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Everything posted by pBills

  1. No Sarah Palin would not be effective, because I believe that the American people would see through her fake ass. And really just like Jimmy? Give me a break on going to back to Reagan and Carter. Also, I am by no means on the far left. And face it. Bush sucked as a President and that was after EIGHT years, not one. Personally, I can not stand Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan. Opposition to the war for many people is as simple as we shouldn't have been there in the first place. Not saying that is something I believe, but for the longest time it has been one mismanaged war. I am so glad you understand and know ALL about the Iraq war though. Just because McCain said it doesn't mean he will do it. What part of politics don't you get? People go after Obama saying he promised this and that and they are not happy those promises aren't coming true yet. You honestly believe McCain would be different? And you don't get it either... Republicans spend like crazy too. Remember the surplus we had before Bush came into office? Probably not. And to say that Obama doesn't want or isn't dealing with reality is just dumb. Everyone on both sides of the aisle are dealing with reality now. BOTH sides can't get over their issues to get things done. Not just one party, both parties. If you are going to be preaching from the soap box, every now and then look to the right in disgust.
  2. Welcome. You are a bit late though on that witty post.
  3. You are right. Maybe they shouldn't have said it would turn things around quickly. However, I do believe it slowed down or stopped the decline. You are also right, the answer simply can't bash Bush, however the attacks can't simply blame Obama either. Fact is that the Stimulus actually started under Bush and Obama extended it. BOTH parties are at fault for where we are right now. I am sure that both McCain and Ron Paul would have spent, spent and spent. You simply believe that they would not spent a dime or as much... I'm quite sure that they would have.
  4. I posted about Palin because whether you believe it or not. People will follow her. She will gain more momentum and push her way further into our government. With all of our other problems, we don't need her out there too. Also, anyone who says it is ok for her to read notes from her hand all the while bashing Obama for his use of a teleprompter is a hypocrite. Plus, do you really want her as your spokesperson against policies? I would hope not. Personally, I am glad that things are moving in Washington. With that being said I am not entirely happy with everything that is being pushed forward. I am hoping that BOTH sides can pull the fingers out of their butts and do what is right for the country. Not just for the wealthy and the corporations and not just for the low and middle classes. Everyone. It's funny though, the people that bash the loudest also have nothing to add to the conversation and most likely are out for their own political agenda.
  5. You are 100% correct. Any and every great leader needs to surround themselves with a great team. I'll be the first to admit it, Bush had a pretty good team around him. Unfortunately, Obama brought to many people in from Bill Clinton's team. Not a very good move in my mind. In regards to the auto industry, all sides should be represented. Management, Suppliers and yes the Union. Spending money on our infrastructure is a good idea as long as it's done correctly. It will create jobs, keep some people employed and get some money in their pockets. Problem is that they are picking projects that do not need to be done. I know in my area they were repaving a major highway. Since I drive on that highway every day, I know that it didn't need to be done. Money could have been spent elsewhere. School renovations, electrical grids, clean energy, etc. Let me ask you this... if he didn't spend a dime do you think people would bash him for that? My answer is of course they would. He is in a damned if he does and damned if he doesn't area. Not saying you or anyone else has to feel bad for him. However, people have to keep in mind the magnitude of this problem. No matter who would have won the Presidency... Obama, McCain, Ron Paul, etc. NONE of them would have dug us out by now or had a major change in the where this country is now. NONE.
  6. Oh good lord, it's simple enough even for you. People bash him for being a community organizer yet do not take into account his education. Not a lot of dummies get into Harvard.
  7. You are right, nasty... maybe I'll just Tea Party her.
  8. A community organizer with an undergraduate degree in political science from Columbia University. Someone who also graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Harvard Law School. As compared to Sarah Palin has a bachelor of science degree in communications-journalism. She was an amazing sports reporter. Yeah, that community organizer... if it wasn't for those few great speeches. Man he is not smart at all.
  9. I actually pay attention to her because it's scary that she was actually a VP candidate and that people still for whatever reason can't realize she's a dumbass.
  10. Oh sorry, thank you for stalking my posts though. Very nice of you. 1 through 5. I actually agreed with three of them. Feel better? Back in my comfort zone though... don't get that. I have no problem being in any of these threads.
