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The Big Cat

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  1. the ones that have been posting to this sub forum for damn near 20 years
  2. Bro...in theory... when the nice lady at the grocery register rang me up twice for string cheese, that could also count as a step towards financial ruin.
  3. Seems like your'e the one that has some explaining to do.
  4. I get the sense you're not really looking for an explanation.
  5. Has this board turned over so much that nobody has yet mentioned Gibran Hamdan and his chroise?
  6. You're either helplessly dumb or helplessly stubborn. Either way, thanks for the brief distraction, not wasting any more of my time watching you tinfoil wing nuts jerk off to your insane conspiracy theories. Go Bills.
  7. If you thought I was going to take your bait to switch the topic away from someone picking apart your nonsense, you should have taken the hint five attempts ago. That's all for 2018. Good to see you clowns haven't moved an inch.
  8. Great so you understand now that you were unquestionably wrong to say the Russians didn't support Trump.
  9. Oh hey! Look who finally decided to get on board! Can't wait to see how you guys twist to acknowledge it was happening all along:
  10. So you acknowledge that words "we support them" in reference to Trump, but that's no indication that they supported one candidate over another. Interesting.
  11. I see. Get called out for making stuff up. Insult the person.
  12. That's fundamentally incorrect. You're plainly ignoring direct language from the indictment that is impossible to misinterpret Page 17 Section a: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4380504/The-Special-Counsel-s-Indictment-of-the-Internet.pdf
  13. No. Nobody's saying that.
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