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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Don Shula re-invented himself when they were lucky enough to draft Dan Marino.


    No coach (Rex or whoever) is going to be able to re-invent himself or rely on the passing game unless and until we get a very good QB. Unfortunately, they are fewer and farther between in the NFL and are not being developed as such in college.


    It is sad to say because I like TT as a person very much, but I never thought that I would miss Kyle Orton. Ugh.


    Marino? ****. I would have settled for Chad Pennington. Since 2014, all this team has needed is a top 18 QB. That we've been unable fulfill that ask...I need a drink.

  2. I believe we were the last 2 Jauron supporters on the planet. But in terms of the talent on the roster, Jauron did a much better job of getting production out of his than Rex did with his. It's a sad situation.


    I believe history has been kind to our takes. It was patently clear that we were playing NFL football with guys who might have struggled to start in the CFL--though JP Losman did lead the Las Vegas Locomotives to the first ever UFL Championship. Jauron got a bum rap. He really did.


    Stop being positive, not allowed under the TOS I think. :D


    If I'm going down in violation of the TOS, I'm want nothing but rainbows and sunshine shooting from my ass.

  3. Rex didn't reinvent himself. Great coaches consistently do that.


    By not doing that it cost him his job with the Jets and soon with the Bills.


    Bolded for clarity. It was always him that needed re-inventing, not his style of football. You can win playing the way he wants to play. But I believe that as a person/leader/head coach, he's lacking the kind of organization/focus needed to get that horse power to the rear tires. Something's missing, but it's not tactical.

  4. Good post and I respect your take on the situation. I wanted to love Rex but it just never got better.


    I also like it as a Bills fan that the bar should be set higher. We aren't a poor little city that is trying to keep its team. We have owners with a ton of money who want to win. There are more blue chip players than we have had since 2002. The bar should be high.


    I go back to the Jauron days. Earlier somebody reposted a column after the 2009 6-3 loss to the Browns. Thinking back on those rosters...Jesus.


    We are lightyears from having rosters as woeful as those. I think the bar is very much higher--as evident by being on the doorstep of three consecutive non-losing seasons for the first time since the drought began, and still being pissed and displeased with what happens on Sundays. Baby steps, to be sure. Just think back to 2006-11 and realize how far we've come. We're not that far off.

  5. Good post and I generally agree. I would have a lot more patience for Rex if he was a first time coach. But the overwhelming evidence is he got lucky his first two seasons and has been a below average coach since. The definition of replacement level. It's time for a fresh voice.


    Agreed. My biggest fear with Rex since the day they hired him was his tendency for feast or famine. Never struck me as a details guy, the exact opposite of Doug Micro-Managing-Hardass Marrone.


    Well, we've seen the feasts and we've seen the famines over the last 29 games, and the inconsistency has not been in favor of our winning percentage.


    The insane part is: there is an enormous likelihood that he'll be the first Bills coach to not have a losing record since Wade. And there's still a snowball's chance he breaks the drought this year. :wacko:

  6. I truly don't think anything has been decided. I do think there is certainly a much higher chance he's fired than there was before the season. I think they preferred to give him at least 3 years, but he's making it really hard for them to do that. I don't think they will decide his fate until the season is over though, or very close to it.


    These same reporters have been saying Chuck Pagano is going to get fired for years and he's still around. I think Schefter is a legit source for sure, but don't think this means it's a "done deal." Yet.


    Schefter is the legit source. But his language here is curbed enough to sound like he's just piggy backing on Sunday's hack job from Jason Never-La-Confirms-His-Sources.

  7. Fifth?


    Prove it and show me the heat map.


    That you've brought me up at all is weird. That you've done it several times--trying to worm away from it on a technicality won't dispel this truth--is sad. It truly is.


    I think it speaks to your general character that you puff yourself up as some kind of anonymous tough guy when presented with the opportunity to rub somebody's face in disappointment, to gloat about being a deterrent to somebody's enjoyment of something, no matter how trivial. It truly is a baffling use of your finite time on this planet. It's petty, and it's small and it's bizarre. Is it really hard to understand that someone would rather just not associate with people like you on a message board?


    Make no mistake, you're not alone. In the past couple weeks I've seen tomes written about why everyone's wrong about our standout RB. Can't understand why people move away from this board from time to time? Can't grasp how things here become loathsome and pointless when tiny, rotten people like you have their way at the expense of other people's happiness?


