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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Tyrod was also coached, first by Rex, and also by Roman, and then Lynn, to not turn the ball over. Mostly by Rex who strongly believed that defense, run game, no turnovers, in that order, won football games. Well we all know Rex miscalculated a lot. But the point is, his coaches totally stressed don't throw interceptions. We can win if we don't turn it over. So a lot of Tyrod's hesitation was that he didn't force throws, he wouldn't throw guys open because they were covered and he was coached not to turn the ball over. It's another reason why he ran so quickly and so much.


    If Rex and his OC's didn't stress that so much, he would have passed for a lot more yards, he would have thrown over the middle a lot more, and he would have thrown a lot more interceptions.

    You said the same thing about EJ and I called BS then just like I am now. It's a poor excuse for both of their flaws.

  2. Leo is entirely out to lunch and Sal *admits* to being the laziest journalist on the planet and doesn't even realize it. Clowns like these wouldn't last a second if they were trying to get work nowadays. They've been granted in. They're a dying breed. No shock whatsoever that guys like Dunne, Fairburn, Cover 1 Eric, ****, even Galliford do laps around these dinosaurs. Young journos today can't afford to be as apathetic as the old farts tying up the newsroom payroll. And we get better work because of it.


    It'll be good riddance when the old guard gets the !@#$ out of the way.


    He clearly meant you need two things to win, you need the players, and you need to actually win the games. I think we can all identify that part of the reason we didn't make the playoffs was because in 2014 and 2015 we failed to win games that we should have. You'd think that Bills fans would like the fact that the GM is saying "we don't only need to set ourselves up to succeed with the talent, but we need to execute and actually win too, and only then will we be a winning franchise."


    But nope, we regress to shallow potshots.



    How are they definitely not? I guarantee that they do not look at this as a roadblock to the success of the franchise, and more as an annoying distraction that they would have rather went right, but they will move past it just fine. Terry Pegula's comments reflect that, and Kim Pegula's comments support that they wish that it would have went better but they are moving past it.

    They might not view it as an impediment to success, in fact I doubt they do.


    But if you think billionaires don't care about optics and how they and their organizations are viewed publicly, you're dead wrong. They care. Deeply.


    When an organization needs to reshape the public image/message of itself when that image as been damaged, it produces such an interview where the "damaged" individual is allowed to answer predetermined questions by an organization employee in a controlled setting with no chance for going off script or failing to answer appropriately.


    This is what propaganda is. There is no chance for the public, though a free press to ask its own questions. Whaley may as well have just read a 6+ minute statement touching on the new HC, TT and the upcoming/draft/season, etc.


    When the Allies called Goebbels a propagandist, he never asked "which part was propaganda?





    So what? Just call it what is, that's all. No harm in pointing this out, and it can't be credibly denied.




    Come out Terry!!

    So you're just pointing it out? You expect any one here to believe that? That this is tantamount to you stepping outside, pointing at the sky and saying "blue?"


    Are they? Maybe he's misinformed, but Wawrow doesn't make it sound as though that's so. Kim Pegula didn't sound as though it's so.

    Yeah they're definitely not.


    Which is why it's puzzling that Berchold still has a job.


    Hey, I want to drink the Koolaid. But Leslie Frazier is a huge red flag for me. I hope you are right and he is just there to provide support and structure for an attacking D. But I also fear McDermott leaning on Dick Jauron 2.0 for advice on punting and playing not to lose.


    If only an exceptionally broad middle existed somewhere between the chasm separating "drinking the koolaid" and you...


    And "hope I'm right"..? Right about what? Nobody knows what's going to happen, we haven't been told what's going to happen, and we're light years from SEEING what will happen. I don't have an opinion yet. That's the point here. Step off the ledge.

  6. Oh.


    Looks like "Tampa 2" is the early 2017 shorthand for "I don't know **** about defense but I'm guessing this is bad so I'm going to complain about it before anything actually happens."


    See: "Wide Nine, 2014."


    Also, last time we ran what folks here have decided they hate in the "Tampa 2" we fielded a middling defense run by the likes of John DiGorgion and Angelo Crowell.


    Anyways, back to the unwarranted bitching/hand wringing.


    Pegula: "The GM, whether it be hockey, football, baseball, whatever, their job is not to win a press conference. It's to build a team and win championships. If I have a GM and people think his press conferences are a disaster every year, but we start winning, who cares? Let the media say what they want to say. I know there's a guy in New England who gets criticized a lot, but he wins. It's not all about winning the news conference."


    Sounded like Kim was the one most PO'd about Whaley's press conference:

    How do you think Doug Whaley represented the Bills at his news conference last week?

    TP: He did the best he could under some very trying circumstances. That's my answer.

    How much does it hurt a business' credibility when one of its leaders stops being believable?

    TP: It depends on who stops believing him, I guess.

    KP: It does hurt, but it's our job as owners to make sure that decisions are not made on knee-jerk opinions or partial information or one instance. You need to look at the person's body of work, and while sometimes one instance is all it takes to hurt your credibility within the organization, we're not going to jump to any decisions.


    Kinda thinking from the sound of that, that if Terry were out of the picture, Kim's knee jerk would have changed Whaley's employment state. Also kinda thinking they learned something from hiring Rex: "it's not about winning the news conference".


    Sounds like Scotty B is overdue a trip to the principal's office.


    Wait, this is a message board. Other than that we all choose to spend part of our lives hanging out here, how do you know so much about how some of us live the rest of our lives?

    Or if it's hanging out on the message board that earns your distain, well, where were you when you saw us here?



    OK, so we have a statement from Pegs. We have a statement from Kim. Do we have a statement from Whaley?


    If not, I understand why Sullivan is interpreting this as further diminishing Whaley.

    Much can be gleaned

  9. Denver is just a significantly better run and more successful organization right now. Not to mention he's from California, and went to school in Utah. I have to imagine Denver is an easier sell than telling the wife and kids to pack up, we're moving from San Deigo to Buffalo.


    They were 5-7 over their last 12 games.


    Their QB situation is just as tenuous as ours.


    Their DC was given a lot of credit for how dominant their defense was, now he's gone.


    What exactly do they have going that we don't?

  10. no reason to believe so. And if I'm McDermott I don't build around Dareus. Not until he wants to show up and do his job. I make his ass buy in

    always was. Bills fans look a gift horse in tbr mouth wrt to CBS. He has a value, though. He needs to be retained. I'd go $12mm/yr


    Woods is a priority fwiw, IMO.

    he is going to be doing stunts. He will keep Ragland clean. Its gonna come down to if Ragland is good or average when its said and done.


    Ragland having more than 3 sacks would be surprising. But he needs to have 3-4 picks and several tol's. He needs to have 90+ tackles.

    with him I hope we get that hooker out of Columbus. Everyone's mind will be blown.


    PBrown on the Weakside?


    Lorax or ZBrown on the Strongside?


    Any benefits/pitballs you foresee there?

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