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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I heard that too.. what a dumb thing to say. He did later say of course it wasn't her fault.
  2. As much of a spectacle as this was... I could not stand seeing Brietbart hiiacking the press conference. What a pompous ass that guy is. "I'm doing this to save his family, okay? And if this guy wants to start fighting with me again, I have this photo." Nice approach, I'll save you or else I have this photo to humiliate you some more. Why does he feel as though HE had to dig into this?
  3. What's Weiners crime here? Lying to the Press? Either way these people have F'd up. I am still not finding the crime here. I am hoping this doesn't take over the media spotlight for a long period of time.. would rather they talk about jobs.
  4. The auto industry was in response to this: "(1) Spend nearly a trillion dollars on useless kickbacks and earmarks to union buddies and evaluating grape genetics;" What kick back did Pelosi and Reid specifically hand out to unions? Not saying I think any kick back is good, but I do love how you are coming down on only democrats. Are you forgetting the corporations, etc. in the republican pockets? Now on to universal healthcare. I wish Republicans would stop bitching about it and actually offer to make amendments.. not waste everyone's time in repealing it and then never starting over. If you believe they will actually do anything to fix the healthcare system you would be fooling yourself. With your statement start with.. "The net result..." I hope you are blaming both parties for all of those issues. Plus, I think you are forgetting the rhetoric the GOP pushed.. "DEATH PANELS" "Obama is a SOCIALIST!!!" There are days where I wish the Republicans could win the WH and Senate and keep the House. That way people could really open up their eyes and see how F'd up everything would be. Talk about Democrats pushing Social Agendas... man. There would be no unions working for the middle-class, no woman's right to choose (in some states - yes, state level), no contraceptives, eventually only a middle-class and upper class, retirement age would be pushed to 69/70 years old and the list goes on and on.
  5. Keeping those Bush Tax cuts in place and all with current spending levels AND a constant military force overseas, etc., etc. just keeps adding up.
  6. You do realize that saving the US Auto Industry is working right? I do agree with you about the healthcare plan needed to address more issues than it does. I wish that amendments would be brought up, so that it can move alone a better path. Granted no one likes to be forced into anything... kind of like the Ryan Plan. Not huge fan of some of the plans they placed in that either and it is their only plan... forced big time. Take this or nothing will get done. I don't believe that anyone truly believes taxing the "rich" is the only thing needed. The Bush tax cuts needed to be taken back as well as cutting spending. The Republicans can't ask for the middle-class and lower to have benefits reduced and shoulder a lot of this burden without asking the "rich" to do their fair share as well. That being said, I know someone will say 'why tax those who create the jobs'... those leaders in industry are already at historically low rates and nothing is being done. Why lower even more? Let's face it we can leave both Iraq and Afghanistan now... or at least start the process and only have a small amount of military presence there.
  7. Since you mentioned it.. if McCain had won the Presidency do you the economy would have been recovered by now? For the major collapse of our economy is three years seriously doable to have a complete recovery?
  8. HAHAHAHA "Head Marxy" That's awesome!!! Of course the deficit is in the trillions... yet those are three major contributors to the economic misery this country is in. You disagree?
  9. Show page
  10. All democrats are concerned about reigning in spending. It's just a matter of how. One could say if the Republicans were so protective of the Bush Tax Cuts we wouldn't be in this place too. From what I understand it's three main things: Unfunded Wars - What $700 billion in Iraq and Afghanistan alone? Unfunded Trillion Dollar Bush Tax Cuts $700 Billion Dollar Bank Bailouts
  11. Glad he is going to do that after the press caught hold of this. Very big of him.
  12. Tom I am so happy though that you follow my posts. Makes me feel all warm inside.
  13. True NJ may not be represented but the hate for everything Democrat / union is definitely here.
  14. Yeah, it was a waste of taxpayer money via fuel, etc.... Personally I really don't care about the story. I posted this to see the spin. If a Democrat did this most of the people on this board would be all up in arms. The fact that those people are dumbing it down it funny to me. Have a great day people.
  15. Not trying to assert anything here... unlike you I don't need this board to inflate an ego or make me feel better about myself. You always make me laugh... you act as though you are an expert on every subject that is posted. It's hilarious.
  16. Don't argue with Tom. He is an expert everything.
  17. I have to laugh at you guys... such hypocrites. Oh no, Obama went golfing. AHHHH the travesty! At least our Republican leaders would wait till a better time to hit links. AHHHHHH
  18. Of course Democrats have done it. Not silliness to criticize the hypocrisy that goes on here.
  19. Please if a Democrat did that this message board would be calling for his you tool. You know it. I love how you bring up the Stimulus... usual crap it's only a Democrat thing right? Let me answer that for you. No.
  20. Isn't that the crowd he's in?
  21. because he goes golfing in the afternoon after meeting with families, placing the wreath, etc. that's bad. Still not buying it. I guess he should have gone back to the white house and sat in a dark room for the rest of the day.
  22. NJ Taxpayer money. Where's the outrage!!!
  23. Not true. He's wasting money by using that helicopter to go to a baseball game. Maybe I should just be bashing him for attending in general right?
  24. And the problem you have and many here have is blowing up non-stories. Wow the President played golf. Who gives a crap. Does that mean he thinks less of those who serve our country? No. Does that mean he doesn't respect those who died for our country? No. It only makes him look like an idiot to those who are always looking for something to bash him for.
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