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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Well, being retired and doing that is totally common. I'm just saying that I do not know anyone who does that. Everyone works their 40+ hours a week and is happy.
  2. Seriously never heard of people that would want to do that. Most of the people I know just work their 40-60 hours a week and are happy. I do see where you are coming from though. No one in their right mind would turn down an opportunity to work only 20 hours and make $100k.
  3. Brainwashed. No. Job itself is actually very good. Benefits are outstanding. As a good worker I have taken on everything that has been asked of me even though a lot of doesn't fall under my job description, which is cool since I have learned new things, furthered my education. However, the bad thing is that the pay didn't increase with it. And with a family, money is always needed.
  4. Benefits and since I grew up in a union family. Wanted to work for a union.
  5. With my profession a lot of people here really have no clue how things are done and what goes into each project. Which leads into not understanding the worth.
  6. No it's actually because union workers aren't paid as high as everyone thinks.
  7. Ok you got me. Never heard of either of those types of people... especially the people who want to work half-time for half-pay. I would like to make more money than I currently do, who wouldn't? I said I am not the type of person that will sit there and B word and moan about it.
  8. First off, why would anyone want unpaid time off? Second, I would never want to go on strike. Our union like most unions use striking as an extreme last resort. Strikes are not good for anyone. And finally, wouldn't ask to triple my salary. I'm not greedy. Granted I wish I was paid what I am actually worth, that day will come soon enough. No reason to worry about it, no reason to cry about it. Just continue on working hard and expanding my resume/portfolio.
  9. Glad you agree with me in that the BMI calculator is imperfect. And you are right, we do have the best doctors. We have the best medicines. We have the best hospitals. Just to bad not everyone have the best insurance coverage or at least adequate insurance coverage. God willing Americans will take better care of themselves so that they won't need good insurance coverage.
  10. Just curious... when you say fat are you using a BMI calculator to figure that out?
  11. I am not a member because I do not work within the industry we represent. Plus, I still enjoy all of the union benefits... just no representation. And since you brought up the union having to deal with collective bargaining... we and other unions actually do have to do deal with that. Our office staff (admin. assistants, secretaries, etc.) are all part of OPEIU. We negotiate their contract every three years. I may actually leave the union for a new opportunity.
  12. And this comes from the moron who can't understand that I do not have a union rep. I work for the union, I am not a member of the union. I have stated this many times before. I will not ever apologize for being pro-union. I have seen the good that can be had by having union representation. Yes, unions do have a bad side as well. Have stated those items in the past as well. However, to blindly blame a union or unions as a whole for the problems of industry is just dumb. One would think that someone who claims they are very smart and great in business would be able to read and understand that.
  13. Wow, that was original. Thanks for posting and wasting time.
  14. Have to admit.. I do like your optimism. Bills 17 - Jets 10. Sanchez leaves the game a wobbly mess.
  15. YUP, we're the MAIN reason. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  16. I agree with the other guy. I too feel bad for TO. Coming to a true football town and having nothing go right with that offense. I feel bad for Evans as well. Hell, could have had a break out year with TO on the other side. Sucks for both of them.
  17. No freakin' way on Rush. He is to much of a loud mouth to be a good owner. Not knowing when to shut his mouth and when to open could hurt any team. I could also care less if likes or dislikes the players union. I would want to know if he could make sound football decisions regarding the front office. I don't think he can. Side note: Constitution by many has been under attack for the last 8, now going on 9 years.
  18. Sorry, your right. They make a lot of moves. Are you forgetting about the raiding of other teams practice squads.
  19. Agree, we don't make moves for quality players. He'll go somewhere else in our division.
  20. From what I have seen he's 161-111 (.592) for his head coaching career. I would like to see that in Buffalo.
  21. I wish I would see the play that Nelson did against the Patriots for the TD again.
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