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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I know and have gone to many doctors that are from India. All are very good at what they do and great service.
  2. Wow, you have a ridiculous strong argument against the President. He uses a teleprompter!!! He said is mother is a "typical white person"... AAHHHHHHH!!! He mentioned a fact that the Post Office will always have financial troubles - damn emails. AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
  3. To bad the Real ID Act was created by Republican.
  4. Congratulations on having that pre-existing condition garbage being thrown away. That is truly great news for a lot of Americans. In regards to being mandated to buying insurance. I kind of laugh at that, because in most if not all states people are mandated to buy car insurance. What's the problem with it? Personally, I look at it as there will be less people going to ERs for cold symptoms, etc because they will be able to make doctors appointments. Bottom line, the ER won't have to be their general practitioner or clinic.
  5. Dear freakin' god the non-story that won't die.
  6. It doesn't matter how many facts, exact numbers or well founded points I or anyone who differs brings. There will always be the gang mentality of shout down or name call the person who has a differing point until they back away.
  7. Our countries credit rating already stinks.
  8. Let's hope not. If that happens we may have to rely on the republicans to actually work on Health Care Reform if they win big in November. And we know their record on Health Care Reform and getting things done.
  9. I will go through your post later on when I have time. Quickly, I do find it funny how you placed blame on liberals awfully fast. And as far as November is concerned, I think the republicans will pick up some seats... no doubt. Because as Americans we have to come to this notion that things can be fixed instantly. Instant gratification. Sorry, that's not going to happen when two sides don't play well together. Unfortunately, we're going to go back to where we were the eight years prior to Obama and REALLY see nothing get done in Washington. Any sort of health care reform, buh-bye. Any sort of help for middle-class americans... buh-bye.
  10. Promise broken... which can mean the promise to work on behalf of the American people. Something that our elected officials have not done for years.
  11. Oh and Mr. Adams... I did happen to like this read. I'm sure you won't: link
  12. What did you think about all of the banter with Obama speaking to Children? Was it an attempt to indoctrinate school children? Speaking to Children vs. Changing censorship in schools. Their probably going to ban dancing and music next.
  13. Outrageous... an amendment by Republican Don McLeroy suggesting that the civil rights movement led to "unrealistic expectations for equal outcomes." "Another proposed change removes any reference to race, sex or religion in talking about how different groups have contributed to the national identity." Outrageous... Numerous attempts to add the names or references to important Hispanics throughout history also were denied Outrageous... Politicizing Textbooks Outrageous... simply outrageous. Let the usual attacking begin.
  14. Both are obviously bad... the faceless bureaucrat who says you can't have the medicine and the drug company that keeps raising the prices so that you can't afford them. It would equally suck if you were busting your butt trying to get your family the best medicine to find out that you just can't afford it no matter what.
  15. Which is worse being denied cancer drugs on the National Health Care system or being denied drugs because you can't afford them?
  16. I'd be ok with renogiating those contracts. Not just saying f you people, you benefits are gone. Personally, I haven't seen any contracts with bonuses added into the contract. I've seen gradual pay increases over 3 or 5 year term. example: 4%, 3%, 4%.
  17. And you have to appreciate people from the right side of the aisle as well. They have perfected the art of avoidance.
  18. union apologist? Ummm ok? And yes, I would say no to these types of bonuses especially now with the economy the way it is.
  19. Absolutely ridiculous to pay out these bonuses... AIGs and the State.
  20. Wow, that was whitty. A person who thinks muppets are gay and corrupting children thinks other people are stupid. HAHAHAHA!! You mean it's how they interpret the Constitution right?
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