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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. I think our best option to win now is to trade for Sam Bradford. He looked pretty good until the Oline there got completely destroyed and he has, historically, been one of the most accurate passers in the league. Additionally, I do not think that he would come at an enormous cost as some other options may. I just hate how weird his eyes are. Would they take a 4th for him? If so, it's a no brainer to me.


    I don't think any of our QBs have it. Cardale never did anything to ever impress me at Ohio State. His accuracy has been and remains a huge issue. TT I would be OK with keeping on the roster at a much lower, negotiated rate. I would also be fine with keeping EJ at backup money. I believe both of them are a better backup option than Cardale, but neither is going to get us the top prize.


    I would also welcome the drafting of a QB. Didn't really pay too much attention to Trubisky or Mahomes yet, but I know with certainty that I want nothing to do with Kizer. Watson is still very intriguing to me and I think Kelly has some real Favre in his game with his play making ability, fiery attitude, and on-field leadership capabilities. I would welcome him as a 3rd round pick.


    Bradford made the ballot for a reason...

  2. I don't think Cincy let McCarron walk. They may be ready to move on from Red Rifle

    Don't forget Woods in the slot. Hunter would probably be a BIGGER factor too. Makes you wanna drool


    Been saying since July 2015: all this team needs is a top 18 QB to be a contender.


    I generally agree with you but he does throw INTs at bad times. But you're probably right.


    Would you trade a 1st for him?


    First? Hell no. Second? In a heartbeat.


    He can't walk yet anyway, they'd need to trade for him. I don't disagree though, their price may simply be too steep for us.


    I don't see Dalton going anywhere. But I'd give this year's second and next year's third for him to be on our squad.


    McCarron is the classic case of the backup being the most popular guy in town. There is nothing special about him. Review him in the playoffs last year. If they had Dalton, they might have won a SB last year. He was on fire before he got hurt.


    See: Jones, Cardale



    Oddly there is some truth in this...


    Of course there is.

  3. It's not the players, it's the scheme. We have some very talented players on this defense. The fact of the matter is that they are poorly coached and the scheme sucks. Get rid of Rex and Rob and the D automatically gets better.


    Because our current crop of players are too talented to make a play when two of them converge on a 40 yard wounded duck? We gotta find the DC who runs the scheme who doesn't let the receiver catch it 90% of the time when this happens. I'll agree to that.


    It is good to have you aboard. I have to admit, I feel less lonely. :D



    Yes, welcome aboard.





    If Rex is back--and I'm thinking more and more that he will be (so will Whaley, Russ, Dennis Thurman and pretty much everyone whose job that a portion of the fanbase wants on a pike)--they're going to go hard after a veteran QB while scouring the draft for another guy to develop. And I think they'll keep drafting a developmental guy until the veteran's wheels fall off, or until the young guy is ready to take over, whichever comes first.


    But, the gang will return if they win out, and 2017 will be the offseason of the QB.

  5. It takes leaders that know what they are doing at MLB and S. We had neither. Our best saefty was the Ravens 5th string CB and our best MLB is a rookie that has never played a snap. I'm not going to say the scheme doesnt work because it has in the past. It's pretty clear that we can't run it though


    Folks will be predictably flippant in response to this point. They'll sarcastically say something about Rex needing 20 first rounders to run his defense. They like to pretend that dominant defenses exist in the NFL where great playmakers (regardless of where they were drafted) do not. The like to pretend that this is electronic football played in a vacuum and that all you have to do is tell your guys how to line up and the deed is done.

  6. Good article that raises genuine concerns. At this point Id give Whaley a C plus. Hes done some very good things and some not so good things. Unless he and rex cant stand each other Im bringing everyone back for one more year. That includes Tyrod. Draft a qb in he top three rounds. Bring in a back up vet. Clean house if no playoffs next year including brandon.

    Gotta love the typo police. Frustrated english majors who got blocked from the Edgar Allen Poe site for being overly argumentative. Come to TBD to put us commoners in our place.


    ...this is suspiciously specific.

  7. It's not hard to figure out. It really isn't



    All 3 report to the Pegula's. Rex works with Whaley, he doesn't work under him (which is not the way to run a front office).


    I know that. I was saying how it SHOULD be.


    I dont really want to discredit all the wins...


    But their performance against good teams... as it has been in the past.... does not indicate that this team is on the precipice of competing with the top 12, especially on the road. They feast on bad teams. Maybe one time if everything breaks their way, and they can beat, say Kansas City at home one time... they can make the playoffs and lose on the road in the first round.


