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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I didn't say I wanted anything, I said I understand why they are doing it and I feel as though it's not a witch hunt. Agree to disagree.
  2. Dude I freakin understand your point. Dear lord. I am still saying I have NO PROBLEM with the attention these recalls are getting. None what-so-ever. I am not nor have I ever questioned their stake in this country. I still do not believe it to be a matter of them attacking for the sake of he US Automakers. I think it more along the lines of exposure in an election year and yes... safety.
  3. If that happens it better not be Whitner and any pick earlier than the 5th.
  4. I agree, they shouldn't drag victims in front of Congress. However Toyota should not get a free pass like some people here believe.
  5. Dear god when one disagrees it does not mean they don't understand. I understand. The level of scrutiny is well justified. Gas pedals being stuck? Steering issues? What's next tire issues? Oh wait, we've seen that before with the Ford/Firestone recall. No heavy scrutiny there. Come on, is the simple safety factor not enough for people to be worried and annoyed or does Toyota get as free pass because of their history being so clean. I say no. I don't care if it's their first fraction or one thousandth and it has nothing to do with unions, Dems or anything else but safety. You have no proof of any sort of agenda other than it being an election year and some sorry-ass politicians want to get free face time with the voter. Give me a freakin' break. AGAIN, Toyota screwed up and like others they should not get a free pass. Go ahead people look for your smoke and mirrors, for your conspiracy theories in everything that happens. Only you know that the Dems and the government are always out to get you.
  6. He is screwed if he does or if he doesn't. No way to please everyone.
  7. Yes, the Press has been hard on Toyota and rightfully so. Toyota F'd up. No other way to put it. Yes, they have one blemish on their spotless record. They are paying for that now and I am sure they will be fine. They can't blame the Press, the Dems, the Unions... no one but themselves and maybe the bad PR job.
  8. Totally agree with your post. I am not for huge government, taxes anything like that at all. And totally agree with you about access to basic health care and education. Problem as we all know is how to go about getting it at the same time helping to reduce healthcare costs for those who already have health care coverage.
  9. Yes, the government is out to get Toyota and everyone!!! AHHHHH run for your lives!!!!! And if the Bridge is the Verrazano... sure.
  10. I understand why people say and think that. I just don't believe it. In this day and age where everything is instantly debated, scrutinized, etc. The one thing this administration wouldn't want to be involved with is putting down toyota to benefit GM, etc. Fact of the matter is that they don't have to do anything... the media is raking them through the coals.
  11. Again, sorry you feel scorned over the PR / Recall mess that Toyota is in. But every car company has recalls. Did you know that they weren't on every front page because of the Dems and Lobbyists? I guess this being the largest recall in US history didn't help either.
  12. Nobody is questioning the product that GM, Ford or anyone put out before. Not including the last few years. Seriously, you believe there has to be a huge lobbyist/governmental push to keep people away from MULTIPLE FLAWED LINES? If anyone is on the fence all they have to do is look at the recalls and buy somewhere else. Simple as that. Sorry if you are a owner of a quality* Toyota car right now and feel scorned.
  13. How is it a double standard? What because the other companies weren't brought in front of the principal to answer for their wrong doings? It's a simple as Toyota always had a squeaky clean image, we now know that they are big time flawed. THAT and being an election year makes it big news. I guess I should join the Toyota Pity Party around here.
  14. I don't think that is the case at all. Everyone has some sort of the government is out to get .... theory these days. And really GM, Ford, etc do not need the government to help them out now with these Toyota recalls.
  15. Did I say anything about me or anyone else bringing them down. They did this to themselves. That is where the blame starts and ends.
  16. I wouldn't even go as far as to say demonizing. Nothing more than a power trip and hey voter we are doing something session. A "we ordered you to speak before us, we want to ask a few hard questions..." Like you said they get voter face time before the seriously games start. That is true prize here.
  17. Or it could be politicians trying to get more face time with the Public on a big issue within a big election year. These people love seeing themselves on TV and in the papers. One good quote could go a long way.
  18. I am not going to say things are witch hunts and everything else negative until there are facts to prove so. Sorry that's just me. I know that these recalls are not that uncommon as well. I do believe one of the reasons for the heavy Press is because of the squeaky clean image Toyota had. As far as the Transportation Department I am glad they are doing their job. They should be hard on them. Should have nothing to do with Unions or any sort of hidden agenda. Again, no proof of that.
  19. I highly doubt it is a witch hunt. Plain and simple Toyota F'd up, that is why they are being heavily scrutinized.
  20. Having another productive back would be outstanding.
  21. 12 TDs last year. Could you imagine having Fast Freddy and LT. WOW!!
  22. I agree not a surprise. However they can't be surprised when they are asked more questions especially after all of their other problems.
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