    No, of course not. You'd rather mock efforts people make to contribute to this board in a positive way. Hell of a way to go through life.

  8. Offense was ****ty?


    Tyrod is a below average passer. The run game is the best in the league. They are in the top half of the league in points scored.


    The blueprint was ground and pound and very good defense. The first part worked, the second part not so much.


    This is fundamentally false. And it's been explained many many times. You just refuse to understand it.


    The "ground" part of "ground and pound" involves sustaining drives and bludgeoning the defense over and over and over and over.


    You honestly think that's how the offense has operated the last two years?

  9. The pettiness, disorganization and chaos of the Buffalo Bills rivaled only by the media who covers them.


    Can't wrestle with the pigs without rolling through the mud.

    It was insinuated here last week that the local media is content to stay in Buffalo rather than chase better jobs elsewhere.




    Because the most esteemed publications on the planet are knocking down doors to get at these intrepid crackpots.



    Why just the next 3 games? Don't the last 2 count? How did they rally for the last 2? They didn't. They sucked. They had a commanding lead in Oakland and proceeded to quit. Then they came back to Buffalo to play an AFC team in a must win situation and showed up lame right from the start.



    You don't know that and to assume it is asinine. For all you know they could have taken another step forward and played even better. You're just making things up.

    Was it asinine to assume that Rex couldn't succeed with Carrol's players?


    One of whom gets injured answering the phone...



    It wouldn't matter if we had a real QB.

    Damn shame we don't.

    You should know better than to amplify the situation with facts when the townspeople are out in force with their pitchforks. Only blood will calm the beast now.

    It's a shame, too. There are legit critiques of this team and its coach and the FO. But they get lost in the sea of EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY SUCKS NOW AND FOREVER. It's a boy who cried wolf scenario and it's getting old, mostly because when you're a Bills fan and 100% negative, you're right 75% of the time, regardless of whether you're a pain in everyone's ass.

  12. Here's a hypothetical:


    The Seahawks have playmakers all over their defense--Sherman, Bennet, Wagner, Chancellor, Thomas.


    We haven't had a single playmaker on defense since Rex took over.


    If Pete and Rex switched rosters, do folks here honestly believe that the players mentioned above would slip into obscurity under Rex and that under Pete, equivalents to Sherman, Bennet, Wagner, Chancellor and Thomas would emerge?


    I have my doubts.


    I acknowledge that the right coach shouldn't have to have all-stars at every level of his defense. It just so happens that the best defenses typically do.




    Let me remind you what you said:


    The next media professional who willfully declines upward mobility would be the first.


    So tell me again how you are right when members of the media not only stay here, but have even moved back here to be with family for perceived lesser jobs? :lol:


    Nothing to tell you. You're right. About everything. You even post the sarcastic laughy emojis to prove it. We all bow at your worldly knowledge and yearn for the right to be educated by an individual of your esteem.


    Media people move all the time for better opportunities. That is the way it works . Do really think anyone is banging on their door.

    Watch Joe b he will be gone in three years.


    No, no, he's totally right about this one. My career working in/with/against/for/on behalf of/in spite of the media, and all the relationships I have and all the things I've come to understand about the industry/the individuals who work in it/why they work in it, all those things are/were wrong. He's shown me this. I have a lot to reconsider.

  15. Who are you kidding, we all know you read it and had nothing to say.


    Right, because if there's one thing I've proven time and time again it's that sometimes I don't have anything to say.


    Trust me, you'll know when I'm kidding. Or not. In your case, probably not.


    Is this a supposed to be a visual euphemism for a form of Japanese group sexual deviance? ...cuz, it kinda looks like it's supposed to.


    I believe that's what the common meme is meant to imply, yes. I balk at your use of "deviance," however.


    Yes wrong, again.


    You made an obviously dumb, blanket statement claiming that members of the media would never turn down a perceived promotion.


    You don't have to be an expert on Buffalo media members to know that many of them are here specifically because they have family here.


    Howard Simon married a local woman and has kids here the same as Sullivan. Graham came back to be near his family, which needed him here.


    Talk about someone who is obviously wrong and can't admit it.


    But thanks for not arguing about how wrong you are? :doh::lol:


    Sure thing. Whatever you say. You've definitely convinced me that I was wrong. Your time spent typing that was not at all wasted.

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