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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Time for ole whales to hit the bricks then. Pegula is getting boned on his return


    Why? May be some details on what this spending has prohibited them from doing. And please be specific.


    New England is in the bottom five for spenders. This shows that regardless of the spend, it is the coaches and the system that create a winning culture. We could spend twice as much and Rex would screw it up. He's a below .500 coach and needs to be cut along with the rest of the front office.


    If we are going to spend $75m more than the Patriots, let's at least spend it on proper coaches, conditioning and training.


    No. This shows that New England has the GOAT QB to build a roster around.



    Are you saying what you think will happen or what you think should happen?


    If you're saying what you think should happen I disagree to some extent on:


    EJ....I realize I'm one of the few

    Woods...if his price is reasonable I keep him

    Goodwin...similar but I get it

    Hunter has shown a little something

    Schmidt I can take or leave

    I think we should keep Alexander....I'm guessing you think it is a $$$$ thing but I don't think the market will be huge.

    Similar for Z Brown

    I'd like to keep Gilmore


    No issues with the rest and not real stuck to my opinion on anyone except maybe Woods and maybe Z Brown



    If you're saying what you think will happen I would disagree on:

    I think they may try to keep Gragg...a hunch

    I think they'll make a play for at least Z Brown or Alexander....prob not both

    Rex will keep IK because he is Rex

    At least one of those crap safeties will stay


    It's based on what I think will happen.

  3. You front office apologists are hysterical. It's not even so much about the money, it's more about the FO repeatedly getting duped like some rube at a carnival.


    You want to know a better option? Find the list of currently available WR's. Now circle every name on that list. Yes, every player on that list could have posted 2 rec 6 yds before going on IR. We could have put a helmet on Sanjay Lal aand achieved that production.

    Living life in the rear view.




    But he had the lead with the ball in his hands to control the game. If he can't "manage" a big lead what can the defense give him?


    Exactly. Let's introduce the phrase "Tyrod can manage the game" to an open window somewhere, shall we?


    After yesterday, after Cincy, after Miami and Baltimore, what more evidence do you need?




    That's the issue. Cousins won't be a FA. Outside of him, anyone that's available is a steaming pile of **** that can't pass or run. At least Tyrod can run. There's zero other options right now than to draft a QB high and either give him full control of the O or pick up Tyrod's option and have them compete against each other. It's ugly.


    Case Keenum and Brian Hoyer could both run a more effective passing attack than Tyrod. And neither of them would compromise our rushing attack severely enough to offset the dimension they can add throwing the ball.



    11 guys play defense at any given point although we've certainly tried 12 a bunch of times only to cost us 5 yards.


    How many of these 11 need to be first round talent before Rex's scheme can no longer be excused? I'll go with 22 in case people get hurt. :doh:


    First round? I'd settle for 7th round from our safeties, at this point.

  7. Tyrod and gang failed for a half a game, pretty spectacularly.

    The defense failed for most of the game. Wasted talent

    Special Teams cost us dearly.

    Coaching could be characterized as inconsistent and hungry.

    General managing did nothing but chew tobacco.

    Front Office is figuring out a way to put more PCP in the Tim Hortons hot chocolate.

    Ownership did nothing but grumble and count their money.


    There is plenty of blame to spread around. Youze are all right. Who the flunk cares, seasons just about over and we can play this charade next year.


    Until then, i suggest you all root against the Patriots* and call it a win when they fail. Good day sirs/madams.


    P.S. - Roger Goodell can rot in a pit of feces.




    1. I'm just predicting the results,


    2. Which part of our defense will you call pathetic next year? Last year it was Mario, so we drafted 3 front 7 superstars....this year it is the secondary. At any point do you wonder about a scheme that hasn't worked in almost a decade? We have injuries with Williams and Darby gone for sure but Gilmore has talent. There is no denying that he does. Ryan friggin Fitzpatrick beat us like a drum because the scheme made it easy. It might happen a lot with Carr but it does not happen a lot for Fitz. Up next Ben. Do you think he'll be able to decipher Rex's master plan right away or will it take until the middle of the first quarter.


    Rex has to give up control of the defense to a completely outside brand new DC or things will never work. I really do think Rex might be a decent HC if he can be hands off. Of course we'll have to re-tool because players like Ragland, who Rex sees as Dick Butkus, do not fit in the NFL any more. Don't get me wrong, from seeing Ragland play in college he looked like a potential HOFer. If he played when Butkus played.


    I harped on safety play all last year too. And I've been repeatedly said that we should have done more (what I'm not sure) to improve the position this past offseason.



    In the first half the offense was ok. They should have put up more points, but they moved the ball on multiple drives. The defense by contrast was lucky. There is no denying that. There were dropped balls and penalties and various drive stalkers that the Raiders self inflicted. The defense played poorly almost all day. They could have given up 50+ very easily.


    If you go back to your heat map for the defense and it measures at a temperature anything different than a tire fire, then your model is screwed up.


    Haha, model is based on the metrics you just called reasonable.

    I agree the offense was abysmal and didn't help the defense one bit after they went up 24-9.


    The defense was also abysmal in that Carr was pretty much playing pitch and catch. Easy as it gets.


    I think the scheme and coaching is a big part of that problem.


    Carr did to our pathetic secondary what he's been doing to secondaries of all stripes, all season. This is not a defense of the scheme, so do not take it as such. It's an acknowledgement that good players some times play good games. Carr's been doing a lot of that this year. And the performance from our secondary was consistent with the poor play we've come to expect. Some of that might be scheme. But you can't deny the utter lack of talent back there.




    Agreed...There is a combination of smart moves that could easily thrust the Bills into real contention...


    There is talent and plenty to build around...They basically get an extra 2nd Round pick next year if Ragland comes back healthy....


    Not saying the Bills will actually make the proper/smart moves...That's not a prediction I'm willing to make anymore...But it starts with moving on at QB...And IMHO a new Coaching staff... B-)


    I'd rather see this coaching staff falter with adequate QB play before blowing the whole thing up again.

  11. I think he's here to stay as well. It seems pretty obvious that executives of his ilk dig their talons in to stick around. Promoting him to President of Sabres + Amerks pretty much solidifies that he's not going anywhere. I don't think it's a useless discussion though. Russ is the smoking gun, tower 7, and area 51. He's our moon landing.


    Well said.

  12. As much as I would have rallied around this in the past, what's done is done. They hedged their bets on Taylor. It's time to move on.


    EJ may have had more upside, but it would never come to be with this organization. I'm not even sure at this point what would happen if we had drafted Carr. Would we suddenly have this great emerging star or would he turn out more like his brother?


    EJ doesn't read the field well. But TT is actually worse. The problem is, while EJ isn't averse to making certain throws (I can think of like four or five throws that simply don't exist when TT has the ball), and while he will make some of them and hold defenses accountable better than TT can, he also just sails passes and turns the ball over way too often. He's not so much better at TT at seeing the field and hitting guys up the seam (for example) that we could manage all the turnovers that opponents simply aren't getting right now.


    I don't know. May be spending the last two seasons on the bench changed some things for EJ. His performances last year didn't indicate so, but perhaps he's gotten better since? Probably not.

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