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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat


    I'm not so sure that it does.


    I don't think so either. I think the rest of the team is built to win. And I think competent QB play allows RR to run his game plan, whether you agree with it or not. Right now it's tough to criticize the HC when his QB obliterates his chances of running the kind of balanced approach he's looking for while also being utterly incapable of the inverse: daring your opponents to try and outscore you.



    I will tell you man, I see where your coming from but I will say this. I spent one of the games in the RV lot at one of my good friends RVs. He does more work for the Sabres then the Bills but he is very close to the inner workings of both organizations & is very close to the Pegulas. He got a few drinks in him & started talking about how RB has more than a few finger prints on the failures of the Bills organization more than anybody cares to admit. Said when Pegula took over he said the decision was made to fire RB, but somehow RB smooth talked his way into keeping his job. Said he sold out so many people, good people that were loyal to him for years to convince Pegs to keep his job. Went onto say RB was pretty much responsible for convincing Pegs to get rid of Ted Black. Said the guy can't be trusted & everybody in the organization knows it. Also said not so much now under Pegs, but under Wilson RB had major pull in football related decision.


    They say to kill a snake you got to cut the head off. I think it is time Pegs wakes up & starts cleaning house & the first order of business should be to relieve RB of his duties.


    I mean, this all could be entirely accurate. The drunken table talk at a Bills tailgate is definitely a way to get information. :lol: Honestly, I'm not surprised to hear any of it. But it doesn't appear as though he's going anywhere. And that was my point. Fans could be completely up and down justified for wanting him gone. I'm not suggesting they are not. I'm saying they shouldn't hold their breath. Or so it seems.



    You said something along the lines of the defense allowing 80% of the opposing teams average YPG would be a good measure. It was something like that. You look it up. You wrote it.


    In the mean time when do you think the momentum changed yesterday? Could it have been the defense giving up a 14 second touchdown drive right after we went up 15. Did the crowd become more of a factor then?


    Right, that's what spawned the heat maps. I will gladly remake those for 2016.


    And it was 85% of the season average excluding the game against the Bills.


    I'm not going to sit here and tell you that giving up a quick TD against Oakland was either: bad or acceptable. It was neither of those things. And if you can't begin to understand why or at least let your brain consider the area in between, then this conversation is meaningless.


    Scoring quickly is what the Raiders do. We held them in check. They scored quickly. We should have done more to prevent that from happening. That STARTS with not letting them have the ball right back again. And then again.

  4. Yes, that single 3 and out really broke their back on the next TD drive.


    I haven't heard a single person make anything that even remotely resembles this point.

    I said these a few posts back.


    But it gets ignored by Big Cat for some odd reason...


    The only thing that's being ignored here my repeated critiques of the defense.

  5. When your expectation is for this defense to play above average is unreasonable, you fire the man running the defense, no?


    They were well above average (for a game against Oakland). Until the offense hung them out to dry in the second half.



    The pesky rules say they are allowed to get the ball. I agree with you that Carpenter is a big jerk for kicking it to them after we scored to go up 15 but Roger Goodell made him. Even BB hasn't figured a way around this one....yet.





    I asked you repeatedly during the off season what if any standards you think the defense should achieve with their cadre of high draft picks replenishing a top 4 defense from ancient times....1 year previous.


    You came up with some metrics that seemed to make sense. Go back and measure against your own metrics and you'll find these results:




    or you can use your dime store knowledge of logic and reason and talk down to people. Be sure to throw in words like vapid to make yourself sound smart. That'll win the argument for you.


    Remind me what the metrics were. I do believe this conversation is what prompted the heat maps, which clearly showed that neither the offense nor the defense stuck out as particularly bad, but that the defense was more often good than the offense in 2015. If you're going to allude to something, please help refresh my memory.


    Anything else would be vapid. :devil:

  6. It should be a death sentence being down 26-9 for a team going against a team with the #2 sacking defense in the league, with the #2 player in getting sacks.



    Exactly how many times did the Bills sack Derek Carr?


    Go ahead and lookup Carr's sack percentage heading into Sunday then tell me your expectation is anything approaching reasonable.


    Spoiler alert: it's not. He doesn't get sacked.



    You're condescending crap is hilarious. False equivalent lol.


    What should a Rex defense do with a 15 point 3rd quarter lead handed to them by the Bills offense and the Raiders playing dropsy all game?


