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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat


    Yeah they went off for about 6 ypc and a bushel of TD's in those last 10 quarters.....after Shady frickin stunk up the joint in Washington before he got hurt........INCLUDING the low production game MG had against the Jets top ranked run D where they loaded up the box to prevent being nickel and dimed like they had been in the Meadowlands earlier in the season. Karlos actually did ok in that game though. The "incompetent Tyrod" and Sammy took Revis apart with the Jets loading the box. In the prior meeting Sammy had like 1 catch for 13 yards.


    It's laughable how many people cite the game Gillislee had against the Jets and the concussion game Karlos had against the Giants as proof that life doesn't go on without Shady. Celebrity worship on TSW. :lol:

    You might be the last human on Earth that believes this offense would be fine without Shady. At least you have *that* going for you.


    Your eyes must be getting bad then because it's there. This explains a lot. :lol:


    But the Bills have done fine running the ball sans McCoy.......after he got injured in Washington last year they went on a freaking 10 quarter ground assault without him and won their last two games.


    They probably win the Miami game if they sit McCoy and play Gillislee from the start.


    Not sure how many carries guys like Karlos and MG had to put up before people realize that this offense can just flat out run the f*cking football. MG ran for 6 ypc and 2 TD today. All he does is rake and if fat Karlos had kept his sh*t together he'd be raking too.


    But wait.......weren't you complaining about me trying to turn the conversation? :lol:



    as is often the case with your meandering tirades, we've now careened into the fantastical and downright nonsensical portion of whatever it is you were trying to say.


    10 quarter ground assault to finish 2015? i guess you're including MG's blistering 28 yards on 24 carries in week 17, then?


    stick to the truth, it makes keeping your story straight much easier. this moving target **** is getting old.


    Be my guest.


    They need help at safety but other teams survive injuries to their secondary that Rex D absolutely can't.


    As I said.......the offense loses WR...OL...TE...RB.........and still consistently puts up points.


    You can't have a D that's so difficult to stock.


    They thought Blanton had the right amount of smarts to challenge for a job this year and turns out they misevaluated him.


    I mean if you get a smart player in and he can't figure the f*cking D out.......it might be f*cked. :lol:


    the defense has no equivalent of Shady, who you conveniently left out of your list of positions they've fared well without


    LOL McCoy was an entirely UNNECESSARY signing.......he was already under contract thru 2017. And it was a good contract. :doh::lol:


    This year he's playing like he should be in this offense. MG meanwhile just keeps putting up similar numbers. It is what it is but I've been complimentary of Shady.


    You just can't face the facts that this D is f*cked. A butterfly flaps its wings and this D falls apart. :lol:


    Man, if only there was some place that I was on record in the last 30 minutes as saying our safeties have been an abject failure for 25+ games.


    That would be a tough thing to dig up, wouldn't it?



    Except the offense scores points at an upper third level....and consistently puts up decent points.......and runs the ball better than anyone in the NFL. They aren't mediocre. That's what's been frustrating. You might be able to call the D mediocre because they get fat on a Jacoby Brissett but otherwise they are pretty much dogsh*t.


    Sorry, let's get back to talking about how sh*tty the D has been. :lol:


    That's what I thought.


    May be you should start another thread about how bad of a signing Shady was.

    And, btw, the offense scores points. Then goes three and out for 3-5 consecutive drives.


    This is virtually unprecedented. I guarntee you. And it's the latter that has more impact on outcomes. I've been saying for more than a year now and i twas more than apparent today. Anyone resistent to this truth is:

    1. Stupid
    2. Has their own bias
  6. If you read my post I said it was a team loss. All around. You on the other hand are defending rex ryan and his defence?? 29 points. In 12 minutes...


    Defending the defense? No. If that was your takeaway then it's you who needs to re-read.


    Saying what is patently obvious: that the offense's inability to do LITERALLY ANYTHING lost us the game is NOT an excuse for the defense. It's not a defense of the defense. It's not an alibi for Rex Ryan.


    Take all your biases and check them. And listen to what people are actually saying.

    WGR hammering this point right now


    Which point?

  7. Lemme help you guys out... CAR-DALE JONES!.... CAR-DALE JONES!.... If you're there and shouting this every time Tyrod messes up, something is bound to change...


    where's the 'like' button?

