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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat


    I think the Miami game was a shared effort. The defense had a lot of very poor tackling and couldn't get stops even when everyone knew they were running. The offense couldn't generate anything in the 4th quarter to help the D out.


    Other than that I can't really argue any of that.


    Defense allowed 6 points in the first 44 minutes 42 seconds of the game. And 22 in the final 15 minutes 18 seconds, during which time the offense ran 12 plays before garbage time.


    Sorry, but no. The offense put the defense back on the field after quick drives throughout the second half, in Miami, on day when the temperatures were in the 80's.


    Of course the blame is "shared." But the offense set the defense up to fail.

  2. It also means wins...and as is pretty clear by now, most of the losses can be laid on the D. TT and the O have not been the problem even when he has us pulling out our hair. With the exact same O performances in the losses but better D play, the Bills would easily be sitting at 9 or 10 wins right now.



    You do realize that if the offense wasn't going three and out most of the time, the defense would (1) Not be gassed by the end of the 2nd quarter, let alone 4th; (2) Prevent the opposing team from continuing to score; (3) could play more aggressive and not worry about "losing" the game




    Jets game - Defense on the field first and 8+ minute drive to start the game


    Jags game - 6+ minute drive at the start of the game.


    I won't argue that the 3 and outs need to improve but the D gasses themselves sometimes. Also the D has been fantastic in the 2nd half the last 3 games and most of the year.


    Twice the offense cost the game: Baltimore and Miami. Yes, Miami.


    Twice the defense crapped the bed: NYJ and NE


    Once we just got flat beat by a superior opponent: Seattle.

  3. Against Baltimore they couldn't run. Against Miami they could... they just didn't for some unkown reason. Gilleslee had a productive day they just didn't feed him.


    67 yards on 22 carries isn't exactly good...for them.


    I remember and agree taht they got away from it and they limped out a half-healthy shady to start the game. but they weren't exactly burning it up when they did try.

    Good point. Speaking of which the playcalling that game may have been the worst of Lynn's short career. It had no flow.




    tough to argue


    sounds to me like the outcome was gravely impacted...by the offense that day


    I'm not saying it didn't have an impact BigCat, of course it did. But at the end of the day the Bills put up 25 points on the road against a Miami team that up to that point had been bad. I honestly think the offense can't be blamed for that loss. The ravens, yes. The dolphins, no. The dolphins had no business running the ball on us like they did. It is what it is, I feel that the defense and Rex will redeem themselves when the Fins come back to Buffalo.


    When you're up in the fourth quarter you run to put the game away. They couldn't.


    Would it surprise you to find out that against Baltimore they ran for 65 yards and against Miami 67?


    I agree that the Baltimore game was a complete abomination on offense (though I never expected Baltimore to be a top 3 defense now). No excuse there.


    However, when we scored that quick TD in that Miami game with the bomb to Goodwin to take the lead and the Dolphins come right back and slam it down our throats to counter, it was a kick to the nuts. To me that was the turning point of the game. If the defense would've held the Dolphins there in the following drive, the momentum wouldn't have turned as dramatically. That's just my opinion.



  6. Gross yards allowed simply isn't the best barometer.


    Coaches and scouts key in on a few numbers to get an idea of how good teams are:


    Yards per play for and against. (14 / 11)

    Yards per rushing attempt for and against. (1 / 15)

    Yards per pass attempt for and against. (27 / 14)

    Number of rushing attempts per game for and against (2 / 25*)


    *25th fewest

  7. I think you are not far off. Major factor but cant be the complete reason from #1 to dead last. Part of it can be impossible plays to defend (think of the TDs by Graham in the Hawks game). Part of it can be combined piss poor play from DB. Part of it can be players that overperformed early have come back down a bit (lorax, brown).


    Yes x 4

    Or you could just go with the ScottLaw explanation:

    1.) coaching

    2.) ibid

  8. Its not black and white. Its not a yes/no. It rarely ever is. The defense has been above average overall. Still room for improvement. Same with the offense and the rest of the team.


    I agree.


    "The Bills' red zone defense, which ranked first in the NFL over the first seven weeks of the season, has plummeted to 32nd in the NFL over the past five weeks. Buffalo has allowed opponents to score on 11 of their past 12 trips inside the 20-yard line, including both of the Jaguars' trips on Sunday.


