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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Oh I don't know maybe cause she is only second in line to the President after the VP. Pretty sure it wouldn't be smart to have her fly Southwest.
  2. No debating that rates are going up as fast as ever. Of course they are. These companies want to use pricing as leverage to make people pissed about any and I mean ANY change the government would want to place on them. Another FACT is that even though you believe that insurance rate increases are heavily scrutinized, I don't think that is the best way to categorize what they do. Maybe look them over, say sure why not. After all pretty much every year rates are going up across the board. I think the 5-10% range is generous, but in most cases even before the healthcare bill it was more like 15-20%. By the way, I never claimed that the bill was perfect. If anything it's a starting point. That is until some moron comes in says they have a great solution and yet again does nothing.
  3. Don't agree with that kind of waste. Yet, she should be traveling by military aircraft.
  4. Dopes, like me. Nice. Actually dopes like you can't understand that this industry NEEDS to be reigned in. Those poor private insurers. It's about damn time someone has at least started the process. That's until moronic people vote republicans back in to a majority, then they will repeal healthcare and guess what... the healthcare industry will still raise it's rates. Not everything is caused by the government, think and understand that problems can be caused by companies as well. Of course they are. Like I said, they go up either way. One way is do nothing and have your rates go up... but people will be happy with that because it's only an additional 5-10% each year. They are attempting to raise their rates a ridiculous amount so that they can market the idea that healthcare reform will screw the american people. Guess what...you bought in to that marketing plan perfectly. So, let's repeal the healthcare bill and do nothing. Seems as though that's the BEST thing to do.
  5. Would they be going up if there wasn't healthcare reform? YUP. Get used to it. No healthcare reform they raise premiums/rates. With healthcare reform, they raise premiums/rates and blame it on Obama. No matter what they are going to raise your rates. I just don't understand why people do not want to change this industry, they are single handily F'ing people over.
  6. WOW, That was really f'ing dumb. To think I wasted time clicking on that link. Let's face it the U.S. will be worse off if Republicans gain control again.
  7. How so? They got what he deserved. 4th is about right... maybe could have got a 3rd with no conditional pick from the Packers. But that's about it. Plus, the Patriots have a TON of picks, they can play around all they want.
  8. Already wondering when the coach will be fired? yeah and John Fox is a GREAT choice.
  9. I am so tired of these nonsense bring on Brohm posts. I seriously have no idea why the love affair is there.
  10. Sorry, I am not nor will I ever hope for a lot of losses. That is pathetic. If anything is true, it is that the front offices before this one didn't know what they were doing. Last years draft was a solid one. If you want to keep hoping that the Bills keep losing maybe you should be a "fan" of another team.
  11. yeah, let's start this now. Let's call him a bust too!!
  12. That is DUMB!!! Yeah, we should be so lucky that the Bills lost. Let's hope for that #1 draft pick, then hope he signs, then hope he pans out and isn't like a Ryan Leaf or Leinhart. Dumb to hope your team loses or think that it's a positive thing.
  13. Jason Peters still sucks and would have screwed the team even more with bad play and ridiculus salary.
  14. Granted the Bills are not very good. But in no way will I ever cheer for or hope that the Bills go 0-16.
  15. If you don't know who to cheer for you shouldn't be a Bills fan. Simple as that.
  16. i do disagree about Byrd, Levitre and Wood. Hell all three of them were injured. The only way to truly build a solid line is through playing time. Look at Peyton Mannings OL. At one point they played together for what 6-7 years? If the Bills keeping dumping O-linemen they will never get stronger.
  17. They finally are. Making moves for the future is what NFL teams do.
  18. Fact of the matter is that we truly don't know how Nix and crew are when it comes to scouting, picks, etc. To me, it seems like they are making the right moves.
  19. Great trade by the Bills. A 4th and a 6th (possibly 5th) is a good thing. Hell Moss a future Hall of Famer was traded for a 3rd. Who in their right mind believes that Lynch even with the difference in age is better than Moss?
  20. BRAVO!!! I totally agree. It is sad that no matter what happens.. a trade (lynch) that should help out the team in the long run (something Lynch wasn't able to do) to a missed FG everything has the sky falling. Being a Bills fan, the one thing I was always proud of was the 12th man always being there through good times and bad. Even though it's been 10 years of crap, there is not a week, a season that goes by that I don't believe that Bills can turn it around. Right now, FINALLY I believe that they are truly righting the ship. Making smart moves for the future. So man up 12th Man, show your support and be the fans that other teams wished they had.
  21. I agree with you on some points. I wouldn't mind trading Lynch or Evans some draft picks or to clear room so that they can sign a better player through Free Agency. That being said, I think that they should trade the #1, #2 or #3 overall pick - whatever one they get for a later first round spot and a 2nd round pick. Draft the best lineman on the board, doesn't matter offensive or defensive line. Then pick up a QB early in the 2nd Round. Let's face it there won't be a lot of teams going after these QBs. The Bills will be best served by any one of the top three QB's coming out. They just need to get one of them. Bottom line, be smart for once in the draft.
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