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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Corporations and unions being able to pour money into elections. Great idea!!! Find any gay muppets lately?
  2. No one should study history. It's a waste of time.
  3. Not the first time a President called out the Supreme Court. And by the way, they were wrong in that decision. Just sayin'
  4. He's an ass. His actions do not represent the whole though.
  5. I have been saying that all along. You are right, receiving unemployment benefits is cheaper than the other option. However, what politician is going to want to add to their states unemployment rate? No one will want to take that on. To many factors go into this... one side the state for the time being saves money. Then eventually loses money due to people not spending money (laid off nothing in their pockets), unemployment benefits and possibly welfare. Not including some people could lose their homes.
  6. I am sure keeping on top of their projects... making sure they stay on or under budget and on time will help out as well.
  7. Adding more people to the unemployment line should be the last resort. Unionized or not.
  8. Totally agree with you. Unions are not looking at the big picture. Everyone knows that States are in trouble, they need to balance their budgets. Renegotiating contracts will not only help out the state but their membership as a whole by being able to avoid layoffs, furloughs and other cuts.
  9. If I lived in and new NJ's books I would give you some ideas. I have no problem with that. I wouldn't simply say, well those damn state workers make to much money, lay them off or furlough them first and we'll go from there. Every state has to look at every single item, every single line, etc.
  10. Exactly. Just saying that to simply blame the union and have even more people out of work does no one any good. Dig deeper, force negotiations, etc. things can be done.
  11. Not true. Sometimes people have to be laid off, however to do that first is just to easy. These people need to dig deeper than just cutting and running. I have stated that they should renegotiate their contracts for the sake of the state and their own jobs, guess you didn't see that.
  12. Way to add something to discussion in a nice respectable way. Oops to late.
  13. And layoffs and furloughs are the only way to go? I do think that the union should renegotiate their contract for the benefit of the state and their members jobs.
  14. I guess I should know then huh? Since I am not unionized. I wonder how times I can state that before all of the smart people get it?
  15. Another example of people blaming unions for all of the problems in the country. Time to renegotiate instead of going after layoff and furloughs.
  16. Most of the PhDs I meet are qualified. Not to sure about the circles you run in. Have fun with them though.
  17. Just like the vilifying of unions. Just exhausting to listen to.
  18. Ok, so if the person has a great work ethic and has a doctorate in the subject matter in which he/she was hired for... qualified? Definitely. I get so sick of blanket statements around here.
  19. Expanding ones subject knowledge is never a bad thing in my book. People should want to learn more whether or not it's going to have a direct effect on the job. In this case, I do believe it will make him a better teacher. All teachers should advance their degrees. Just my opinion.
  20. Yes, teaching history in high school is a waste of time. So you think that someone who has been a teacher for some time now and has constantly improved and continued their own education is not qualified? A Doctorate does not make someone qualified? Let me guess you stopped going to school because it was to hard or got in the way of your drinking and mastering of blogs?
  21. Doctorate in History. He is a history teacher. People love to assume they know everything on this board got to love it.
  22. Who the hell knows. Maybe it's because they bashed American cars for the longest time, now their beloved car sucks too.
  23. A very good friend of mine, has been a teacher for many years now and is working towards his doctorate. He is an outstanding teacher and hopefully will become an administrator for his school in Virginia.
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