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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Loved it!!! Although, I wouldn't say he shouted it.
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Dear God what a love-fest!!
  3. Are you talking about in real life or here on this board? On this board it's more the conservative right that gets upset and is attacking.
  4. I am never in victim mode. Like my opinions or not I could care less. More and more I laugh at people like you. Always know best, always right, always attacking people, etc., etc. You are awesome!!
  5. Wow, a very impressive post. D-bag. By the way, the Rat you keep referring to primarily used by the Teamsters. When I USED to work for an International Union, I was not a Teamster. Not big fan of that union or many of their members. As you have posted, way to aggressive for my taste.
  6. Oh and in all seriousness, we don't spend enough on education in this country. One of the schools (elementary) I live near has a YEARLY budget of $56,000 to cover everything. And some people say that is a bit high.
  7. Should we say that about those who support big business? People who have completely F'd over their stockholders, customers, etc.?
  8. Talk about a great mentality... "!@#$ you AND your unions, pal." What a douche you are. GO UNION!!!!
  9. And I do thank people for their service, doesn't mean that he's not a pompous ass.
  10. I have said there are bigger "real" problems as you put it. But to me, in my opinion, it is a "real" problem.
  11. Great, just what we need... pompous asses like you here.
  12. Hijacking their event by sitting down quietly with a sign? Yeah, he really goaded them into it.
  13. How did that make your point? You see that as a non-real problem. I do. Your point was not made. Of course when one uses a message board or when one takes on a position at a company they are bound by rules. Which can at times restrict their freedom of speech. That still does not mean that someone can't stand in the middle of a park or next to a group of people and express their opinion as long as it doesn't incite violence, etc. In regards to Rush... as much as I think he is a piece of crap. He has the right to speak his mind. And hell he's lucky enough to get paid to do it.
  14. Why because the debate is life of the unborn vs a right to choose. That to me makes it a real problem. If you don't see it that way, that's fine. freedom of speech Right, as stated in the 1st and 14th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, to express information, ideas, and opinions free of government restrictions based on content. A modern legal test of the legitimacy of proposed restrictions on freedom of speech was stated in the opinion by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. in Schenk v. U.S. (1919): a restriction is legitimate only if the speech in question poses a "clear and present danger" — i.e., a risk or threat to safety or to other public interests that is serious and imminent. Many cases involving freedom of speech and of the press also have concerned defamation, obscenity, and prior restraint.
  15. Not true. Every side has their extremists. And all of those people are to be considered savages. I wouldn't say the Tea Party instance or the Obama rally instance is an example of one's base. Granted the Tea Party side has had more outbursts.
  16. On the scale of real problems, abortion may be on the lower end. However it is still a real problem.
  17. Really? I thought people had the freedom to speak their mind on all subjects. Not just government?
  18. Wow, you're a D-bag. The guy had Parkinson's. No reason for that guy to act that way. About time he apologized.
  19. Why care about Peters, even if the Bills offered him a lot of money, he still didn't want to stay here. F him.
  20. Don't forget the campaign slogans that will be race driven. Or how about they yell at people who are sick?
  21. I'd have to say being trusting is better than running scared and disliking everything.
  22. Nuff Said... http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editoria...list_not_quite/
  23. To honest with you, I don't know if the politicians really know what they are classified as. I guess it all depends on the polls.
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