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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I was asked to watch the game with some other fans. First thing they said was, might as well watch them even though their going to get blown out. See that's crap I am sick of. Even after they lost by fumble... those fans said the right thing. "They screwed up in the end, but damn they looked good. Much better than I expected and I am driving to Buffalo for the opener now". 6 - 7 hour drive... that is a real fan. No worries though, I'll welcome all of you bandwagon jumpers back when they win next week.
  2. No real fans actually cheer the team on. Not come on the board every day stating how the team sucks. And no, this real fan does not like seeing the team lose. However, I can at least see that this team, granted it was the first game looked damn good until that last 5 minutes. MUCH better than last year. Much better than anyone expected. As fans, you should cheer that on and get ready for the next game. People B word and moan about the team when they make changes in coaching or whatever, saying that it puts us further back. Then those same people want change. They got rid of the main problem... Turk. Right of the bat the offense played great. And for those who complain about Edwards not throwing it down field... did Brady? No. Most of his passes went or about 10 yards.
  3. Dear god - Most of you "fans" are pathetic. Just face it the Bills played a good game last night. Going into it most people including a ton of Bills "fans" thought they were going to get blown out 45-0, 36-3, 28-0, etc., etc. They didn't. If it wasn't for not being aggressive on Defense in the last few minutes and the fumble, they would have won. Stop bitching and moaning about who's fault it is and just be F'ing happy that they played a GREAT game. Now, I know most of you even when they win will still complain because of the caliber of team played or how they won, or what starter on an opposing team may have been hurt.. whatever. All I have to say to that is STFU!! Be a damn fan for once and cheer this team on. Not just when they are winning but ALL of the time. We don't need bandwagon jumpers, we need real fans... the REAL 12th Man.
  4. I'm sorry I stopped reading your post here. No use in going on.
  5. Yes, But I have us beating the Jets and losing to the Saints.
  6. It's not Trent's fault you moron. Even the announcers said the defense the Patriots were playing, which was basically doubling up and having extra coverage on both Evans and Owens was ideal for the run game and short passes to the TE. Watch the game next time.
  7. Give me a freakin' break. This was not Jauron's fault even McKelvin even said he chose to leave the endzone and would do it again.
  8. He has nothing to do with this loss turd.
  9. Would that be before or after Teddy saved the pregnant woman from a burning car in the parking lot?
  10. Or... do the Bills really have fans or are they bandwagon jumpers? The 12th Man is pretty bad this year.
  11. The Buffalo Bills have BEATEN the New England Patriots on Monday Night Football. What a way to open the season!!
  12. I completely agree and if by some chance we actually get the lead, keep pounding on them. Our defense should take it to heart and get angry if they gain yardage - similar to the way the Ravens D plays. The Offense has to remember that Defense has changed - minus 5 starters from last year, a young secondary up against Owens and Evans.
  13. Running game and passing game obviously feed off each other. Let's hope TE going long and connecting will keep the Patsies defense on their heels opening up the running game for Jackson. GO BILLS F' THE PATRIOTS
  14. That is an easy question. No Doubt. I have always believed that Trent was held back by Turk.
  15. I am so excited for the game tonight. The reasons you listed are exactly why. Would love to see what Maybin can/WILL do. Yes, our offense was pathetic at best in the preseason but that's it... it was preseason, no game planning, horrible oc, no TO, etc., etc. I especially like the no game planning. Simply because we're running an extremely vanilla offense - yes of course points are always welcome. But what does Bellicheat have to look at? The tape from last year where we lost 13-0?
  16. No kidding. The Bills winning would only throw the "experts" for a loop for a second though. I absolutely hate that they have already given the Pats the Superbowl. A-holes.
  17. I agree. I have been a huge advocate of his. So sick of everyone blaming everything on him. Not taking into account that the OC had a leash on him. Time to shine Edwards - you have some serious weapons around you now in Evans and Owens and soon to be back Lynch!!
  18. Love the confidence. Hopefully Maybin will be as good or better than the few here expect. I think he's going to get some great pressure on Brady when in the game, maybe even a sack. As long as they get pressure on Brady I am happy.
  19. Yes, because BB is a football god. To bad that god had to cheat in the past.
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