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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Dont see the appeal of McDermott.


    That's all. But I think Whaley should be on a two year leash and a prove it now type of arrangement with Lynn as HC and Tyrod back as QB.


    I'll reserve judgement until a decision is made on the coaching staff and QB situation.


    You have a funny way of reserving judgement.

  2. The fact that they are not interviewing Kyle Shanahan tells you all you need to know about this joke of a coaching search. I don't care if he didn't impress in his interview from a couple years ago or if the Bills brass doesn't like his personality. Belichick and Saban don't seem like the friendliest people but they are great football coaches.


    Kyle Shanahan has had success as an offensive coordinator everywhere he has gone and what he has done with the Falcons offense this year is impressive. He is easily more qualified than any candidate we have interviewed and they guy flat out knows how to operate the offensive side of the ball with the best of them. Yet, he is not even getting an interview. It is pathetic.

    A successful OC does not a successful first time HC make.


    There is literally nothing "pathetic" about any of this.


    Surly is an entertainer. He's not an analyst. Proceed as if. Don't like his show? Don't buy a ticket. Don't follow his thinly veiled click bait.


    We have precious little time on this earth, why do anything to compel people whose PURPOSE is to be negative?


    I've never read a single one of his columns. Never will.


    !@#$ THAT

    The fact that they are not interviewing Kyle Shanahan tells you all you need to know about this joke of a coaching search. I don't care if he didn't impress in his interview from a couple years ago or if the Bills brass doesn't like his personality. Belichick and Saban don't seem like the friendliest people but they are great football coaches.


    Kyle Shanahan has had success as an offensive coordinator everywhere he has gone and what he has done with the Falcons offense this year is impressive. He is easily more qualified than any candidate we have interviewed and they guy flat out knows how to operate the offensive side of the ball with the best of them. Yet, he is not even getting an interview. It is pathetic.

    A successful OC does not a successful first time HC make.


    There is literally nothing "pathetic" about any of this.


    Surly is an entertainer. He's not an analyst. Proceed as if. Don't like his show? Don't buy a ticket. Don't follow his thinly veiled click bait.


    We have precious little time on this earth, why do anything to compel people whose PURPOSE is to be negative?


    I've never read a single one of his columns. Never will.


    !@#$ THAT

  3. im pro-empowering coaches to build out their staff as desired but i think in a spot like this you warn that in your experience it might not be a smart choice and will be an important one for him to think through before making... and then hold accountable for results.


    i wouldnt be shocked if thats roughly what happened here behind the scenes with pegs.


    Yeah, I highly doubt that the prevailing sentiment here is that Pegs should have set a precedent by micromanaging assistant hires...

  4. Yes, and QB's no matter how good they are tend to consume a good portion of it. We have to let other guys go. That's just the way it works.

    Fair enough. I can understand that stance. TT leaving just concerns me because it makes me ask a simple question. Who will be our QB next season? There is no definitive answer. That's why you don't just let him go imo.


    And it's a ****ty reason to keep a QB at $27.5M, imo. But I hear you.

  5. Good points. TT may be a bridge, but why do so many want to tear down the bridge before we know what's on the other side? You keep the bridge up until you know you never have to cross back to the other side again.


    Let me be clear: I think there's folly either way you manage TT. I won't be bummed if he leaves, I won't be bummed if he stays. I couldn't really care less.

  6. Because the Pegula's can't afford it? Let's just throw out a bum free agent or throw a rookie into the fire? I don't understand why you wouldn't keep TT while continuing the QB search. The myth of TT having a big contract makes no sense to me. He's a middle of the road QB. You have to pay QB's. Ps regarding the Texans winning a crap division. They beat two playoff teams in the Lions and the Chiefs. We beat one in the Bradyless Pats. Our defense sucked so much this season I doubt we could have won any division including the AFC south.


    There's a thing called the salary cap.

  7. Yes the Chiefs have won with special teams and defense this year. They have done so consistently for several years. That was supposed to be our blueprint under the defense minded coach Rex. As far as a rookie QB it is in fact quite possible to produce less than TT. Apparently people have forgotten Holcomb,Edwards,Fitz,Manuel,Brohm,and all the other QBs we've had who did nothing at all. TT is not a great passer and can't read a defense, but he does contribute with his legs. When you add that to the equation along with his ability to protect the ball he is an average QB. I don't think he will ever be more. It's just ridiculous to think that Kizer or Watson or some other bum like Glennon is going to make us any better next season. There is no reason to let TT go next season. There is also no reason to place all the blame for missing the playoffs on TT. Three two hundred yard rushers says everything you need to know about the team this season. It's just not as sexy to talk about how much the defense sucked when you can talk about how badly we need Joe Montana. That's why people focus solely on the QB. It's a simpler solution than looking at the big picture.


    There are 27.5 million reasons to let TT walk.

  8. For a media outlet whose "time has come", they sure do generate a lot of discussion around TSW. Maybe their demise is not as close as you'd like to believe.


    Um. The calories burnt here (at least for me) equate to precisely $0.00 of ad revenue for the links I didn't follow and $0.00 in sales for the papers I didn't buy.

  9. I didn't say that we need a top 10 WR. I just said TT needs receivers that aren't bottom of the barrel. When you go most of the season without Sammy and you are throwing to guys like Goodwin,Hardin,and Hunter that isn't helpful to any QB. In fact a top 10 defense would be helpful too. That's what Rex was supposed to bring us, and it's what we had before he tore it apart. I'm not a big TT guy. I'm just saying it's ridiculous that some people think the playoffs would be impossible with TT as QB. The Texans with Osweiler and Savage are in the playoffs along with the Chiefs who are a perfect example of a all around team with average QB play. TT gives us average QB much like Alex Smith. It's not going to win Super Bowls but it is possible to get you to the playoffs. TT is not the long term answer, and he has tons of flaws. However, we are closer to the playoffs with him than we are doing something like playing a rookie next season. We just need better all around team play.


    Okay, first, the Texans went to the playoffs by winning--by far--the worst division. Second, The Chiefs have WON GAMES because of scores on defense and special teams. Finally, I don't see how a rookie, or any other QB for that matter, could produce significantly less than Tyrod did from a passing standpoint. So this idea that bagging him means bagging the seasons is something I don't buy.


    I guess that's why he thinks the coverage is fair. :D


    It's funny to me how people think both the GM and the HC absolutely suck yet the team has basically had a .500 record the past 2 years. If both of them were horrible at their jobs there's no way the team wins half their games.


    Somebody has to have some clue what they're doing, right?


    They're Even Steven over the last THREE years...is that good? No, not at all. Is it a dumpster fire? NO. But they have a BETTER win pct. since 2014 than 14 other teams. And they're tied with two others. So what does that tell you? They're exceedingly average since 2014, since the year we know--definitively--Doug Whaley has been steering the ship. We've won 24 games in that stretch. Five teams have won 15 or fewer.


    Nobody here is satisfied with continuous mediocrity. But Jesus, let's be honest with what it is. And abject failure it is not.

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