    "Right now, we can't stop anybody," coach Rex Ryan said of his red zone defense after the game, noting that not every player was playing the correct defensive playcall on one of Jacksonville's touchdowns."


    Hmmm...week 7. Something changed then.


    Can't quite put my finger on what it was...


    Any ideas..?




















    And there is definitely no denying that Safety and WR are our biggest needs going into the next draft. And if Gilmore departs (and I think its gone from not likely to 50/50 that we dont resign him after the struggles this season) then CB is going to be right there with those 3. And if we do lose Gilmore, I think we will certainly look at DB in the first, WR/S in the 2nd, and then whatever we dont address yet in the 3rd.


    I wish I knew more about our own FA situation/our own cap room to say what is feasible in terms of bringing in vet talent, which given the importance is the RR defense is preferable at safety, IMO. One thing that will sway those decisions tremendously will be what we end up doing at...you know...QB.


    Huh? Totally agree about safeties, but its been talked about a lot, in fact everyone pretty much unanimously agrees the safeties are the biggest issue on the D. So dont know why you would say this is what no one is talking about because after we lost AW one of our weaker units instantly became its weakest and its been talked about in just about every thread about how the defense sucks.


    But how many of those safeties are any good? And the few (if any) that have been better than what we have, how many were we in position to draft and who do we not draft to take them?


    Its not so simple as to say there 15 safeties drafted and we took none. Doesnt do any good to draft a bunch of scrub safeties. And coming into this season, Safety didn't appear to be our weakest unit with Graham and AW penciled in there, it actually looked promising with an upgraded front 7 and the high expectations from Gilmore and Darby (that have been a big let down overall).


    Of course, would be nice to take a safety, but what safety do you take over Shaq right now from that draft? What about Ragland, he was a steal where we got him. In a perfect world you can grab good prospects at all your shallower positions, but that just isnt realistic. Ragland looked like the real deal before getting hurt, Shaq is showing lots of promise...I can't fault the Bills for drafting those 2 players at all.




    I think he did the same thing he did with OLB and ILB and added a couple low priced free agents (blanton and anderson), and both are on IR. Neither were that good to begin with - but he hit on z brown and lorax with the same strategy.


    Remembering that we had Glenn tagged - we had like 0 cap room at the start of free agency until we extended him. We had to re-structure Clay and Kyle too. It wasn't exactly pick of the litter at the time we actually got some room so its pretty surprising that we have some really solid contributors.


    Totally understood. I get annoyed when fans make personnel demands completely blind to what's feasibly available. But in this case, 15+ safeties were taken in the draft and we drafted zero.

  12. No one notices the safeties? It's the biggest complaint on D since AW got hurt. Like to the point of beating a dead horse (but I'll keep doing it until Meeks is no longer on the field)


    Some of us have been bemoaning safety play since Week 3 2015 (first time AW went down).


    DW's biggest offseason miss was not doing more to address the glaring need there.


    Wow, left plays on the field. They should cut him for that alone. Unheard of.


    You're right. The stats I listed are meaningless against such a powerful counter-argument.



    You're right. I only listed the stats that mattered.


    The number of passing yards is clearly meaningless. He threw 18 passes. They scored 4 times.


    The 3rd down conversion rate wasn't purely on his performance, and really didn't matter at all. Ditto how many 1st downs were from passing (even less important what type of passes they were).


    The team scored 4 TDs.


    Another QB completed 70% of his passes, only 195 yards, only converted 50% of 3rd downs and only 1 passing TD. I bet there aren't many bumpkins over there moaning about how bad Dak Prescott played on Thurdsay though..


    I'd call you our resident contrarian, but you're bound to just disagree with me.

    1. Charles Clay might be the best TE to ever wear a Bills uniform.

    Shaq Lawson is going to be a monster.

    Marcel Dareus is unstoppable.

    Barring injury, Shady will be the first Bills RB to rush for 10+ TD's since McGahee in 2004 and is actually on pace to be second in franchise history for total TD's in a season (behind only OJ's 23 in 1975).

    There is a lot of promise heading into 2017 with Anthony Lynn running his scheme.

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