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Everything posted by pBills

  1. No arguement. Simple question does he believe in those positions. I do have family currently living in Florida, concern is having a person like that in office.
  2. God I hope that the republicans and republican 2.0's (Tea Party) don't win as much as some expect. Question.. how does Rubio stand on those issues?
  3. Merely telling me the truth. Ok. Republicans will repeal and replace. Not likely. I know the talking box told that they will. Fact of the matter is that they won't they had complete control for eight dreadfully long years and did nothing when it came to healthcare reform. Nothing. Now, because they hate this bill and need to own up to a campaign promise will repeal the bill. Or at least attempt to. Again, you will not see any movement from the right on replacing it. Mark my words. I completely agree with you about Pelosi and Reid. I have never been a fan of theirs and they did completely mess up by never wanting to involve republicans. That being said the republicans are no angels either. Again, lets face the facts here the republicans didn't really enter any conversation with an extended hand. Just like Boehner said they other day... they will not compromise their beliefs. They didn't the last two years, they won't in the future. And that is a huge negative with our government. Don't get me wrong, I am hoping that the republicans do not gain control. I don't believe in a lot of their talking points and certainly would not want them even having a snowballs chance in hell to getting placed into law. A fair prediction of the next two years in DC... nothing gets done.
  4. You are just a gem. Way to start out a conversation... "Instead, you will keep telling us how we have to work together, both sides, etc., without the first friggin clue as to whether or not that is even feasible." Let me ask you a very simple question... do you believe that IF the republicans gain power, repeal the bill that they will... A) Try reform with a bill of their own? B) Not let their ideology get in the way? Well I guess John Boehner already answered for you... "This is not a time for compromise, and I can tell you that we will not compromise on our principles," said Boehner, who will likely be elected House Speaker if Republicans win control. "To the extent the president wants to work with us, in terms of our goals, we'd welcome his involvement."
  5. Problem is that people believe that. I know that the President has made mistakes, like ALL presidents. I have said countless times I am interested in hearing all sides. Until the other side becomes nasty. Then what's the point. Like any bill there are negatives. I know that. I also know that like every bill there are positives. Of course, 99.9% of this forum would never agree to that. They will never look across the aisle. In regards to you saying that I will simply chalk it up to rates would go up anyway... fact of the matter is that the system is broken and rates have been going up for some time now. That is a fact. The move that the industry did by raising rates by 30%-40% was brilliant. They make people mad at the bill instead of them and they still get their cash. Sad thing is that people can't see that. Back to the bill... I have never said it was a perfect bill. Of course it needs work, amendments to be made. Scrapping it completely, I think is foolish. Just my personal opinion. So to sum up everything I wrote above.... Bill = Both sides SHOULD (but won't) work together and make amendments. My Democratic Support = Yes I am a Dem, however I am open to listening to opposing views until someone starts with attitude, calling people dumb, and telling me that they and their side of the aisle are always right. So if people want to be civil and discuss items... I will have no problem with that.
  6. I could really care less about OC or anything of the other anything the Dems haters do. So no OC blinders. The disconnect comes from people like him stated that they are ALWAYS right no matter what. He asked for my opinion on what I would like altered or changed. I gave it. As usual someone can give their opinion on a subject and others tell them they are wrong, etc. Why bother.
  7. And probably said that with a smile. Wow, panties in a bunch over nothing. And please the Republicans backing Obama? Come on get real.
  8. "Hold on big fella, those "peaceful" Tea Party people aren't here yet."
  9. First off, see the reply button? Don't click it. You want me and my outfit? Sorry buddy, don't swing that way. And yes, be like Alaska Darin, that will get you far in life. HAHAHA!! Again, you read some PDFs and act as though you are an expert. Good for you. I would change in the bill is that it doesn't do enough for Primary Care Physicians. They need to alter the bill, creating more incentives for doctors to stay that course rather than head to specialty medicine. They truly have to figure out a better way to pay for it than simply saying it will pay for itself and by raising taxes. Adding that much to the deficit is ridiculous. I do not like what we are currently seeing with employers having to alter coverage or remove it all together. Also, there should be no talk of fining an employer for not covering a employee. I am on the fence on the individual mandate to have health insurance. Part of says it's a great thing, another part say no. All in all you have your opinions and views on politics and life as do I. Unfortunately, you believe you are always right. Attitudes like that will be the downfall of our society.
