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Everything posted by pBills

  1. We should change this section of TBD to JBAO.. Just B word About Obama. Works doesn't it?
  2. So true, look at Fox News shelling out $1 Million to the GOP. Crazy.
  3. HAHAHA. Nice Post Tom. Although, it's union supporting shill.
  4. HAHAHAHA that was funny.
  5. I believe this is nothing more than him saying the market (Buffalo/Toronto) is huge market and there is no reason why the Bills can't reach into the Toronto area more often. A few games, mainly merchandising IF the team performs.
  6. I have noticed him this year in TC looking off the safeties and LBs. Very nice to see, let's hope he keeps it up.
  7. I love the people who voted against the bill.
  8. What happens if he signs with the Patriots?
  9. yeah you know what people should make right? My father did fairly well when he worked at GM, he also picked up as much OT as he could to help his family. I didn't know one line person that made $70k right off the bat without busting their butt with OT.
  10. HAHAHA. Great job Obama on saving the Auto Industry!!! I guess some people would still be happy if nothing was done and everything went under and even more people were unemployed and losing their homes.
  11. I get so tired of seeing these posts. Yes, we know people don't like Trent. Really people are going to start judging him by what he did in High School? Everyone here knows that 99% of the Bills problems for the past few years were due to coaching and injuries. So relax and enjoy training camp.
  12. I 100% agree with you. I find it interesting that the Bills were either tied or only down by three going into the 4th quarter last year. To lose those games is coaching more than problems with talent. GO BILLS!!
  13. Just like those on the right that believe everything that O'Reilly, Beck and FOX "News" puts out. Quite sad.
  14. Just curious on how this works for kids. What other people experienced with their kids there... good time, bad lines, lots of autographs/no autographs?
  15. Which is what it's like with the Tea Party right? hahaha
  16. I agree with him. He never has off the field problems, is always in good shape... one little thing and the media (ESPN) blows it way out of proportion. For being part of a crappy offense last year his numbers weren't bad.
  17. I think that shows how close the Bills really are to turning this thing around. Reasons for losing I believe were a direct result of bad coaching. Granted players make mistakes, but the coaches have to put them in the best position for winning.
  18. yeah, since most of the benefits you enjoy now came from the hard work of unions.
  19. You can believe in FOX News, I don't simple as that. So what was the Iran thing that Obama let slip away?
  20. I understand that FOX portrays itself as having 2 separate outfits... just don't believe it. Sorry.
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