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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat


    Their family situations have dictated them staying local and therefore upward mobility is not really an issue...........so........wrong again.


    As for talent, Graham used to be right where Dunne is now.


    Guys like Graham and Mike Schopp have dabbled with ESPN work but I think they realize that the risk of becoming a media nomad isn't worth the reward when you have steady work at home.


    Don't want to end up like Jim Brinson with 20 jobs in 20 different towns in 30 years of broadcasting.


    Wrong, huh? Okay. Says you. Not going to bother arguing with you about this.



    Delusional take. You haven't seen the daily broil of a large market newspaper when the home team is losing.


    As for buying the paper.......the Tribune Company did that many, many, many years ago with the Cubs. That didn't work out so well for the home fans. A little pressure to perform isn't actually a bad thing.


    And btw, Tyler Dunne was just passing thru.


    That's not objectivity, that's avoiding the negative while trying to reach a certain job level.


    Writers like Sully and Tim are set in their jobs so they can call it like they see it.


    ...and because they're not as talented as Tyler.

    The next media professional who willfully declines upward mobility would be the first.

  3. Who cares what the media says, seriously? Watch games, find facts, draw your own conclusions. This constant need to have your "beliefs" validated or invalidated by people who no more knowledge than the average football is pathetic. The day i wake up and say to myself, "Jeez, I better see what Vic Carucci says so I can make up my mind" is the day I hope someone drags me behind the woodshed and puts me out of my delusional misery.


    In their defense, they have access and contacts which--if they're doing their jobs right--actually do provide significantly more "knowledge" as to what's going on than any of us can claim.


    That said, listening to Vic on his latest podcast bash his own report about the Pegula ultimatum, acknowledge that he was bashing his own report, then make a point to declare that he still stands by his report...now that was something special.


    To imply that they're building a narrative, however, that's giving them far too much credit. They're too busy to be anything but reactionary. That's why reports like these are, in fact, a useful barometer of what's happening during the non-Sunday-football hours.

    They're reporting what they see/hear/feel. The accuracy of it or the reliability of their analysis can be questioned, of course. But it's what they're experiencing. Can't help but feel like there's a bit too much hit miss and by golly going on right now at some level of the organization.

  4. The 2014 team went 3 and out 2% less of the time than the 2015 team and 2% more of the time so far than the 2016 team.


    Those differences are nowhere near sufficient to even begin to explain the difference in defensive performances.


    I have never disagreed with you that bad offenses hurt defenses. It is just the 2014 team had to overcome that plenty too... and they DID generally overcome. The 2015 defense didn't and nor has this years.


    You want things that are demonstrable.... there you go.


    Again...you're not pointing to a single measurement of three and outs in bunches. That's the key difference.

  5. The Arizona Cardinals have an almost identical 3rd down % as us on offense and they have the #2 defense.


    The Los Angeles Rams have a substantially worse 3rd down % than us and their defense is better than ours both in yards and pts/game.


    At what point does this excuse just become an excuse. Its a factor, certainly, but not an overwhelming one.


    Because--AGAIN--it matters less how many you have and is much more of a factor when you string them together. What about this is confusing?

    The Bills went 3 and out in strings plenty of times in 2014.


    If only somebody linked to a break down.

    Did you ever compare the number of consecutive 3 and outs of 2014 compared with 2015?


    If only there was a link to that.

  6. The point here is the 2014 offense went 3 and out all the time as well. That isn't something new that Rex has dealt with.


    Firstly, it didn't go three and out with the same frequency, that's measurably false.


    Secondly, as it pertains to moi, I have only brought up three and outs because the TT offense strings them together. Two teams can go three and out four times in a game. The team that does it once a quarter does its defense way less harm than the team that does it four times in a row, which is what TT does and what I have been saying for more than a year now.

    In fact, we've been over this before. You and me. In great detail: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/189691-bills-defense-average-after-all-the-changes-corrected/?view=findpost&p=4111994


    Bottom line here is that Schwartz's defense beat some great QB's and did it with almost no run game,and he did it with McKelvin at CB! Which is something that Ryan's defense can't win without having a strong, effective run game. Ryan's defense also hasn't beaten a QB with a winning record in two years in Buffalo, save Brian Hoyer. Ryan's defense has yet to win a game this year against a QB with a winning record.


    What does this have to do with anything that's been discussed today?


    And also are you meaning to suggest that an offense that can move and control the ball has a positive effect on the defense? Hmmm...

    How come McKelvin sucks this year under Schwartz?


    It was 20th the year before if you are going ppg which I think you are cos in ypg it was 10th. The arrow was pointing up under Pettine without doubt. It pointed down early on with Rex and has pretty close to flat lined ever since. You can blame it on injuries or the loss of talent if you like but I challenge anyone to look at the all 22 week in week out and say this defense has looked consistently well coached. It has in stretches and has played well in stretches but the upturned palms and checking for rain have been back in earnest in recent weeks.


    People want to act on Schwartz like his Philly D has fallen apart - it hasn't. It has not been as dominant as early in the season but it is ahead of Buffalo in every one of my tracking stats other than sacks. And just remind yourself where that D was last year.


    If Rex Ryan is back next year then he should be back with a new coordinator. Thurman and Rob both need to go.


    10th in total yards under Pettine, yes. But again: 20th in scoring and 10 losses that season due in no small measure to being ranked 28th in rushing yards allowed. So, arrow up...MAY BE.


