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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Come on, well if all of our woes started under Obama, can't the actions he has set forth correct them? Seriously, since the stimulus' went out it has been a slow recovery but things ARE moving in the right direction.
  2. I just laugh with all of the Obama is ruining our country crap. Seriously, were your eyes open the years before he came into office? Was everything so perfect before? No. Fact of the matter is that he has done a good job so far in turning this country around. Things are turning around under his watch. You should give him credit, even though I know not one person here will. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/nabe-pegs...nk=MW_news_stmp http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405...s_whats_news_us
  3. Equating this administration to the Nazis, etc. is just wrong. Just scares people even more into believing nonsense.
  4. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...from-nfl-teams/ Rugby star gets interest from NFL teams Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on May 15, 2010 1:08 PM ET NFL teams including the Broncos and Bills have expressed some interest in Austrailian rugby star Greg Inglis, according to the Sunday Mail in Australia. The 23-year-old won the "Golden Boot" award as the best rugby player in the world last year. He likely would just get a tryout, and he seems likely to continue playing rugby for the immediate future. If Inglis tried to cross over, the 238-pounder would probably try out as a kick returner and linebacker. "I know for a fact, if Greg was keen, there would be four clubs who would take him tomorrow," said Cameron McGillivray, who works for an Australian Academy that helps prepare players -- mostly kickers and punters -- to prepare for American football. "They've got some scouts out here and a few of the scouts thought Greg would be a sensation in the game," Melbourne Storm manager Allan Gainey said.
  5. The cost of Maryland Blue Crab is going to go up.
  6. Sad that a lot of people find this to be acceptable: Yeah, he is someone we should all look up to.
  7. Personally I believe he has done more in two years as compared to what was done the eight years prior.
  8. I do like watching people fall in love with the Tea Party people and their candidates... CHANGE is coming right?? HAHAHA
  9. Yes, everything comes back to Obama and being his fault!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! http://news.alibaba.com/gallery/detail/peo...parachutes.html
  10. SOME of the banks paid back their bailout money. Either way some of that bailout money was used for exec golden parachutes and huge bonuses. Sorry, if I sucked at my job I wouldn't get a bonus. They shouldn't have either. Just sayin'
  11. I'd say both are not by choice. No one buys a stock thinking that the execs are going to be $75+ million dollar bailouts. But I guess it was their choice since they bought the stock right?
  12. Kind of like those golden parachutes execs receive right?
  13. Didn't say they didn't. Just saying it's not just CERTAIN unions doing that.
  14. Your whole Obama attack is basically saying that even though corporations helped fund his campaign he's a hypocrite. Ok, once an elected into office is a person allowed to move forward or back legislation that may go against what they did during the election cycle? Spewing liberal talking points... HAHAHA why is every democrat considered a liberal.
  15. Totally disagree with SEIU on this... to the rest of your statement.. HAHAHAHHAHAHAAH!!! Yeah, that calm Tea Party Movement.
  16. Totally agree with limiting amounts being pushed into elections by unions and corporations.
  17. Oh please. "If there's one thing that Americans from the left, right and center can all agree on, it's that they don't want more special interests in our politics," Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is spearheading the legislative effort, said in a statement after the poll was released Wednesday. "We hope we can get strong and quick bipartisan support for our legislation, which passes constitutional muster but will still effectively limit the influence of special interests." Under legislation being drafted by Schumer and Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), companies with foreign ownership or federal contracting ties would be limited in their ability to spend corporate money on elections.
  18. Which just like the Republicans saying that they are for the people... when really they'll do anything the corporations say to do.
  19. Of course I see that. However is this simply a democrat issue to you?
  20. And if you dig a bit deeper he said... “Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests -- including foreign companies -- to spend without limit in our elections,” Obama said tonight. “Well, I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, and worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American people, and that’s why I’m urging Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to right this wrong.” I think he is more worried about foreign companies being involved and I agree with that. Actually I agree with pushing everyone out of it... corps and unions
  21. From his own website: Official Website of Dr. Rand Paul for US Senate from Kentucky. A Lifelong Republican running for the Senate seat being vacated by Jim Bunning.
  22. Please unions have been demonized for years... again not news. Just upset that the democrats aren't going after them like they do major corporations. Gee I wonder why? Same reason that republicans don't go after corporations or associations like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
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