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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Should have been more clear in saying that they were worried about a portion of their operational budget for the year. That's about all I am going to say.
  2. Actually I did. I stated that I should have been clearer. Go ahead and search and find out exactly what I said, I'm sure that you will do that anyways.
  3. exactly. I could care less if they are wearing leather, rainbow shirts whatever... I just don't care to know about their sex life.
  4. Maybe so. However that could be said for pretty much everyone here. There are a lot of strong opinions throughout this message board and I can't imagine everyone is an SME on every subject discussed. Just sayin'. As I have stated before. If someone would like to enlighten me. Feel free. Starting that discussion by calling someone a retard... well that person instantly loses credibility in my book. Then why listen to them or anything they have to say?
  5. I act like most gay people are doing that? Negative. I have a few gay friends and work with one gay person, I know for a fact not every gay person prances around in leather, etc. My point is that I don't need to know about their sex lives. I just don't care to hear about it.
  6. I may not know every single little detail about some subjects, however based off of what I do know. I am allowed to form an opinion. You don't like my opinion or some of my beliefs, fine. I could give two craps. With that being said, when I gain new information from someone who actually knows how to discuss something instead calling the other person retarded, etc. I will listen to their side. It may or may not change my opinion, at a minimum I will know and understand their strong feelings in that particular subject. Again, stating my opinions nothing more. Not claiming to be an expert or anything along those lines. UNless I do love the people here who act as though they know everything when they don't. I also love the people who admit they don't know anything about a particular subject yet love to chime in and try to berate someone, joining the message board mob.
  7. I see your point. My point is simple. Don't use blanket statements.
  8. Again true. No debating that what so ever. F the Environment Drill.
  9. You're still a dick. Sorry my bad.... Since you know all can you enlighten us on the subject? Should be very simple for you since you want to present yourself as someone who everything.
  10. True. Just thinking once the infrastructure is built it would a faster process if it was located 50 miles from the coast as compared to 1,000+ miles in Alaska.
  11. Sorry your whole rant on PBS and Gays was outstanding. I do agree with you on the premise that no one needs to know. Keep your private life, private.
  12. I may wrong, but wouldn't be easier/faster to have whatever oil we get into the refineries if we drilled offshore as compared to Alaska?
  13. As much I would love to see Clausen in a Bills uniform, I hope that they take a OL at #9 and the best QB available at 41. Don't mind Tebow either.
  14. I am still not really interested in drilling in ANWR. However, I have never been totally against offshore drilling. Hell it will do a lot for Virginia and Maryland (once they buy into it). As long as it's done with minimal impact on the environment have at it. I am hoping that they will still have a push for green energy - wind turbines, etc. Which would be another great item to be done offshore.
  15. I wouldn't doubt it. Just keep telling yourself that you are awesome!!!! Best poster EVER!!
  16. Talking point? I would love to see how much it costs the American public per year when people go to the ER for their primary care since they don't have insurance.
  17. Agree with. Anything else? Come on Tom you can do better than that.
  18. I agree with you on that. Both sides of the aisle have a lot of people doing/saying whatever it takes to save their butts in the Fall.
  19. Nahhh, just needed to narrow down my original statement.
  20. Yup, just saying you are the best. I wish I was like you.
  21. When I'm on top of your... no, I don't want to go there either. So since I am your "typical liberal"... give me some items that a "typical liberal" would like and I'll you let you know if I agree or not.
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