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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Wondering when these pensions were put into place.
  2. Feel bad for him and his family. Glad the guy was arrested. And by the way, there was more than just spit thrown towards democrats. Just saying.
  3. Now with that be taken care of... I still say we need to spend more on education, but spend wisely. Spend in areas that truly need help. Example: Inner City Schools.
  4. Read much? The budget also covers the cost of providing and supporting day-to-day activities in our schools: instructional materials and supplies; program and services; salaries for teachers, administrators and other staff; transportation; facility maintenance; and technology I have stated COUNTLESS times the budget I am talking about DOES NOT INCLUDE SALARIES FOR TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS AND OTHER STAFF OR TRANSPORTATION!!!
  5. Really douche? So I didn't put "not" in there. You understand... well then, maybe you don't understand what was insinuated.
  6. Frederick County has 63 schools and serve approximately 40,064 students. The budget also covers the cost of providing and supporting day-to-day activities in our schools: instructional materials and supplies; program and services; salaries for teachers, administrators and other staff; transportation; facility maintenance; and technology. Salaries for teachers, administrators and other staff; transportation... was OBVIOUSLY NOT PART OF THE EQUATION. According to what was said, the funding left over to cover the rest was roughly $56,000. With that being said. Next time their is a meeting I will let you know.
  7. As stated, the part of the budget they were discussing DID NOT include labor. Teachers, Executive Staff, etc.
  8. What does that have to do with anything? This budget does deal with teachers salaries. It deals with the operational costs outside of that
  9. No kidding which is why the meeting was held. To announce the possibility of more cuts, etc. If I could provide the transcript of the meeting I would. I just love it though how everyone who wasn't there is correct.
  10. Spent in a better way? They are worried about supplies for the students, lunch programs, after school and summer programs, etc. How else should they spend the little money have? They are not blowing the money. Hell, just the increase in paper supplies for the kids has gone up a ton. A major part of the problem is that the Board has it's preferred vendors to receive goods from. Even though the principal can find something cheaper someplace else her hands are tied and she can not make moves that will save money. Another part of the problem is the elected officials in the state who don't see or do not want to know that there is a problem. Just wanting to cut without digging deeper.
  11. And you can tell everyone they are wrong because you are on a message board. Great logic.
  12. D-Bag. My day does not consist of worrying about unions. Use more than one brain cell and understand that I do not work for the union anymore. I do still support them. Unlike you I do not believe that everything I disagree with is evil or bad for the country.
  13. Yes, all teachers are lying. Just because you live in another state and can use the internet. You know more than me... who happened to be at the meeting. Ok.
  14. Love the checklist. Do not buy into your belief that Beck believes in those items.
  15. Well at least the first half of that is correct. Although, fraud might be to strong of a word for some.
  16. Now if you only did some research before attacking muppets by calling them gay.
  17. Next time you go to their meeting you can tell me no. I know what I heard and it came from the Principal and a member of the Board of Education. So bite me.
  18. Frederick, MD - $56,000 to run the school. Not including salaries of course.
  19. They may borrow it but it's a Teamster item. And yes, you who bashes unions knows more than the guy who worked with them and for them or years. Another example of people talking out of their butts.
  20. No BS, went to the meeting that discussed budgets and cut backs. Talks of dismissing great teachers, etc.
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