    Meanwhile the Chiefs are laughing their way into the playoffs. Their defense scores almost as many points as the offense vs the Falcons. In Atlanta.


    seriously: !@#$ the chiefs. all they same to do is stack enough meaningless regular season wins to keep the bilsl out of it so they can get their clocks cleaned in the first round of the playoffs.



    the chiefs

  8. I think scheme and coaching have a lot to do with the defensive struggles. The past two years have confirmed that. But I know this conversation will go no where with you so I'll leave it at that.


    Right. I'm the problem. I've been saying the same thing for over a year now. Please. If you want to counter it, please go through the game logs and find me any team in the league that strings together drives of 3 or fewer plays as consistently as the TT led Bills and prove that they win in spite of it.


    Or don't and blame "coaching." Which has been the excuse for 10+ years even though the same coaches leave and experience more success with...get this...better players.



    Peyton Manning won a SB last year with like 2 TD passes and 17 interceptions on the year. Couldn't pull a sIck wh*re off a piss pot on SB Sunday.


    I honestly don't know what to tell some of you hardheads. Try putting a stool softener in each ear and call me in the am.


    Oh sweet jesus. Peyton manning on one leg, wearing an eye patch and having to spin around four times every time the ball is hiked is twice the quarterback TT will ever be, and anyone arguing otherwise is lying to themselves.


    I dont dispute that.....but that still makes the D bad


    Right, they never had a chance. So the team's best bet was to keep the ball out of Carr's hands. Instead, the offense did the opposite.

  9. Lol. You must've missed it, but the defense didn't do a !@#$ing thing in that quarter either.


    The entire team was a disaster for most of the second half. That includes both the offense and defense. Yikes. You are stubborn.


    Stringing together four consecutive drives in which you don't gain a first, with one of them terminating inside your own 15. Do you honestly believe that none of this takes its toll on the defense?


    This is a yes or no question. Answer accordingly or don't answer at all.

  10. I thought Tyrod and the defense had been inconsistent all year and both sucked today for the most part.


    The defense didn't suck because of Tyrod and the offense going 3 and out. The defense just sucks.


    Is that fair to say?


    The defense sucked today because our safeties are entirely bereft of talent with AW gone, as has been the case since last year AND because they offense kept putting them back on the field against a very good offense.

  11. Dont even start that crap


    THis D **** the bed and HAS been shitting the bed for several games allowing 20 plus points in games where we have been sold a Rex Ryan "dominant D"


    You want to blame the O for not keeping up in shoot....against the raiders I am with you but lets not act like the team with a identity of


    Dominant D

    Run the ball

    Limit turnovers


    Is losing by 30 plus points is solely the quarter backs fault....I dont think so Cat


    3 and out

    3 and out

    3 and out

    1 and out



    But it's the defense's fault.



    If Pete f*cking Carroll runs Marshawn Lynch up the middle the last 4 SB's would have been won by "Caveman Football".


    I am at worst TIED for being the leading proponent of building your franchise around QB's............but I have 2 eyes and I have seen for myself that you had better play great D if you are going to win the SB.


    It's that simple.


    This D is a f*cking disgrace.


    Yeah Rex can still confuse a rookie but the decent ones are just toying with him at this point.


    Pete !@#$ing Carrol had a QB who made/makes plays when asked to do so.


    The comparisons end at the most important position, and you damn well know it.



    Are you aware yet that everybody on this message board wants a franchise QB?


    Hell I'm the guy that has been saying for years that if they just picked the QB that went in the draft after their first pick in each draft they'd have had Brees, Rodgers, Flacco and I think Carr falls into that designation too.


    It's not mission impossible but ownership has to be the one forcing that issue because coach/gm regimes are too worried about NOW to have any foresight.


    But the reality is that this football team runs the ball GREAT and statistically that still gets it done........it's just that the defense is too easily dissected and confused and can't keep the Brady's and Carr's from hanging 5-7 TD's on them.


    That's just not good enough. Good defenses are still winning SB's.


    FRANCHISE!? Jesus !@#$ing christ. I'm so beyond "franchise" or "elite" or any other meaningless terminology at this point.


    I want a COMPETENT QB.

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