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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat



    He was the first pick in the MOST RECENT draft! :lol:


    Do this.......next time you think you have something intelligent to offer.......kick it around with "What a Tuel" first.

    Wow, you really will just dig into an idea, no matter how detached from reality.
  2. Access to be a pr mouthpiece? They provided nothing substantial, all damage control. They know jw and sal will simply report what they are told at face value


    unlike all the "sources from within" that TBN regularly land, it's the team's owner who can't be trusted when dealing--without anonymity--one on one with the press.


    it's going to be a long offseason with this level of crazy bfore the WC round.

  3. Well at least you've addressed a point I've actually made. Good start.


    These guys aren't deaf and blind. If they only hear negative things about Buffalo for years and years on end, about its dysfunction, losing culture etc etc, I can't imagine they'd be too excited to come here. It's human nature.


    I'm not saying it's end all be all, but I think it's ridiculous to say if the choice is between a better run organization and this one all other things being equal, that's not gonna make a difference.






    Yeah, that's what I figured.


    hey, whatever helps you guys stay pissed at a football team you've elected to follow. please don't let me ruin that for you. go to bed and hug your wives, if applicable.



    By all means explain to us why those situations are "MUCH worse" than Buffalo.




    That's what I thought. :lol:


    i know a waste of time when i see one, and in this case i'm staring at a loudmouth on the internet demanding someone refute his claim that jared goff is "highly regarded young qb"


    LA...Highly regarded young QB...younger roster....moving into super stadium.....premium media market/attractive player destination and decent place to live.

    Elite QB with a few seasons left....roster that could contend right away......great place to live be it SD or LA.

    High drafting team in rebuild with new stadium.......low immediate expectations......storied history without ingrained losing culture.....possibly premier living/player destination in US.


    Bills.....older team.....system QB....DEEP seeded losing culture.....lame duck GM.


    But OK if you say so.


    Kirby had a link to a poll of NFL executives that agreed Buffalo is the least attractive job but if you say otherwise it must be so.


    Good stuff. It's all utter nonsense, but it's good stuff.

  6. Did Whaley cut Taylor already?


    Rudderless? How? They fired Rex and told Whaley to find a new one. Where is the lack of direction? This whole schittstorm is 100% manufactured by the Buffalo News. The national people don't know anything., They just pick up on what they are writing and echo it.


  7. Rex worked for Terry. Rex told him on that one-on-one phone call, according to reports, "If you're going to fire me, fire me now."


    Terry had probably wanted to wait until the end of the season. He probably intended to warn Russ and Doug in advance. But now that push unexpectedly came to shove, Terry honored Rex's request.


    So Whaley was not "privy" to that conversation. That conversation was unplanned and no one knew in advance where it would go.


    Here are the only facts that actually matter. Rex was fired. Even continuity guys like me can see why. Now Whaley is in charge of the new HC search. GMs typically hire HCs so putting Whaley in charge is interesting (given his past role) but nothing especially worrisome.


    I see no drama here. No sign of dysfunction. I'll pass on all the hand-wringing and Sully-esque whining.


    Or - at least - I'll wait until Whaley chooses a new HC.


    You'd think at some point the local guys would have felt shame having over and over described the simplicity above as "confusing."

  8. Looking bad.


    Players and coaches and fans still see headlines and Twitter comments.


    Looking bad? And yet half the fans came away thinking it was the media who accomplished that.


    Never mind the fact that the worst look of all--the only look that matters--was Sunday between 1 and 4 ET.


    Put "this" at the top of the non-issues of the year, an early front runner.



    Not much, it was already the least attractive job for any prospective HC.


    That's entirely false, and this nonsense is spouted every 30 months when the Bills enter into their coaching search. It's simply not true.

  9. You are correct. And, you know what? what happened today is meaningless. We didn't even get any information that is useful.


    And that's what I'm most curious to hear about--everyone saying what an abject catastrophe today was--what exactly was the consequence?

  10. "just to clarify..." over and over


    He is not going to say anything. GMs do not tell the media stuff that is going on in the organization. He has talking points. What do they think is going to be divulged?


    One of them even sounded like he never read Pegula's statement that was released on the Rex firing.



    Once again, our intrepid "reporters" show up to a scrum and are flabbergasted when a scoop doesn't fall into their fat bitter laps.

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