    Unless the answer is "give up TDs like is a 23 minute long 2 minute drill" then the defense failed yesterday.


    and please define:




    Because it is a little too much to ask for Ed Reed, Darrell Revis, Chris McAlister and Ronnie Lott all in their prime to be able to make a play once in a while. I get that there are injuries but players who have had success before Rex got here are now the scapegoat for all of our problems on defense. Sounds familiar. Where have I heard this before? Last year? Or was that next year? Because it will be next year too. We were up 15 points in the second half yesterday and lost by two touchdowns and you're blaming the offense again.


    Best way to keep your opponent from scoring is to not let them have the ball. We did the opposite of that. What you've posted above is some circular logic that really can't be discussed because it takes basic assumptions right off the board in order to serve your own repetitive and vapid thesis that the coaching is to blame.


    You got one thing right: I'm being condescending as hell.

  8. I thought the wildcat series was the turning point in the game. You could feel it; not the time to go wildcat there.



    It was brutal.


    A clear and present admission that our only hope was to take the ball out of Tyrod's hands...on the road, against a 9-2 team whose QB is an MVP candidate.


    The state of our QB position, ladies and gentlemen. It's 2016, and this is what we have to do to try and win ball games. What more evidence to fans need that TT is single handedly taking wins off the sheet?


    Neither do I, but you need all three phases to work when facing upper echelon teams. The stalled drives you can get away with against weaker teams, but a potent team like the Raiders or Patriots will kill you almost every time when that happens.


    Being down 26-9 with 9 minutes to go in the third quarter should be a death sentence for any team, with any quarterback if your opponent sustains drives and keeps the ball out of your hands. Period. At that point, you're really only asking for two more stops from your defense to be in the driver's seat.


    The QB still needs to be efficient enough to sustain offense by hitting open receivers with accuracy and timing to allow them to continue drives. Tyrod Taylor simply does not do this well enough to win on a consistent basis.


    I don't have any issue with "ground and pound." I think you can win that way and I think we have 95% of the pieces necessary to do so. But we effectively eliminate the "pound" aspect when we can't effectively sustain drives.


    And when that happens the whole game plan falls apart. We don't have the quarterback to get into a track meet and we don't have any elite players on the backside of the defense to make game changing plays. The league and its rules are not structured to benefit defenses, so we keep the margin for error as slim as we possibly can. This relies entirely on our ability to possess the ball. When we don't, we lose.


    It's not that hard. It's been plainly obvious for two seasons now.


    And again, I don't fault the plan. We are not built to win otherwise.

  11. I agree the team was bad both the sides of the ball in the second half!


    Some Bills fans can't stop with the Rex Ryan bromance and others can't stop the hate for the QB.

    and good coaching staff!


    And some can't stop with this brainless inference. Acknowledging two very very obvious things--that the defense has lousy talent in the secondary and the offense leaves the defense out to dry by stringing together short drives--does not praise of the HC make.

  12. I fully agree that the QB is not good enough. We need to move on. That said, the defense got shredded in the second half. I think they only stopped Oakland from scoring once. That's not good enough for what is supposed to be a great defense.


    I won't argue that. But let's even eliminate fatigue as an obvious explanation. Let's also eliminate the undeniable dearth of talent we have in the secondary right now. Let's also eliminate the fact that Oakland is !@#$ing good.


    Even if none of these things were a factor:


    If the offense sustains two drives. TWO. They dont' even need to score points, if they sustain TWO drives, Oakland has a much harder time flipping the game the way they did.

  13. It's both. The offense handed the defense a 15 points lead and the defense could not hold on to the lead. But, Tyrod also played like absolute garbage. Terrible accuracy, poor decision making, bad reads, bad throws, ETC. Tyrod has shown that he is not a suitable solution at QB. If Tyrod had been able to lead the offense to a few first downs and, god forbid, complete some passes and maybe answer Oakland's offense in the second half, maybe the defense could've stiffened and held on.


    Bottom line to me is that we need a new QB. We cannot afford to pay Tyrod the money in his new contract while letting valuable pieces of the defense leave in order to pay Tyrod.


    Nonsense. The offense was playing with a lead too. All they had to do was sustain a drive or two to keep it. That's how you beat teams like the Raiders...when you dn't have a quarterback. It's how we built the lead in the first place.


    I can't honestly fathom why people thought that shutting out the Raiders offense...in the second half specifically...was ever feasible. If you thought that, you don't pay a lick of attention to what's going on in the league right now. And if that's the case, just sit back and listen to the growing majority of Bills fans screaming at you: IT'S THE QUARTERBACK.

  14. This.


    The franchise is a mediocre mess.


    Until you bring somebody in here who knows how to build a team we will continue to sulk in mediocrity.

    Your ridiculous.