  11. No need for permission to discuss the lovely, smart* Sarah Palin. Amazed at how she can draw so much attention from the Republican Party.
  12. I love how this twit bashes Obama for using a teleprompter yet writes notes on her hand. And then tops of the week with this gem: "They are kooks, so I agree with Rush Limbaugh," she said, when read a quote of Limbaugh calling liberal groups "retards." "Rush Limbaugh was using satire ... . I didn't hear Rush Limbaugh calling a group of people whom he did not agree with 'f-ing retards,' and we did know that Rahm Emanuel, as has been reported, did say that. There is a big difference there." And people love her.... why?
  13. Quick question... aren't those lenders the same ones that received help from Washington?
  14. Just because you bash republicans every now and then doesn't mean you don't reside on that side of the aisle. So since you are SOOOOOO smart and everyone should listen to your ideas... give me your top 5 ways to fix the economy.
  15. It's not a matter of defending, it's a matter giving someone (the President) some actual time to get something done. No one else, again I do not like or follow Reid or Pelosi and people that are way to the left. Just don't. And the act that I have to constantly say that... well makes me wonder about your intelligence. Dear god, do you believe that this problem can be solved within one year? I just love how people who do not agree with you are mouth breathers and those who agree with you are very smart. People talking that and still wondering why both sides of the aisle don't get along. Just face it, you don't know all and you are not that smart.
  16. Lefty aplogist.. very original. Let's face it you cheer on a party that does nothing, didn't do anything when they had control and do nothing when they don't have control Of course you will say that you are more towards the center and you dislike everything... offering no solutions does not make you very smart. Personally I can not stand Pelosi or Reid. I have always thought they were bad for the Democratic Party. Shows how much of a DA you are now huh? Easy to label instead of actually understanding where the other person is with their beliefs. You are soooo smart to assume.
  17. Who said people stopped looking for work? And why would anyone who really needs a job do that? The GOP is labeled the party of No for reason.... they ARE obstructionists. Hey should do well for them come election time - can't blame them for anything since they offered nothing. You act as though spending in government is a new thing? Give me a break on that. You really and honestly believe that ANY administration would have unemployment under 8% by now? If you do, you are a fool. It's going to take time. Spending will help things out, can help out the country with job creation... as long as it's done the correct way. Not saying that every spent is/has been right yet - I will not say everything is wrong like you and a lot of people will do. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/pr...s/promise-kept/ http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/pr...s/in-the-works/ http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/pr...ulings/stalled/ http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/pr...promise-broken/ http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/pr...ngs/compromise/ Now with all of those postings, one must admit he is ambitious. Hopefully at least ONE President will be able to get true Healthcare Reform.
  18. If it happened on this board... I would have to take as a half-hearted post. This board is SOOOO to the right it's ridiculous. Although, now that I said that I'm sure the "I'm an independent" will come out.
  19. Ok, it funny as hell that people are were never quick to judge moves the prior eight years. And now, every single move that is made they complain about. Hard to hear your complaints when you couldn't complain before. I was complaining then and I am complaining now.
  20. HAHAHAHA yeah all of that is the Dems fault you tool.
  21. Funny how no one ever said Jason Taylor was underweight.
  22. And the easy response to that (since I have to get back shoveling) is it's easy to demand and B word and moan about every single thing, simply ignoring the fact that the parties are the problem. Not Obama. Dems for just listening to the people, the majority. The republicans for doing nothing except saying NO and work the strategy of being obstructionists. Now any person in their right mind would not blame him for all of the problems we are going though right now. Fact is a lot of had started before he took office. And yes, only 20,000 job loss IS encouraging. Would you rather have 200,000 like it has been in the past? No one can expect the mess that is our economy will be turned around in less than a year. It took many years, many problems to get here - it is equally going to take a long time to dig out of this problem. I am quite sure if it was anyone else but Obama you would be giving them some time.
  23. You think so, however, I am like a lot of people fed up with government as a whole. With that being said I am willing to give the Obama Administration more than a year to get things done. Not to simply attack him and their plans every step of the way.
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