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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Is that your reason for anything bad happening? Always the unions fault? How about digging a bit deeper for once.
  2. The teachers in my area are upset and rightfully so. Not paid very well. Our schools receive a crap amount of money to actually run the school. Materials usually come out of their pocket or through donations by parents. And most who like to work during the summer to supplement income can't anymore... which means kids that need the extra help don't get that either. Teachers are always getting blasted for their pay, etc. I say most of them do not get paid enough. One big change that needs to happen is tenure. Unfortunately it protects teachers that should retire, etc.
  3. Unfortunately this happens all over the country. Sad.
  4. Just to bad no one here truly knows everything about everything.
  5. Sorry but I have to laugh at that. We have a lot of people who know everything about everything on this board.
  6. Can you provide some proof to liberals wanting or approving of partial birth abortion? Waterboarding is torture and should only be used in extreme circumstances in my book. Most of the democrats I know want to protect a women's right to choose. Not leave it in the governments hands.
  7. I complete agree with being happy about them not instantly hitting the FA market (as far as we know). Let's face it, we need a lot of help. Hopefully they will be smart about it. By that I mean get quality YOUNG guys via FA. Players that could easily be on this team for years and years as the Bills get better.
  8. That's exactly what 99% of the people here say. Of course, it all comes with some sort of comment about Obama running on the campaign slogan "CHANGE". Of course every one here is an independent too, either that or they are to embarrassed to admit it.
  9. Yeah because they put any dummy into that role. See his grades, do you want that with his birth certificate too? And here we go with the socialist crap. Keep it coming, I am laughing big time over here.
  10. Nope just don't read all of your posts. And if it soooo great go get some good PR on it. Push it to the media.
  11. Treason and Dangerous was Bush/Cheney... sorry. Two Wars this nation couldn't afford, let alone shouldn't have been in. But that's another story. And yes, Obama is dumb First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
  12. Quoting Coulter... awesome. Obviously you didn't understand... with it being an election year one would think if they have great ideas, a great plan... prove it. Show the nation during some time on CSPAN, prove the democrats are wrong. Why not?
  13. Well hopefully the GOP will remove stick from butt and put out some legit ideas (or at least a few more) instead of saying start over from scratch. Hell, if they were really smart they would request another live CSPAN event and do it there. That way the peace o' crap Pelosi won't simply dismiss it without knowing a nation is truly watching.
  14. I agree. However things still need to keep moving in DC. If they have to grease the wheels to get Reform so be it.
  15. Happens on BOTH sides of the aisle. Not just a democrat thing.
  16. Can control how businesses spend/use the money they are given right? If the administration would have placed those stipulations people would have really gone after them.
  17. Where has he been for the last nine years? Now he stands up and says he's against something. HAHAHA!! Talk about a hypocrite.
  18. Lookie lookie, KD and Alaska coming together again. How sweet.
  19. And at the same time, people are going home with no pay for their families. Way to make a stand that F's over people.
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