sure you can say the same about what the Bills ended up doing. I think Russ Brandon, Pegula and any other person in the interview room saw dollar signs with Rex Ryan, believed the hype and did not think about the best interest of the 2015 Buffalo Bills roster.


    Edit: a typo

    Exception for the Bills. Not for Schwartz.

    For whatever reason, he certainly dismantled that 2015 pass rush enough so the team went from 1st in the NFL in sacks to 31st in the NFL in sacks. I'd say that qualifies as "dismantled"!


  3. I stand corrected as Fletcher Cox was the only one i saw from the 2016 starters roster. Malcolm Jenkins replaced starter Tyrann Mathieu.



    Perhaps I should have pointed out that the Eagles in 2015 were 28th in points allowed and 30th in yards allowed. Bill Davis was the 2015 Eagles DC and they played in a 3-4 alignment.


    Schwartz has done a masterful job as the Eagles DC this year and like others have pointed out it didn't take a few games, half a season, a full season or a season and a half for the players to understand the scheme.


    Anyway you slice it Rex Ryan has so far screwed up a great and talented defensive roster from 2014. It was Ryan and Whaley that made the roster changes by letting Leodis McKelvin, Ron Brooks, Bradham, Searcy, Stephan Charles leave the team. Even Bacarri Rambo leaving in 2015 looks like a bad move as that Bills secondary stinks this year.


    At this point, I wouldn't hire either Rex Ryan or his brother Rob Ryan to be a DC and if they can't turn this defense leading the league in sacks into a unit that can stop even average QB's they are both done in the league after this year.


    schwartz did a fantastic job. on this we all agree. but the 'rex ruined a great defense' doesn't follow.


    schwartz made an average defense great. and they've since returned to mediocrity under rex.


    tbat's a much more accurate account


    the 2013 defense was ranked 20th in points allowed and 28th against the run.


    the 2014 defense is the exception.


    granted, rex hasn't thus far been able to continue that with his own scheme.


    but let's not pretened like he "dismantled" something

  4. Yes and the people saying he was a dinosaur were wrong and those of us in that thread calling it a good hire were right.


    You see it is easy to paint those of us critical of Rex as just being people who like to bash whatever the Bills do. But some of those same posters are there liking the Jim Schwartz hire.


    Interestingly in that thread you may notice me saying that Pettine had improved away from having to run Rex's scheme. Reminds me how much I disliked the bloke even before he turned up here telling me to get ready cos "we're going."

    I didn't mean to imply people were wrong then right. Only that the fan base is fickle, and passionately so.

    So your point is Schwartz proved a lot of people wrong.


    Ok. Got it. Still waiting for Rex to do the same going on 2 years now....



    I told you the point.




    You missed it both times. Shocking.

  5. What's your point?


    That it was funny then and it's still funny now.


    And also that the love fest for Schwartz now that he's gone is in stark contrast to the wide-9-hand-wringing that pervaded this place shortly after his hire. the type of hand-wringing that inspired long, contentious threads entitled "Jim Schwartz is a dinosaur." My contribution to that thread is the image above (hilarious). I just came across it looking for a different hosted image, it's still hilarious, and now it's relevant (in an ironic way) to this thread.


    Sorry if all that was too advanced for you. Happy to clarify whenever you need help.

  6. it amazes me how much time you spend reading about the league and can type that with straight face. players lower salaries when the alternative is getting cut, or to increase guaranteed dollars. players do not say "oh, i know last year kind of sucked for the team so i am going to self-void some of my guarantees to help the GM feel good about humanity"


    this goes beyond performance, though, and MD is not the average bear.


    I'm not saying it will happen. I'm saying it's not impossible. It isn't.


    He was suspended for making poor choices. If he feels he compounded that mistake by not being physically ready to return, there could be some guilt there.


    Probability <5%

  7. exactly - and he would have no reason in the world to give away the guaranteed dollars unless you offered him up a pay raise or some great incentive. otherwise, he knows you are stuck with him and paying him in full pretty much no matter what, so of course hes good keeping things as is.


    out of good faith?


    because he wants to do the right thing?


    stranger things have happened, you know.

  8. Darby needs to succeed or fail on his own. He hasn't shown the need to need safety coverage over the top. Gilmore against a #1 with high end safety coming to him would be a desired scheme.


    Darby has been playing off the line some, gilmore too. Both are fast enough but Darby can't recover to transition. Him being able to jam at the line, keep inside coverage and staytoward the ball were his strengths last yr. Having a safety transition or roam the field made a difference.


    What I would coach him to do today for the future in Wrex's scheme? He has to mentally slow down, study his opponents. Revis didn't need to, it was natural. Darby needs to identify his covers strengths in the route tree, his tendencies and most of all discover his adjustments in real time. Wrex's scheme is mental af. Darby's sophomore slump is his inability to simply wing it with talent.


    I've seen Darby several times try to look back and lose his man. This is likely due to confidence or trust issues. If a player beats him inside he can't recover OR doesn't understande the scheme because he will lose coverage and has disengaged more than many times where the next cover guy doesn't pick up the cover.


    This is just a few things, id need to show stills of film to do more specific




    I disagree with this but I defer to you because you know better (I'm serious). To my eyes, Darby has better recovery speed than Gilmore but isn't as physical at the line. I do agree with you 100% that Darby needs to have a better understanding of the routes that he is defending.


    Then based on all of this: where do player competency and coaching meet? There has to be a point where a player is good enough to do the things that he's being coached to do, and a coach has to teach him well enough for him to understand. At this point, we're all just fighting about the margin.


    But Darby has lost his job. Given how little we know, isn't that a strong indication that he's not holding up the expectations set for him?

    take your pick. I'll toast it to you...

    Nantahala dirty girl blonde ale

    Big boss harvest time ale

    Highland clawhammer Oktoberfest

    Labatts blue

    Sam Adams

    Miller lite


    don't like blondes, don't particularly care for malty seasonals, labatt is the boring standby and i'm not having 14 so miller lite is out.


    that leaves us--regrettably--at sammy a


    i was at a bachelor weekend in nashville (jesus christ, that town). i just started fantasizing about the bomber i'm going to buy when this day is over, will be my first one back.

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