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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Holmgren is a proven winner. He knows who to hire and fire for his staff. Something the Bills need big time.
  2. Anyone heard of the rumor of TO for Quinn and a Draft Pick?
  3. Just sad, the Broncos that has a 32 year old coach who is 5-0. We have and will get another old guy who sucks and all about not showing emotions, etc. I thought that when the Broncos won the other day... when their coach went nuts to the fans. THAT to me is the best thing I have seen in the NFL yet this season.
  4. Come on there are so many practice squads to be raided. The Bills new motto: Building for the future, with other teams scraps.
  5. Firing Jauron is the smartest move right now. Let someone new judge talent (players and coaches) now. Not waiting for the offseason, FA, mini-camps, TC or anything. Judge now, makes necessary changes next. Just taking away from extra time if they wait.
  6. Screw Jim Kelly. He does nothing for the Bills now except cheer them on like we do. I am sick of hearing about him. His days are lonnnnnnnng gone.
  7. I will be the first one to say that OL does suck. However, dear god the boy can throw it down field. I have the biggest supporter of TE and I was hoping to see Fitzpatrick. Enough is enough though... get dick out of there.
  8. Sensitive. No just annoyed with people always being negative.
  9. Obama could rescue kittens from a fire and people would complain about how he did it.
  10. OH BS!! People were overjoyed when Chicago lost the bid especially when Obama became involved. And that is the only reason to. Calling it another failure for him. And read a bit more... the peace prize is now a joke of an award.
  11. Oh sorry, I do not follow your posts that much. I wish I knew how many you post bloomberg articles. Damn me.
  12. Damn straight I will question it. People damned and cheered that we lost the Olympics because Obama was involved. People are damning the Nobel Peace Prize because they awarded it to Obama. etc., etc. Notice the trend? Whatever happened to disagreeing the President but having respect. There is no respect here.
  13. All in all, I don't give a crap what people on this board think of me. The only people that truly matter is my family. Is it ridiculous? I don't think so. Again, no matter what is brought up under this administration with this congress people will B word about. Funny thing is that they are supposed to be so partisan in their beliefs, yet found nothing wrong with the last administration. They were probably cheering when the Mission Accomplished banner went up. And predictable? Sure. I'll give you that. I am not a big fan of the party that says no. I want people to do something. I am a very proud American. And when I see a sitting President win something as great as this.. I am proud. I will also admit that there are people out there that have done more. Again, I will not knock him for receiving it. Not about being an Obama loyalist like you say, more about being a proud American. If Bush, would have won something like this I would have been equally as proud. I will go after someone if they deserve it, just like you would. So stop with can't think for yourself crap. Especially when you don't know me. Don't believe, give me some questions and I will answer honestly.
  14. And good for them. Still I love how everyone finds it so easy to bash the President. Love the Patriotism.
  15. Shouldn't I just join the crowd that bitches all of the time? Nothing is ever good. Happy to hate, happy to find fault and be miserable? Face it, this president will never do anything that will make people on this board happy. Example: "Well, I guess that takes any sense of "noble" out of the Nobel Prize."
  16. Ok, you are right I will follow the will of this board. Anything the president does sucks. Screw the middle-class especially those in unions. Greedy bastards driving their BMWs and living in their mansions. Damn the Olympics, glad they aren't held in the U.S. Screw everything unless it deals with the bitches on this board and makes them and their party happy. We're going to go back and cheer on what happened in the last eight years because it was AWESOME!! No one can ever top that. F' the American President. No respect for him or that office. How is that? Oh almost forgot, no need for health care reform. Everything is just PERFECT!! And screw the Bills and their owner. Yet, I am a huge fan and always be one.
  17. Great. Glad you used google. I read the same article. Do I think that there are people out there more deserving. Yes. Do I also think it's pretty nice to have a sitting American President be given that honor. Yes. Will I be pissed about this and do or say anything to cut this honor down? Hell no. It would be interesting to see who the other people in the running were. And by the way, HOPE can be a powerful thing. It can help people get through tough times. Sometimes HOPE is all that people have.
  18. Butt puppet? Nice. Starting off with the usual stuff that gives you credibility huh? “The Nobel Committee has in particular looked at Obama’s vision and work toward a world without atomic weapons,” Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the five-member Nobel committee, said. “Obama has as president created a new climate in international politics.” I'm going with what the panel has stated. I know everyone here will say they know more and that they panel was clearly wrong. It's expected. I am also saying (again) that it's something to be proud of as a country.
  19. Once you get get crowds of over 500,000 in other countries to see you speak, I'll think about it.
  20. It's nice to see an American win this great prize. Nice to see him recognized on the world stage even though many Americans would applaud his failure. And THAT is pathetic.
  21. Ya know I was wondering where I could go to see people crap on this. I FOUND IT!! Not surprisingly either. Congratulations President Obama!!!
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