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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Why not? I'm not basing the season on what happened in Preseason. Plus, could this team really go down without Turk... no. Only one way - UP.
  2. HAHAHAHAHA. Let me ask you something... did you trust Bush when he said something or when he tried to pass his agenda? The Van Jones thing reminds me of the Birthers, the Obama is going to take your guns people and the those people who overlooked Palin and her ties to Alaska secessionists.
  3. Just for the record... I always respected George W. Bush when he was President even though I thought he was a moron.
  4. If you play Obama's speech backwards it really says "Children of the United States... listen to me. Push Health Care and Socialism at home and I will give you cupcakes for lunch. YES, CUPCAKES FOR LUNCH EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR!! (Insert Dr. Evil laugh here)"
  5. I just don't get why people were upset in the beginning. Like Obama is going to try to manipulate the children of the country? Just the whole thought of "Oh no, he's spreading his policies and socialism to kids, ahhhhh run for cover, protect your children from our President". It's just sad that people believe that. The speech should have never had to be posted, it should be an honor, or at least a very cool thing for the kids to see the President of their country. I also don't get the lack of trust in this administration. It's not like the previous eight years was very transparent, hell we're still finding out things that were done.
  6. All parents should want their kids to hear that speech today. What could it hurt?
  7. LET'S GO BUFFALO, TIME TO BEAT THOSE DAMN PATRIOTS!! And especially on the night the prodigal son returns. Screw EM!!
  8. Build and speed wise... Jason Taylor. Let's just hope for that.
  9. As much as I wanted Turk to go... AVP scares me too.
  10. I don't get how the numbers are skewed right off the bat (3-5 makes you a realist), but fun to play along.
  11. As compared to the tar you must be drinking for everything to be so negative?
  12. Totally agree. Not to sure about Turk yet. But screw the preseason, no reason on getting down because of games that mean nothing. Screw the Pats, Screw Brady, Screw Moss, Screw Welker and most importantly Screw Bellichick! Let's get some Monday Night Football action going!!! GO BILLS!!! CRUSH THE BEEE-OTCH BRADY ON NATIONAL TV HIS FIRST "REAL" GAME BACK. DAMN I AM PUMPED!!
  13. He was extremely quick into the back field. Which is nice. Stopping the run is one thing, however putting constant pressure on the QB because of speed - that is truly something this teams needs.
  14. I think that is the biggest question.. not will he throw it - but will he have the time? The Pats secondary may not be as good as everyone thinks but their DL is.
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