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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Some people believe that "life" doesn't truly believe until birth. Just saying.
  2. "What a great CHANGE from the Bush's"
  3. You do realize that that was not the only issue right? I do love the crying and whining about losing this election. Hopefully it just shows us what's to come in the 2012 elections.
  4. Dear lord. Let me ask you this... even if the number of women who were raped requesting an abortion is 1. Does that mean she should forced to carry that baby? Why is that decision not hers? For the record as well, I personally do not believe in abortion. However, I also believe these women have the right to choose... it's their body. That being said, I do not believe in late term abortions. There is a small window in the beginning of a pregnancy where it should be allowed.
  5. Is the State of Texas paying for the sonograms?
  6. Any person following this election knows it was about the Medicare and people voting for the party that best represents their personal beliefs. Democrats won.
  7. This district has always gone to the Right. There is no debating that. Are you saying that an issue can't drive voters to vote against their normal party?
  8. The Tea Party is really nothing more than Republican Light. Funny thing is that the Medicare issue will push some people away from voting for their Republican Party.
  9. Of course they did, this election was more about pulling the independent vote and maybe some republicans. Bottom line is that Medicare is a huge issue.
  10. Yes, all Democratic ideas are bad. The Republican Party holds all of the answers. HAHAHAHA!!!
  11. And who cares what her situation is right? So what if the women is pregnant because she was raped? Are they going to force her or guilt her into caring a baby that was created out of that evil act? Ultimately, for some it comes down the woman having no say.
  12. Not understanding why you have to call people simpletons because they don't agree with your stance on this.
  13. I wouldn't be so certain. Those issues are pretty important.
  14. But people having been disagreeing for years on definition of "living being".
  15. All depends. This election was about the issues. If there was no third candidate, is it for certain the votes would have gone to the right?
  16. IF it works. However I still don't believe that lowering taxes is the answer. Closing loopholes yes. At the same time, it does seem a bit unfair that the middle-class for the most part is asked to do more to solve a problem they didn't create. Yes, I know you will disagree with that and anything else I say because you are all knowing.
  17. Nothing needed to be fixed. It is a right to choose. Depending on individual beliefs is when a "life" begins. You may think it's cowardice or whatever but you still don't have the right to tell someone else what to do with their body. Unless many Republican State leaders around the country get their way, then you will have this same issue throughout the country... then what? They have to leave the country?
  18. No worries... the Ryan Plan lowers tax rates, all the while pushing for tax reform (closing loopholes)
  19. A women's right to choose vs. an insurance mandate... teeny bit of a difference huh?
  20. Does the Republican Plan truly lower the tax rate down to 25%?
  21. Please the majority of women know all of the information before they take on such a thing. This is just another attempt to sway her in changing her mind... not about educating her.
  22. The guy is right about one thing... the result was based on choices of Republican bosses. That choice is taking on Medicare and turning it into a voucher system. I find it hard to believe the splintered vote excuse that many toss out there too. Also not sure about voter suppression. I haven't heard anything on that.
  23. Does the Ryan/Republican plan lower the tax rate?
  24. I'm not for Abortion, however I am so sick of seeing elected officials forcing their religious beliefs and feelings on the public.
  25. From Slate: Hochul was beating Corwin with independents, and pulling 12 percent of Republicans as Corwin pulled 8 percent of Democrats. But to keep things simple, let's assume that all the Democrats and Republicans who voted third party would have otherwise voted third party, and assume the independents split 50-50. If that happened, Corwin would have added 5,579 votes to her column. Hochul would have added 4,888 votes. Hochul would still have won the election. I do love how Republicans are saying that this election didn't mean anything, that democrats were using scare tactics, etc., etc., etc. Just sour grapes.
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