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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Nope. Dumbass. Have to go back to my DoD work. Thanks for asking though.
  2. Again, so witty. No use in carrying on this nonsense. I have work to do.
  3. In other words, you have said nothing that would prove your success. Being able to use google in your trailer is a good skill though.
  4. Again... blanket statement ALL UNIONS ARE BAD AND FULL OF BAD PEOPLE!!! Dear lord. :thumbsup:
  5. You are right, knowing ones limitation is a first step to learning how to get past them, move forward in life. Good thing for me, I have moved on and up within my career. No worries here. How funny it is? Why is that funny, because you have a large amount of posts does not mean you are successful to me. Your actions sure as hell don't indicate that you are though. A threat? You would have to be retarded to even think that. Merely stating that if I had someone like you in the way of my career goals or in the way of one of my projects, you would be quickly removed. I find this funny - "I don't know why that's such a huge problem for you people - Democrat politics are simply wrong. A point that has been proven over and over again throughout history." And yet the republican party does SO much for this country and for the American people. OH OK Again... you believe that unions have served there purpose when in fact they haven't. It's easy to say that from the outside looking in. Not having to deal with many problems/threats/working conditions that some companies still impose on their workers. Go on, keep looking through those rose glasses though. Ran off like a B word? Like hell, I have been digging my ass out of F'ing snow for the past week douche bag. And I also responded later in saying that I partially agreed with you. So go F yourself. Again, just because you can reach 29,000 posts does make you better than me. You may be great in your career, however I am doing great in mine. Some advice for you... Go get some work done, go take care of your family and get a life.
  6. #1 & #2 - You believe that you are smarter than me and other people. Fine if you like to live your pathetic life that way... go right ahead. I'm not going to bother you unless you get in my way. I have no ability to reason... ok yet I have said countless times how I see faults in both parties. You find fault mainly (99% of the time) with one. You attack american workers (unionized) people by placing them all under a blanket statement - calling them lazy. So let's recap... you assume, you act as though you are better, and you place a whole group of people under a blanket statement. Yeah, you are better than me.
  7. #1 - Wow, a high school reference. Brilliant #2 - And yet you think you know a lot of me #3 - Refer to #2 dumb-ass. I have stated many times, that I no longer work for a union, yet will still support them.
  8. Wow, you are even worse than I thought... 29,000 posts. Damn, you need a life. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Guess we now know how much work you truly do.
  9. There is truth to GM using Toyota parts on many of their vehicles.
  10. Wow, even after 16,000 posts you still add nothing. Keep up the good work. Your parents must be so proud.
  11. I'd like to know what her agenda is.
  12. WOW, again. So witty. Did you use a coupon to get that joke?
  13. Luke Russert has been on NBC 4 here in Washington, DC playing catch with the hot sportscaster Lindsey. Complete with Sabres and Bills gear. Representing Buffalo very well. Although, she did have two good passes to him in the snow banks... dropped both. All in all, good to see son following in the footsteps of his father.
  14. I'm going to make my life easier here... and mimic a lot of people. It's pretty easy after all. Obama = Bad Dems = Bad Everyone on the right = Good
  15. Wow, typical douche response. Attack those who aren't even talking to you. Let me guess I embarassed myself because I didn't go back to discuss reagan and carter. Wow, I feel shamed.
  16. I got up to your comment about Reagan... sorry I wasn't forcing anything. I was responding. Tool.
  17. I know very well what's like to think for myself. I am so proud of you for going back and looking at your own posts, two thumbs up for that. Whether or not you or anyone else believes me I could care less. Best thing is when you label me as far left. That is awesome and so not true. You state that you think for yourself... ok. I believe that. Time stamp or not. Nice dig at the union worker. Stating that they can not think for themselves. Typical point of view from someone on the right. First off, I don't work for a union anymore, secondly I will always be for the american worker/union or not. And that does include not agreeing with parts of administrations agenda. Did you hear and comprehend that because I have said it now COUNTLESS TIMES. I do not agree with everything that's being done or not done. And anyone who would vote for Palin is dumb as a rock. No debating that, they would be stupid.
  18. Because she clearly does not know what the issues are or how to respond. She is merely doing what it takes to keep the following... stroking peoples emotions. All in all, she's a fraud.
  19. I never said I believed in everything he is doing or wants to do. Examples would be healthcare and the spending freeze. I feel both those issues have parts that will hurt the middle-class instead of actually helping. At the same time, I'm not a fool where I am going to say that he is a failure after one year. Hell many of you gave Bush eight, yet you can't give Obama one. Funny.
  20. Really? And this is coming from someone who has little or no ideas unless they heard it on Fox News? Ok. If that makes you feel better.
  21. I don't feel silly at all. I voted for him mainly because I would NEVER vote for McCain or Hillary. You are a shining example of why nothing gets done in DC. All hate, no change, no ideas are good unless they are yours or from your side of the aisle. And you call me the fool. Too funny!! Maybe all politicians should deliver a promise of government as usual? That way the bar is always low and people like you would be happy if anything changed. Oh wait a minute, no you wouldn't.
  22. Raise my level of discourse? I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with a woman becoming President. And really, if you look at the people who follow her, love her... yes, it's sad... a lot of Americans are that dumb.
  23. Again, I think to say that he is the worst President after one year - making it clear that you are basing it on results... give me a break. What President accomplished major agendas in one year? Anyone with a half a brain would know that fixing the problems this country faces would take more than a year. I hope you have more than half a brain. Nitwit? Really?
  24. After one year? And with your Palin statement I have lost A LOT of respect for you. No one in their right mind can EVER believe she would be a good President. She wouldn't know how to spell President or know what her VP does even if it was written on her hand.
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