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Everything posted by pBills

  1. YAY!! Be happy the Bills lost. Dumbass.
  2. Tax cuts are always good. However, they are not realistic. I love how everyone republican and republican light (Tea Party) act as though they can cut spending (they don't know how), they can cut taxes (really?) and all of our problems will go away. Hell, my favorite is that they want to privatize social security. They say the Dems are running the country into the ground yet they did nothing for 8 years, and still have no solid plan for the future. Another all time great is when I here a republican candidate telling a democrat that they are in the pocket of the unions... AND want to ship jobs overseas??? I'm not saying that the Dems are perfect or great in anyway. I just hope that who ever is elected into office can work together. Don't get me wrong, I do want the Dems to keep control of everything. Just saying my opinion, my two cents which of course 99.9% of this forum will disagree with me, call me a fool and that is fine.
  3. HAHAHA!! People act like plans would not have gone up 10%, 20% each year even if the healthcare bill wasn't passed.
  4. Spending going down is a given. How do you expect to pay for the debt we currently have? Lower everyone's taxes and pray?
  5. Less taxes. You realize that sooner or later taxes will have to be raised right?
  6. Wasn't the stimulus plan created by the Bush Administration? I love the republican ideas... oh wait.
  7. I wish they would have. Although, then coming here would be completely unbearable with all of the partisan griping going on.
  8. Totally agree. I wish the Dems would reign in their spending. I am also hoping that the Republicans do not regain control of anything. Talk about job losses, man I would hate to see what happens then.
  9. Yes and all of that minus the golf is his fault. Dear god, the worst recession since the Great Depression and people want it fixed within two years. I love how republicans rant and rave over unemployment. Granted the number is high on the national level. State to state, district to district some areas are getting better. Plus, what about the jobs we lost that went overseas? Yet, people are dumb and back people like Fiorina was a HORRIBLE CEO at HP and was terminated and on top of that she THOUSANDS of jobs overseas.
  10. http://www.factcheck.org/askfactcheck/during_the_clinton_administration_was_the_federal.html
  11. Move those chains, move those chains, move those chains... HMMMMPH!! Dumbest thing ever. That and when they yell "O" really loud during the National Anthem. Hellooooo do that during the Orioles games, not during football games.
  12. That's garbage. The Bills offense looked good today. And no one here or on the team is accepting losing.
  13. Go right ahead. I do not agree with everything the far left does. I can't stand Pelosi or Harry Reid. I am more towards the center on many issues. Unlike you guys, everything Obama and democratic is bad. Talk about being far to one side. Of course this will be followed by a statement stating that you and others are not leaning to the far right. Ok. That's like saying the Tea Party isn't Republican Light.
  14. Hats off to the healthcare industry for raising rates (faster that they would have raised them anyways) and marketing that it's ALL Obama's fault. Hands off our healthcare Obama, everything was fine before.
  15. My bad, wasn't thinking THAT cycle. By the way, not a FAR left lunatic... left but not far left.
  16. When did he ever say it was bad for a company to profit? He went on with the stimulus plan created by George W. Bush. I think it worked out well in GM's case, Wall Street.... ehhh not great across the board.
  17. Wrong. At the end of the cycle EVERYONE including the politician is utterly exhausted.
  18. Yeah, Obama... don't inject money into saving Wall Street or GM or anything... let them all FAIL!!!
  19. Sorry I had to laugh at the post stating that president is basically doing nothing but partying. Didn't think I needed to discuss how dumb that post was. Feel better?
  20. Really, you would equate an exhausted politician (right or left) at the end of a presidential cycle to this dumbass?
  21. Ok, so then why is your beloved board letting rates sky rocket?
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