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Everything posted by pBills

  1. The bloggers may be critical, I still wouldn't say hate.
  2. Dumbass to say that Huffington is no more hate driven than the drudgereport. Does NOT mean there is an element of hate to it... unless at some point I stated Drudge was hate driven. I did not. They are the same to me... not hate driven in anyway.
  3. Cryptography: The art of protecting information by transforming it (encrypting it) into an unreadable format, called cipher text. Only those who possess a secret key can decipher (or decrypt) the message into plain text. Encrypted messages can sometimes be broken by cryptanalysis, also called codebreaking, although modern cryptography techniques are virtually unbreakable.
  4. One has skills with computers and training.
  5. I read your post and one from Magox as well. I appreciate both. When one is constantly on the attack like he is it means that either he's a complete dick or that... no. Just means he is a dick. I have no problem seeing both sides of any discussion as well as learning items that I did not know. No problem with that at all. I do like it when people are labeled or placed under a blanket statement.
  6. I deal with Web Development/Design as well as Cryptographic Design and Implementation.
  7. When one states that they are smarter, acts as though they are better than you. They should be able to answer a simple question about their background. Being good at blogging is not a good example of intelligence.
  8. AGAIN. You claim that you are so damn smart. As far as I know you are awesome with google, wikipedia and blogging. That's it. Were you beat up a lot as a kid? Kicking ass on a message board? That is so pathetic.
  9. I'll admit that I don't everything (I know, insert your joke here). However, instead of attacking a person state things that they should look into. Magox did that earlier and I appreciate it.
  10. I can make any demand I want. Talk about whining like a B word? You throw stones then hide? Come on, you are so damn smart you should be proud to state your qualifications.
  11. Then shut the F up with your condescending tone. Don't throw stones and then hide.
  12. Shy.. yes. I have asked you countless times about your background and why you believe you are so better than me. Send me a private message if you need to. Again you know nothing about me. I am not going to say that you are some sort of genius because you are posting on TBD.
  13. First off, thank you for posting a good post. Not simply attacking. I appreciate you giving me more information. Truly do. As far as the Bin Laden statement though, our country has been making mistakes like that for a long time. Financing the wrong people/groups etc. Yes, Clinton had him in his cross hairs and didn't take the necessary action. Mistakes have been made even after 9/11.
  14. Well hello Mr. Smart guy... since everyone is dumb to you. Again, what's your background? Oh that's right you're shy. So everything.. lowest unemployment % in like 40 years, surplus, etc. were all a charade. Ok, with that being said... wouldn't the next administration try to shore up everything if it was so bad? Just asking. Lets see if you can respond in a decent way instead of being your usual self.
  15. I don't disagree with his WWII statement. At the same time, one can't ignore we had a surplus nine years ago.
  16. Thanks sparky!! The last NINE years we have gone from a surplus to a ridiculous deficit.
  17. Wow, dick statement this early in the morning. Your man love must not have come last night huh? Really Huffington is no more hate driven than the drudgereport. Even to say that is hate driven is just stupid.
  18. Huge surprise on that one. Especially after he won Special Teams MVP.
  19. Bankruptcy, War, Corruption, Energy Issues, Lack of Industry, etc. - All of those problems started about a year ago? Let's face it no one has addressed those issues for the last 9 years. I certainly wouldn't say that the democrats are more to blame. Part of the problem, yes. I'm moaning because Republicans tell everyone and everything to get F'd right now. Then come back and say that they are not being heard. Really? Put out some solid solutions, make your ideas be heard. Not that hard. Hell, they B word and moan about the Stimulus yet they praise how it's helping their areas. They ask for details to be public, their request is granted and then they B word and moan some more. Not saying you, but I love how people here say that they are independent yet they failed to B word and moan the eight years prior to Obama. A true Independent would be non-stop bitching for the past nine years - not just do it now because they don't like democrats (even though they classify every democrat as being liberal) or how Obama was elected on lofty goals. Which BOTH sides do. Not saying that's right, but that is how elections are won. I have to ask the question, if McCain would have won, would they have given him more than a year to fix everything?
  20. And may I ask... who did you vote for last go around?
  21. Without the hate? Yeah that Huffington Post is full of hate. Personally I do not mind Tucker Carlson. Sometimes he can come across as a smug little guy, borderline elitist.
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