    I want them to create a good, sustainable football program. Their sites need to be set higher than making the playoffs someday. Nothing here makes me believe anyone internally understands how to make sustainability happen. They should be continually trading down in the draft unless it is a QB.


    Well, apparently all you need is an email address, an easy to remember hard to figure out password and access to a message board to understand that teams are built around their QB's. I'm not sure on what authority you're making the supposition that nobody in our FO has grasped this.

    You can subtract wins from every team. I know it hurts but the Bills are stuck in the exact middle.


    Yep. We crush lesser teams. We don't have a good enough defense/QB combo to hang with the better ones.


    We'll draft anywhere from 14-19 this year, and that'll be that. Precisely who we are.


    whose fault is no QB? Is it an external factor?


    Also, the team is 0-7 vs teams .500 or greater this season. I don't see them as competitive or nearly getting over the hump. There aren't any young up and coming players who make me hopeful for the future (short or long term). Some players are getting long in the tooth, and going into next year there will be holes in CB, S, QB, WR, and LB.

    The record this season (and last) has been inflated by fortunate scheduling. By the end, 6 games will be played against the league's worst 5 or 6 teams.



    I would be on board with keeping it all together for next season.


    However, if the 'solution' is going to be fire Rex and blame all the problems and mistakes on him.... then promote Anthony Lynn to HC to see what he can do for the next 2-3 seasons.... that is a disaster


    This is what frustrates me about this all this !@#$ery:


    Who drafted EJ? Was it Whaley was it Nix? Who got Orton? HC didn't seem to like it. Where'd Tyrod come from? Oh, he's Rex's guy. Well who hired Rex? Not Whaley. And the guy before him? Definitely a Russ Brandon hire. Or was it?




    If the Pegulas wanted to maintain continuity while acknowledging the growing unrest, they'd simply realign in a way that makes sense.


    I never liked the idea of the HC and GM both reporting to the owner. That's a recipe for disaster. Or, as has been the case (or so it seems from unnamed sources), it's a green light to pitch the other guy under the bus when things don't go right.


    No, enough. Stop all of this.


    Two people report into the Pegulas: Doug Whaley and Russ Brandon. Rex Ryan (and/or any future HC) reports directly to Doug Whaley. Nobody making football decisions reports to Russ Brandon. He can sit in on meetings, he should absolutely be looped in on football operations while he manages business operations in tandem, but let's set some very clear channels and reporting structure here.


    Otherwise, it's just an annual **** storm of who hired who, who wanted who to play quarterback, who's guy belongs to who, who's seeing eye to eye with whom, all of this NONSENSE.


    You're exactly right.


    And also, the Bills have been mediocre for a long time which would pressure a GM to want to patch a hole with a free agent guy for a year while they try to make a run at the playoffs rather than waiting to draft a guy.


    I think the fact that the Bills have so many free agents on their roster (and the fact that those guys usually perform very well when brought it) is proof that Whaley does indeed have an eye for talent. He evaluates talent quite well in my opinion.


    The entire article is basically bunk based on nothing. I can't believe people think there is any real substance in that article at all. I guess you read into it what you want to read into it.


    We don't agree on much. But we're totally aligned here.


    The best part of the whole damn thing is when he unknowingly dismantles his entire analysis with this toss away line:


    "What all those teams have in common is a franchise quarterback who led them to Super Bowls."


    Yes, Tim.






    Nope, couldn't be botherer to put down his pitch fork to connect those dots.

  10. Graham makes a classic mistake here. He makes the correlation that having a higher percentage of drafted players on your team CAUSES success. In policy study circles, they'd say he is ignoring a latent variable that is driving both high draft pick roster percentage and success.


    Teams with franchise QBs have to rely primarily on draft picks because the QB eats up so much cap room. Teams without a franchise QB salary, can afford to have a higher percentage of pro personal on their rosters.Having a top QB is the reason teams have long term success. It drives roster decisions as well.


    I read an article that said successful school children tended to have more books in their home than other children. Do you suppose the books really had anything to do with it? No, these children had smart/educated parents (who tend to read more) and that's what causes their success. Just filling a room in your house with books won't make your kid a better student.


    Just having your roster filled with draft picks won't consistently get you to the playoffs. Having a Franchise QB will.



  11. We've lost seven games this year. I can only think of two (NE2/PITT) in which the defense put the offense in a bad spot.


    I can think of plenty of times when the inverse was true. So to put the rankings side by side without examining the effect of one on the other seems foolish.


    Plus, even when defenses put offenses in bad spots, the offense generally produces better stats as a result (garbage time).


    Noting these truths is very often misconstrued as a post which reads: the defense is good.

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