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Everything posted by pBills

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Honest American Journalists!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  2. Wonder if Clausen can hold one of those Burger King Hamburgers with those tiny hands?
  3. South Carolina: Railroad companies may be held liable in some instances for scaring horses. Horses may not be kept in bathtubs. It is perfectly legal to beat your wife on the court house steps on Sundays.
  4. I just can't listen to him because he always sounds like he's going to have a heart attack at any moment.
  5. Apologize, did not see your point. Ok, I agree. Should not be given out to everyone.
  6. Curious because you said "our goal". No reason to get your panties in a bind.
  7. I know all of that. Just curious on why the Tea Party wouldn't want to support people who pay taxes and don't receive Full Representation. Shouldn't they be there hand in hand with Eleanor Holmes Norton fighting for this? Aren't they about taxes being fair?
  8. Answer the question. If many people are against socialist programs why aren't they against those two?
  9. Wondering why the Tea Party Movement isn't holding up signs about being against them. Again, just curious.
  10. If they are paying taxes shouldn't they have Full Representation? Just asking.
  11. Maybe Reagan was right? 1962: Reagan Warns that Medicare Will Lead to Socialism, Destruction of American Democracy
  12. Are they not in a sense socialist programs? If not, please enlighten me.
  13. Taxation without TRUE Representation. Come on Tea Party should be all over that.
  14. Just thinking it's great to hold up signs protesting Socialism yet go home and collect from them.
  15. Yes. You being from VA should know that they do not have a voting rep in Senate and in the House they are allowed one delegate who is not allowed on the floor. DC should have FULL representation. Don't you agree?
  16. I do like how the majority of their members are probably receiving social security or medicare.
  17. Have no idea what the NYC Teachers Union did yesterday. Simply curious if the Tea Party people care about DC Voting Rights.
  18. And your typical bashing response. Good job!!
  19. I'm waiting for them to storm the Hill about DC Voting Rights.
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