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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. What was the star that put them in the top half of the league?


    Through 14 games they were 13/14/15 (some combination of those three numbers, I honestly don't remember which) in points and yards.


    After Sunday's deluge, not so much.


    I was anticipating the opposite. I was obviously wrong about that.

  2. You explain yesterday's meltdown by the Pitt, New England, Seattle, 1st Miami game and a few other games. The defense is woefully bad and has seriously regressed and that (and poor in game choices and undisciplined play) is why Rex should be canned.


    As a group the entire defense is talented, but under performing. Gilmore, talented, but under achiever. Hughes, talented, but undisciplined. Dareus, talented, but unmotivated. To him, his teammate come last. Rest of the DBs and LBs not so talented and not so good.


    These inmates aren't talented/disciplined/veteran/mature enough to run the asylum. Rex hasn't figured that out.


    When they whiff at tackles all over the field and he gets in front of a mic and says he stands by his reputation, one has to wonder just what the !@#$ he's talking about.


    Whitner actually COST the team many games. He couldn't cover worth a dime and his tackling skills were highly overrated. He actually collected his entire rookie contract from the Bills. Remember, he actually held out and was paid more than 36 million from that deal.


    This is a bad video, but does it bring back ugly memories? :(



    Please don't. Please.

  3. OK, that's fine. Idk what the stats were last week.

    The point I think some are trying to make is that the defense is NOT very good. He promised to make us the number 1 defense, but ruined the number 4 D under Schwartz. Schwartz's D with this O would have us in the playoffs. We keep going round and round here.


    And that's fine. I've taken umbrage with the Wex Pwomised line, and I've contested the fact that a defense ranked in the top half of the league (which they were after 14 games) is good (not great).


    I was expecting them to finish strong and take care of business against Miami and New York. In doing so, it would have padded their stats to finish the year.


    I was wrong about that. The defense did not show up on Sunday. That was plain for everyone to see. I think you'd be wrong to blame scheme, though. There were plenty of times when players were in a position to make a play and simply did not. In no small way, that too, though, goes back to coaching.


    I've battled against the anti-Rex zealots for nearly 24 months now. Not because I support the guy, but because their stances tend to be hyperbolic and preposterous (exhibit a: having to misrepresent statistical facts to make your point).


    I'm on record in several places and in several forms of media expressing my concerns immediately following the Rex Ryan hire that he isn't a preparation coach, not a fundamentals guy, skimps on the details.


    That's why our team lacks basic fundamentals. That's why they lose games like they did on Sunday. And that's why I won't be sorry to see him go.


    Calling people out on their bull **** does not a Rex lover make. But the shrinking minority that seems to be the most full of bull **** can't seem to grasp this.



    Thank you, vp. And according to NFL.com as well, 19th in defense in yards per game. And ditto on The Football Database, 19th. Etcetera...


    Curious if this this guy is always like this? I am very longtime member but don't have the time to post a lot. Is he somehow just joking around or really that out of touch with reality? I called him out on a load of BS, inaccuracy, in his post, and then, in response, just keeps spewing out more. Pathetic.


    You were wrong.

    You exaggerated to make a point, which was needless.

    If you'd like to keep talking about me, though, that's fine. Lord knows I'm game!

  5. Defensive stats per http://www.footballdb.com/stats/teamstat.html?group=D&cat=T&sort=passypg


    Points allowed per game 15th

    Rush yards allowed per game 28th

    Pass yards allowed per game 7th

    Yards allowed per game 19th


    Defensive stats per



    DVOA defensive ranking 24th

    Defensive points per drive 23rd

    (last week, this week's numbers aren't up yet)


    Those are through 16 weeks, 15 games. Post was through 14 games, when we weren't.

  6. Last year? They were 19th in yards.

    Yep. And the post in question said quite clearly (twice) that they were 19th this year. At the time they were 13-15 (I honestly don't remember which) in points AND yards.


    It was *measurably* wrong.


    Flubbing facts to bolster a case against Rex is unnecessary and cheapens all similar arguments. Keep it clean.




    Graham has had to make nearly twice as many tackles at safety than Searcy has since he left and yet has still produced significantly more passes defensed and turnovers than Searcy.


    Rex D chews up and spits out safeties when the front 7 is not stopping the run and forcing hurried passes.....and subsequently it's main objective.........punts.


    Searcy as a significant loss is up there with the loss of Aaron Williams undoing Rex D. Apparently people forgot the Jets air raid on the Bills D in the home opener WITH AW. Just so happened AW got injured after the offensively handicapped portion of the schedule was reaching the rear view.


    I'm anticipating an announcement tomorrow morning re: the future of the Ryan Brothers in Buffalo, and I won't be sad to see them leave.


    Too much up and down, and not enough talent to weather the downs.


    Our players aren't good enough to have him as our coach.



    Dolores Searcy was your run-of-the-mill replacement level safety. He was a solid special teamer who became the 11th man on D and cherry picked behind an aggressive pass rushing front. He was easily replaceable in Schwartz D. Corey Graham is a better player........and it's not close. And he's perceived as trash in Rex D.


    Interesting speculation.

  9. Agreed,I really liked Searcy.



    Agreed Hindsight i pay Searcy and not Graham. Specially with Aarons health


    For no less than 10 months, a vocal TSW fringe insisted that the 2015 defensive personnel was identical to 2014, that coaching/scheme was the only difference. Injuries and Searcy's departure were scoffed at.





    People who think the Bills lack the defensive talent to be a good defense obviously don't watch much NFL football.


    Most good defenses have a few positions that are bandaided talent wise. The Bills under Rex have a reverse synergy on D........they are much more talented than the results they are getting.


    Then how do you explain yesterday's meltdown? Players in a position to make plays simply did not. I'll concede some level of coaching failure, but let's be serious. Players make plays.


    And prior to yesterday's meltdown, they were a good defense. Great? No. But top half makes you average, at worst.


    But to have the kind of dominant defense needed to overcome yearlong deficiencies at QB, you need better talent than what the Bills have.


    Is this guy always such a yahoo, dishonest, shmuck?


    Posts read like he is a 4th grade dropout in an asylum of some kind.


    Does he never back himself up with real facts, always lie, and always try to drag others down to his low low level?


    Shameful that someone like this can continue to post on this board.




    Is this guy always such a yahoo, dishonest, shmuck?


    Posts read like he is a 4th grade dropout in an asylum of some kind.


    Does he never back himself up with real facts, always lie, and always try to drag others down to his low low level?


    Shameful that someone like this can continue to post on this board.


    Lordy. So you misrepresent facts, get called on them, disappear, back pedal, then drift into insults? Do come back to us.

    The Bills weren't ranked 19th in anything. They. Were. Not.


    You exaggerated to prove your point. You got called on it. Where you intend to go from here I haven't the foggiest.



    Umm...NFL.com., Pro football Refererence, and, I assume, every other reliable source...


    So, that's it? That correct information was making my post "measurably false"?


    But I assume they fell a little further down in the rankings after yet another historic defensive collapse.


    Hopefully yesterday's defensive debacle erased any doubt by you, by all, at what needs to be done.


    Just like the #19, a huge decline from their 4th place ranking when ryan arrived, the evidence, the measurable facts, are overwhelming. It is right in front of our eyes, the reality.

    You were completely wrong. Spare us the back pedal.


    Huh? We don't make it they are already in FG range practically...right move with over 4 min on the clock was to punt it.


    I agree. The assumption being you're going to put 11 guys on the field and NOT give up a 57 yard run the next play from scrimmage.


    Probably shouldn't have assumed that, in hind sight.


    This !@#$ing team.

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