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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Maybe because Chile is better equipped to deal with such an event than Haiti?
  2. Executive of what? Does he/she have to be an executive of a major corporation? Having held some sort of public office? I do love that you just described why you vote for someone. You listed valid reasons on why someone would receive your vote. However qualifications by the Constitution are simple for a reason. Anyone with any background can become President... part of the American Dream.
  3. Qualifications to be President are simple. And I have already posted them. ANYONE that fits the description written within our Constitution is qualified. What part don't you get. After that it all comes down to whether or not people will vote for them based on their backgrounds, beliefs, etc. So what qualifies someone to be President to you?
  4. Of course she is. Doesn't mean she is smart enough to be President.
  5. I voted for Obama because: He was not some old dude that has been Washington politics for a long time. Before you even say anything, he is right in the middle of doing that now. No doubt. Because of his educational background. Undergraduate degree from Columbia. Graduated from the Harvard Law School (President of the Harvard Law Review). Because of his work as a community organizer. Worked with middle-class and lower class people directly. Because I believe he will look out for the middle-class. He doesn't look down on people like the GOP does. He is able to inspire people more than anyone I have ever seen. Someone that is not going to sit and do nothing, try nothing. Not going to tell us to go shopping during a crisis. All of that and being 35 and a Natural Born Citizen.
  6. Wow, look you and your lover (Alaska) are at it again. And by the way, I don't work for the union. Haven't for a while now. Stated that a long time ago.
  7. Are you up to 30,000 posts yet? Momma would be so proud.
  8. Not making me uncomfortable at all. Age and Citizenship requirements - US Constitution, Article II, Section 1 No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; Check neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. Check Good enough? And really man up? Dear lord you are questioning someone's manhood via a message board. You are so gay.
  9. Back again... thanks for making me laugh. You are such a dick.
  10. No need to spend that much time on TBD. I like to log on, read a bit, see what you are whining and bitching about now, laugh and then leave.
  11. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/pr...s/promise-kept/
  12. Oh dear god, you don't believe that Bush used it on US Citizens? And really enough with spewing lies about uses it against political enemies... talk about pBrain.
  13. Yes, Evans had issues with getting open last year. That can be a result of many things. 1) His own mistakes in route running. 2) QB & OL issues. 3) No other dominant WR/TE on the team. 4) Bad play calling. I like Evans and would love to see him come back to form with better QB/OL play and a new coaching staff. All in all, he is not one of my worries for this team. Let's fix the bigger problems before worrying about him.
  14. Oh give me a break. Yeah, Obama and the democrats are going to wire tap their political enemies. That statement is just stupid. And yes, we should all be proud of those top-secret, warrantless wiretaps during the Bush administration.
  15. Yeah, and nor would those angelic republicans that created this whole thing.
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