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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Wow, that was the dumbest thing ever posted on this board. Larry the Cable Guy? You are about as nutty as a port-a-potty at a peanut festival.
  2. I'm just waiting for something from Glen Beck or Sarah Palin to come next.
  3. And you as well. Oh sorry, you were heading towards the high road. HAHAHAHA!!
  4. One could say there is thousands of examples of corrupt businessmen.... does that mean that they are all corrupt? No. I'm not debating that there is corruption, it does not mean that EVERY single union person as you act is a union scumbag, Again, blanket statements.
  5. As I expect you to hit talking points. Keep up the good work. Oh sorry, you are independent. My bad.
  6. It's called hard work and not just playing with yourself in your moms basement. I laugh when the newbie to the board talks about name calling etc. yet you have statements like: I do have a wonderful, great career and I do not lie.
  7. F her that dumbass muppet. On insurance companies... where did you think the money would go? Funny thing is that is would probably cost more having people use the ER as their primary care with no insurance.
  8. May be a contradiction from his campaign well over a year ago. Like any good President, things change and so should their stance based on what's good for the country as a whole. I too agree with drilling. Oh sorry 3rdning did you expect me to be like Al Gore and say no to drilling? Ooops!
  9. I am glad you don't need Al Gore. Very proud of you. Yeah, an independent thinker. HAHAHAHA!!!
  10. Believe it or not. I don't go by talking points. I do love that though. Thank you always good for a laugh. I'm not as Liberal as people believe.
  11. Ok. Original Post (in other words for you... very first post relating to education): And since this date.... And it's not a matter of claiming one thing and then denying it. It's a matter of clarifying. I love this message board crap. Seriously, questioning ones intelligence via a message board? Really? For all I know you sit there in your parents basement with no job, thumb up your butt and you are hitting google all of the time. If that makes you feel better about yourself great. I know that I have a GREAT and important career, I more than provide for my family and I keep them happy. That is all I need.
  12. And this is after you call someone retarded? Nice.
  13. So you are basing your useless posts off of my very first post? Great job, way to move along with the classification. Talk about a waste of time.
  14. Ok. As I stated before. We will never see eye to eye on this because you believe that one bad person/corrupt deal involving a union means all people associated with unions and all of their contracts are dirty or in your usual nasty tone. Union scumbags. Hell, I could say that about the management within every company or state right? They all skim money or give themselves ridiculous bonuses or cook the books. But I know better than that. I don't and will never make a blanket statement like that. I will say (again) that yes, I do know and understand that unions have those types of people within. I wish they could find and remove them, no matter how high up they are within the union. I have also said that I wish unions would smarten up, reevaluate and renegotiate their contracts. Especially when they know for a fact that they may a primary or even secondary cause for a state or institutions financial problems. We don't see eye to eye and that's fine.
  15. Since you stated it AGAIN. I stated: Can you read the bold part?
  16. Can that be after I get done patting your mom on the ass?
  17. No dick. Because you stated the answer. Elected officials or some sort of officer of the state will sign off on contracts.
  18. I know, you are saying that the unions negotiate their contracts with those whom they support during the election years. Yes, those very elected officials are in the pocket of the union. Again, you are right... everyone is corrupt.
  19. Here we go. Another "genius" HAHAHAHAHA!!!
  20. Which was followed up by "Frederick, MD - $56,000 to run the school. Not including salaries of course."
  21. Go back and read. I have stated what that part if their budget covered. Many times.
  22. No I did not. I have ALWAYS stated that it covered parts of their operations minus salaries, etc. Quit trying to start crap.
  23. You may call it ridiculous, however it is true. BOTH sides have to come to an agreement. Although, why even bother discussing this with you. I'll let you keep on with the same BS "Union BAD. Union CORRUPT everyone it deals with". Nice approach.
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