    The team as a whole blew. Offense couldn't stay on the field and the defense couldn't get off the field. Oh and our punter blew.


    There's a select few of you that need to pull your heads out of the sand and acknowledge that many, many people are saying the same thing, and have been for a long time now. Framing the argument as if it's coming from me and from me alone, as if I'm some naked idiot shouting into the rain is--mostly--inaccurate.

  15. Total team loss. It is not fair for people to blame this loss only on tyrod though. The offence went 3 and out 3 times in a row, the defence let 4 touchdowns in 5 drives, and the special teams were equally as poor as both units. Oh and can't forget coaching as well. All 4 units led to the meltdown


    I'm sorry but this thinking is tantamount to ordering a diet coke with a super sized big mac.



    Me too, which is why I said the sentiment should be "If Rex/Whaley don't want to spend significant resources on bringing in an additional QB for next year, they should be relieved of their duties".


    Agreed. But you can only go with what's available. Fortunately for Buffalo, it can't get much worse at quarterback. It really can't. The only thing worse than TT is a guy whose production is as low and a guy who turns the ball over.


    But if turnovers are the trade off for throwing the ball in rhythm, having pocket presence, letting your receivers make a play and forcing opposing defenses to respect the passing game just a little bit, it's a net gain for the Bills.


    I disagree with this because I think Tyrod's running ability opens up the run game. If you put someone back there that can't run and can't pass (say, FA QB Mark Sanchez), the O scheme falters.


    I'm okay with Rex / Whaley basically wanting to do 1 of 2 scenarios:


    1.) Don't pick up Tyrod's option, make sure you draft a round 1 QB to be the starter (even if you have to trade up to get him).

    2.) Pick up Tyrod's option, add a decently high QB (say, round 2-3) for competition, and have an open contest in training camp between the 3 QBs. This would be reliant on Cardale showing progressing in practices (hard for us to see).


    Tyrod's option just doesn't cost that much $$$ for a QB in today's NFL and rookie salaries are nothing. They can afford to pick it up and give themselves options. The one thing they can't do is not address the QB position by failing to bring another option.


    In my opinion the sentiment should be "If Rex/Whaley don't want to spend significant resources on bringing in an additional QB for next year, they should be relieved of their duties".

    Tyrod's running ability most certainly bolsters the rush attach.


    Know what else would? A competent passing game.


    I'll happily swap the two.


    Hell, some people don't believe this offense is fine when it's one of the better scoring D's in the league.


    Shady is having a great year.


    But while Shady makes moves that nobody else can make.........many of those remarkable runs occur after poor initial choices force him to do remarkable COD's to get out of them.


    Meanwhile, anyone who can't see that Gillislee likewise makes plays that Shady simply doesn't at this point is blind.


    Case in point......first drive.......Shady misses a gaping hole at the goal line and Bills have to settle for field goal.


    MG goes on to score 2 TD's.


    Shady has been much more disciplined this year than last but MG has had a better eye for daylight and more discipline as a runner from day one that he played here and there is usually a lot of it in this offense.


    But this thread isn't to argue about whether a min wage RB with normal RB skills is as good as a $10M+ out-of-box type RB just because their numbers are similar. They are both having excellent years.


    You are fast becoming the last defender of Rex and his scheme. It simply ain't working.

    May be you can link to a single post of me defending Rex's scheme. Just one.

  19. My two cents: I'm done with Tyrod.


    Talk about the Defense all you want, but stringing all those 2nd half 3-and-outs together killed us and the D. 3 yards on 4 possessions! And no time off the clock, let alone points on the board. When he does happen to see a wide open guy, he misses him by 4 feet. He has happy feet in the pocket, and never delivers the ball in rhythm of the play. Donzo. We could get this same performance from a rookie for 1/10th the cost.



    Agreed...It was obvious...They got gashed a couple times on run plays too when I saw 2...yes 2 guys on the D-Line with their hands on the ground...


    Sometimes simple is better...Especially if you stick to what you're good at...After every single game the Bills D gets gashed I hear Rex say the same damned thing..."We tried everything, and nothing stopped them..." Well Rex...Maybe that's the whole problem...You're out there throwing crap against the wall to see if anything sticks...You're a genius in your own mind...but it's not freaking working...We saw it last year...It's the same damn thing...


    Maybe Rex should try to bring more pressure knowing they're giving up huge yardage when they rush 3 or 4 anyway?...I don't know...But I know for certain this Defensive scheme sucks...It's terrible...Maybe most Offenses have simply caught on...And Rex has no answers... B-)

    May be we should get some DBs that belong in the NFL

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