  10. Typical pig headed response " stop wasting my time because I know everything... I read a few PDFs from HHS." Seriously you should run for office you know all of the answers and mindless people like just struggle to stay alive. Hahahaha pompous douche.
  11. You would have to be a moron to think premiums wouldn't go up. That is the BEST way for the industry to fight it. Whether you have this bill or not you can lose your doctor. Coverages can be changed by employers, making "your" doctor out of network. Yes, repeal it. Start over from scratch and waste more time. Instead of doing the smart thing and working with Democrats to make amendments. And in regards to my question about whether or not the republicans pushed for any sort of healthcare reform in the 8 years prior to Obama... if they had such great ideas why not use them then? Why not push for reform to help the American people out?
  12. Did they try to tackle healthcare reform in the eight years? Yes or No?
  13. As I stated earlier, why didn't he get this plan out there in the 8 years prior to Obama or at any other time since 1999? I am the problem? I am open to hearing ALL sides not just the Democrats side unlike you only listening to the right side of the aisle. No matter what the Dems do their wrong. I have never claimed that I think micromanaging from DC is a good idea too. Usual crap tactic, let's act like people stated things like that nonsense. I also have NEVER that there is a one size fits all solution. I don't care if the bill is unpopular. I have stated if the republicans don't like it offer something else. They did... after awhile. Now, instead of playing F'ing games sit down in the room, be adults, discuss and make changes. You like other dumbasses would rather just throw it all away and start over from scratch knowing for a fact that THAT will never happen.
  14. First off, ANY employer can drop your plan. Even before the Bill. Yes, Ryan had pros to his idea however he also had cons... not just a perfect little path that you like to believe is there. From FactCheck.org CBO says of the bipartisan measure: "Although employers would have the option of continuing to offer coverage to their workers, nearly all individuals who were not enrolled in Medicare would obtain their basic health insurance coverage through this new system." Nixing the income tax exclusion and offering credits was the approach that John McCain favored during his run for the White House in 2008, and it was criticized (falsely) as being the "largest middle-class tax increase in history" by the Obama campaign. We found that to be nowhere near true — but these new proposals would face the same tax-hike criticism. And would their tax credits be enough for families to buy their own coverage, or pay the added taxes? Experts said McCain’s credits would fall short of keeping up with rising premium costs over time, but this would be true mainly for those with higher incomes. And you are shining example of what is wrong with this country. I have said countless times that I would like to see Amendments made to the bill. You are simply condemning it. Paul Ryan has been serving since 1999. Why is he just now showcasing this plan? Why during the 8 years under republican control?
  15. If you don't like the proposed idea... offer a solution. If you can't do that, then shut up. Simple.
  16. No I totally agree with you. BOTH sides need to have a major adjustment in their spending policies.
  17. Yes, and your party has tossed out so many ideas. Oh wait a minute... ummm that didn't happen. It's like the kid bitching about the playbook when they weren't even allowed to play. I know more, I know more!! I'm better!!
  18. Yeah, I ridiculously huge hole to climb out of.
  19. Ok, really to call how they a "lie" is a bit ridiculous and over the top. Selling across state lines is a great idea... no doubt. I would not tell everyone hey life deals you crap at times, deal with it. Especially when some of those financial hardships can be fixed by reform. Not hand outs... reform.
  20. Totally agree with you. Unfortunately no matter which party is in office, no one will curb spending or use money earned via raised taxes the right way. Same goes for monitoring their spending, making sure projects actually stay on budget, under or on time. That alone would save a ton.
  21. Since you hate everything that has been done so much. Would you change anything with the system and if so how?
  22. You call it an abortion of a law. Fine. But aren't you curious on why republicans have never taken on the healthcare industry? Do you think they will in the future if they gain power? It's not surprising that some companies are moving the costs from themselves to the employees. Moves like that and the industry raising their rates 40% or more is doing EXACTLY what the industry wants it to do. They gain more money and they piss people enough to vote a way that will help them out in the future. Bottom line is that something needed to be done. Is the law that was passed perfect. No. Do I oppose the law having amendments made? No. I'm sure that you are completely fine with everything the way it was.
  23. Maybe not 40%, I am sure that 10%-20% would be fitting. Then another 10%-20% next year. Let's hope the republicans gain power and rescind the healthcare bill so since everything will be fine.
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