    That said, last night I was wondering about a Pettine/Rex reunion with Thurman out the door. Seems like Rex's defenses have taken a dip since Pettine was removed from the equation.


    No chance he fires his bro.

  9. It means what it means.


    Well, then define "consistent." You mean "consistently losing about half of their games?"


    Yes, that is true.


    In fact, it's insane that they've been able to maintain that level of consistency for the entirety of the drought, never once getting enough lucky bounces to eek out a playoff berth (Chiefs) or on the flip side, getting just enough lucky bounces to lose 5-10 draft spots by winning 6-8 games in stead of 3-5.

  10. I feel like this got missed...or willfully ignored...


    An awful lot of misinformation could easily be corrected if folks just read what the organization has said, consistently, about everyone's roles.



    Also, in case anyone wants to continue to debate his role in personnel:




    Now feel free to carry on with the scapegoating, because only the truth-seekers can tell that this team's failures cannot possibly be as simple as "get a QB".


    it should also be noted that it's utterly baffling that fans have convinced themselves that the duties and objectives of an organization's PRESIDENT should be completely removed in every way from operations. :huh:

  11. Fair enough.


    In my opinion, Rex and the scheme are a big part of the problem.


    And if the "problem" is being a defense that will probably finish somewhere 9-15 this year, then I don't disagree. I think we just differ on how big of a "problem" that is. And yeah, may be he shouldn't have promised a 1 defense, but get over it, ladies. Sometimes Rex says some **** into a microphone. Welcome to Earth.


    If the "problem" is that we finished 4 two years ago (having finished 22 and 26 the two years prior), then I don't know what to tell you. If that was your expectation, I think I've exhausted all avenues for explaining why that expectation is/was/will forever be faulty.


    This defense needs playmakers on the back end, period. Eric Berry has single-handedly won what? three games for the Chiefs so far this year? In this league, they change the complexion and the outcome of contests and we have none. This is not an excuse, it's an observation, and no one here can deny it.

  12. The Bills defense was successful in 2014 because it played fast, physical and kicked the **** out of the opposing QB. A simple, wide nine attack. It worked great.


    AW is an above average safety. Not an all pro.


    Are you suggesting they were a top 5 defense in 2014 largely because AW stayed healthy? I'd strongly disagree.


    I don't think hiring a coach every 36 months is a good idea either, but when you hire a dud to begin with well then your just spinning your wheels.


    As we've been over a million times now, the 2014 stayed freakishly healthy. It was talked about even before the 2015 season. Analysts from PFF (I think? May be Football Outsiders) were on the John Murphy show in the off season before 2015 saying that their data showed regardless of who the coach was (by then we knew it was Rex), the defense should have been expected to slide because the 2014 injury rate (or lack there of) was both unprecedented and completely unsustainable.


    Having said that, there's no denying how dominant they were, and especially how punishing they were. I think we went on like a seven week streak wherein we injured opposing team's quarterbacks.


    No doubt that was due in large part to Jim Schwartz being one hell of a defensive coach and running a scheme that was tailor made for personnel that is mostly talented up front. There's no denying any of this. But you also can't deny that the success of his scheme benefitted tremendously by all (literally all) those key pieces staying healthy.


    Now, to the detriment of this conversation, and of just about any conversation about professional football in general, we have a very very small sample size from which to draw conclusions. In 2014, the worst game the defense played (by far) was at home against New England. That was the only game AW missed that season.


    Flash forward to 2015-16 in a system which is much more dependent on the back-end of the defense, and by the looks of this year alone, AW's absence has had a severe impact on the defense efficacy. Is there really anyone who's denying this?


    It sucks because he should probably hang it up for good after this season, and that will leave us with a giant hole in the secondary in the form of BOTH safety positions, but that's another topic for another day.


    But to say that the Bills defense, under Jim Schwartz, Rex Ryan, Wade Phillips or anybody else was destined to repeat the performance of 2014 is utter nonsense. It simply wasn't. They have regressed. Because of injuries? Surely. Because of scheme? Probably. Because they've played better QB's? Perhaps.


    The Rex Sux crowd likes to sneer and ask how many first rounders does his defense need? How many playmakers does Pete Carrol's defense need? Who is our Richard Sherman? Earl Thomas? Cam Chancellor? Michael Bennet? Bobby Wagner? Then, on the flipside, how many playmakers did Schwartz get? Answer: more than Rex. His stayed in the lineup the entire time.


    I don't know what the solution is moving forward, but this incessant pining for 2014 manages to grow more pointless as the weeks go on.


    On a side but tangential note: anybody else notice that the Schwartz's Philly defense and their rookie quarterback both hit a skid around the same time?? Hmmm...

  13. Schwartz' system is much less predicated on safety play and "QBing" back there. That's undeniable. So the injuries would've affected us less.


    That's twice now, based solely on your gut, a whim and a finger in the air that you've downplayed AW's presence under any coach in any scheme.


    Unfortunately, any/all actual evidence would suggest otherwise.


    But whatever, let's keep pretending there was some kind of pre-Rex legacy that he demolished on defense, that the 2014 defense wasn't a fluke in hindsight, let's ignore the fact that we haven't had a back end play maker since Byrd's rookie year, and let's keep demanding new coaches every 36 months. It's worked great so far.

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