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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Or their plans to do nothing and filibuster everything. Oh and by the way, we have already been bankrupt. The chinese government has owned us for a while now.
  2. I'm all for everyone being on a level playing field. I just think that it will ever happen.
  3. Yes. Let's have a government that does nothing.
  4. Divided control or not. The way they fight nothing will get done.
  5. Personally I believe he was a casualty of the system/coaches and can still be a good QB. We all know that our OL needs to be improved and for once stay healthy. Hopefully Wood will be back for training camp.
  6. And he'll go on to another team and be superstar.
  7. Yup, we're screwed when the political scene in washington swings completely back to the right.
  8. Yeah, you do have a problem. Go get some help. You truly need it.
  9. Should have expected that from someone as pompous as you. Have fun living in your bubble.
  10. Well are you happy with the bonuses? Way to avoid the subject. I want to see you defend them. Let me guess, they need to pay out the large bonuses to retain the best people... blah, blah, blah.
  11. Yes, he responded. I especially love the idiot part. Just proving he is person who can't simply talk to people with different views, instead believes that attempting to demean is the best way to go. I believe that shows ones lack of maturity, lack of credibility. I have stated MANY times (even though I am labeled a liberal) that both sides of government are at fault with the problems our country is facing. Both sides. I have also stated that I wouldn't mind seeing a whole new set of fresh faces in Washington. A new set of ideas that will hopefully get this country moving in the right direction. The right direction with healthcare reform, the economy, job creation, etc. I have also stated that not all union members are good, hard working people (example the Teamsters people keep bringing up), yet the actions of the few do not represent the whole. To see these statements and to come back with an attack, an failed attempt to demean, etc. do nothing but show a lack of comprehension or reason. A shining example of why nothing ever gets done in Washington. I agree with this. Most people will do it or try to do it. I know that. I do not want to have someone like Mitt in office. Yeah, he may be strong with the economy, however I feel that his foreign relations background is not strong enough and that he flip flops to much on social issues. Yes, over a half million children are under government care, yet that does not give the government the right to tell women what to do with their body. I don't see how Religion and Women's Rights is a ridiculous issue. He answered emphatically no. What more is there to say to this? Again, answered no. Also, stated that he does like it when people use religion as a tool. I agree with that and wish that it would stay out of government and its policies. Couldn't answer with a simple yes or no. Instead calls me an idiot. Instantly loses any credibility.
  12. Liberals? Dear god you are such a tool. No one here is expecting the government to completely reign in Big Business. However, something SHOULD be done to big business so it can't completely F over the country again. I guess you are happy that huge bonuses are being handed out after they received bailout money?
  13. Again, showing your true maturity by calling me an idiot. Thank you for answering.
  14. Just answer the damn question? Of course people will want to place their own religious beliefs into situations... should they? Are you happy with that? Do you want to see that from in government? Yes or No.
  15. Exactly, we gave them billions and they do not want to lend. That is a major problem right now. And let's face it, there is not a lot that can be done. I completely understand why banks do not want to or are hesitant lend as well. And thank you for assuming that I don't read your posts. I do. Since you are one of the more civil people here, I have no problem what-so-ever in listening to your thoughts on the matter. With that being said, you are completely right.
  16. So his personal beliefs should be part of how his administration works?
  17. You are right the big banks F'd us taxpayers. Get the money, shore up things, pay out bonuses, raise rates and then do nothing. No small business loans, etc. I agree with the idea of giving help to the small community banks, they are more likely to look out for the small businessman/woman.
  18. Good for him. Maybin... hope had a chance to relax after the season. Looking forward to seeing what you can do with better coaches (hopefully).
  19. Oh my lord, all people should be worried (not mock) someone if they are pushing their beliefs. Ones religion should not be involved with the way they serve while in office.
  20. I guess we should just get the money back we loaned to the big banks and give a portion of it to help small businesses? Oh that's right, not allowed to do that either.
  21. Damn those unions and the US Automakers. DAMN YOU ALL TO HELLLLLLLLL!!!
  22. Foreign policy? Because he worked on the Salt Lake City Olympics? What else? I'll give him credit on his business/economic background... have no problem with that. However he flip flops to much on social issues.
  23. Constantly, never ending? Dear god all you people do is B word and moan on this board.
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