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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Actually I was never lazy when I worked for the union. I reinvented the wheel when I was there. Bringing in new systems, strategic plans, etc. The way that things were done before me were horrible. I will admit that some people were lazy, however you will find that in every organization/company. Biting the hand that feeds you... that is a statement one can only take so far. People should be able to complain or fight for better conditions at work, better salary, equal rights within the workplace, etc. When it comes to ones perception of unions it comes down to life experiences... some people here have experienced the bad, I experienced the good. At least I will admit (like always) that unions have their problems and need to change the way they operate. In regards to your comment about the DNC... I could care less about the messaging that comes out of the DNC. I have never paid attention to it before and will not in the future. As much as people, like to believe that I am ridiculously left person... I'm not. I have voted for both republicans and independents in the past. If I had a chance to vote out Pelosi and Reid as well as other Democrats I would.
  3. I do not mind Campbell. The best thing about a move like that is that the Bills can OL with both of their early picks. Does anyone have the Bills current draft numbers obviously I know #9 and #41. Not to sure where we stand after that.
  4. As much as I would love to see Clausen in a Bills uniform, they need to draft OL with the #9 pick. #41 go for McCoy or Tebow.
  5. Splitting hairs is what people do best on this site. I stated that in regards to posting, I am lazy. Outside of that, not at all.
  6. You definitely insinuated it by stating that I don't care about the quality of my work. Posting is not work.
  7. I never equated posting on TBD to work. That is you and that's fine. I especially like the comment "doesn't much care about the quality of his work..." When in reality, I do care about the quality of my work. Which is why I have my current position and get hired on the side as a consultant for many projects. I don't try to be nor do I care about being well respected on a message board. I have no problem learning from people here, no problem what so ever. However, when a person throws insults first then that person loses all credibility to me. Keep up the good work posting here on TBD. I'm sure it's doing wonders for your resume and ego.
  8. Wow, again assuming and putting words into peoples mouths. Typical. Not I do not care that much about posting. It's for fun, even though you like to think of it as work... it's not. Within my career, my work is stellar.
  9. Lazy... maybe. Could be I don't care that much or that I would like to get something down and get back to work. Thanks for checking though.
  10. Actually I love to listen to people here. However, the norm is that once someone disagrees with you and your opinion. Their first post is calling someone retarded so something else. What's the point of trying to talk to those people? It's the whole mentality of I am going scream and belittle you because I disagree. Great way to open a conversation/discussion. You are prime example of that constant mocking tone that goes on around here. You act like you know someone and what they believe in when you don't.
  11. That's problem with everyone these days. Most people do not want to listen to the other side.
  12. He states he knows what I am about. He doesn't, simple as that.
  13. Negative, Negative and Negative. Keep trying though. Assume all you want.
  14. I just believe it's crappy to say because you voted a certain way, as a doctor I am going to tell you to go elsewhere. I have no problem with him having strong beliefs and feelings on the matter, everyone does. I do not believe that he hasn't or won't turn someone away.
  15. Because there is no need to read past this: He knows NOTHING about my beliefs, my career, etc. and assumes everything. No need to respond any more than I did. Oh and I stated I WORKED for the union. Talk about a reading problem.
  16. I'm a leech because the policy was that employees were not true members of the union and did have to pay dues? Ok
  17. Dumbass, I never paid union dues because I worked for the union. Nice try dumbass. And I do think this doctor is a disgrace. I love his quote about never turning away a patient. Good stuff.
  18. Take Clausen if they can find a way to protect him. We had a nice start on the OL last year, minus all of the injuries, etc. If they can find a way to either trade for a solid veteran lineman or still grab a solid/immediate impact OL in the draft. Go for it. QBs are only good when they have time to pass.
  19. Funny since I've never paid union dues. This doctor is a disgrace.
  20. If you are claiming posting to a message board as being productive. Then I guess I wasn't very far off in my assumption earlier. DING!! Your fries are ready.
  21. Well, I am glad to see that you are all very productive today.
  22. Having Golden Tate would be outstanding. The guy is a straight up playmaker.
  23. HAHAHA!! Go ahead believe what you want. Let me take a guess at your life... You drink alone at a hotel bar hoping that some middle-aged woman just traveling through town will want to take a chance on a guy with a mustache and bad ass 1980 Camaro with dice hanging from the mirror. You use a laptop (two months salary) to post messages while there, trying so hard to make yourself look like a businessman on travel until you hear that unmistakable noise... DING!! Breaks over, fries are done.
  24. I wouldn't doubt that part of this would be due to the election. I am hoping that another part would be that it makes sense.
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