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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I know who won and lost. Not a surprise by that... and when the dust settles he's still a Republican.
  2. What is that little letter next Rand Pauls name? Is it an R?
  3. Unions have been spending money like that for years on elections... it not news.
  4. What is he supposed to do? They are allowed to spend money just like the corporations.
  5. All of this Tea Party stuff is just nonsense... just a way to rebrand the Republican party.
  6. I believe Obama mentioned the unions right along with corporations in a few of his speeches.
  7. I hope you don't believe that this will change things.
  8. I agree. It's one thing to be a Monday Morning QB, but lately Bills "fans" will do anything and say anything to insult the players because they think they know and can do better. It's pathetic.
  9. No kidding. Every good project dies when the Buffalo politicians get involved. I'm going to go edit that wikipedia page now.
  10. Tea Party? Republicans have done A LOT for Buffalo. HAHAHAHA!!
  11. I love how people dislike this President so much that they mock and can't him visiting Buffalo. Just sad.
  12. If they keep the award with Cushing... the award will mean instantly mean nothing.
  13. Eckel can definitely run over people. Pretty good speed too. Might be a nice addition.
  14. In other words it wasn't the popular way to go. So therefore they are doing it all wrong.
  15. HAHAHAHAHA!!! The short passing game can't work? Tell that to Tom Brady. That boy checks down a TON!!! I believe the problem with Trent was that he feeling as though he always had to play on his heels, plus the system Buffalo had in place offensively and defensively sucked. Bad game plans all around. There is no doubt in my mind that Trent can throw down field. People love the long ball, but we and every team needs a playbook that mixes the check down with the long ball effectively. We didn't have that. Maybe we do now... remains to be seen.
  16. Glad to hear Obama is heading to Buffalo. Good for him. Who knows if it will amount to anything, at least Buffalo is on someone's schedule. So, yeah let's mock the visit some more.
  17. Ok, so you like Brohm based on basically nothing. And dislike Trent because you are blaming bad offensive play completely on him. Ok.
  18. I as much as I would like to see us move forward with drilling off the coast, this is an eye opener. Granted this type of disaster doesn't happen often, but when it does... wow. All in all, I'm torn.
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