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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Wow, that was a joke you tool. Pull the stick out of your ass. I'm on the ignore too?
  2. And they still conceded to the Republicans. Puked out the same ****? What the hell are you talking about?
  3. Was that written by Omarosa?
  4. All he does is concede to the Republicans. Let them hang themselves on this. Sorry but closing tax loop holes or moving the tax rate back to where it was pre-Bush is not a bad thing and will not kill this country. And yes, spending should be cut as well.
  5. Sorry just used to you labeling all union people as lazy and bad. I have also said many times most union people do not mind paying more towards their benefits and pensions... however they do not like being demonized while having to do that. I also love how union reform comes from those who hate and bash unions all of the time. And they wonder why they get a fight.
  6. So from the quotes you posted you are pretty annoyed with piss-poor parenting, yet blame the teachers and call them lazy. Blind support, not necessarily true. If you have read anything I have written before you would know that I too find fault with some union members and policies. That being said, I do support the Labor Movement... a strong middle-class means a strong U.S. simple as that.
  7. Man, I guess that stimulus should have gone to build more bridges to nowhere.
  8. And wow, you labeled a few people from very large cases. What about those who truly caused the economic disaster this country lives in right now located on Wall Street? Ummm, still waiting for someone on the right to truly blame those people. I know one thing, I didn't see any union people handing out bad mortgages or betting against bad financial products. What do you think of Eric Cantor's short bet? This man should NOT be part of the deficit/debt ceiling discussions. Bad for him to do this... and supposedly not know. Even worse if he did it on purpose. Now on to your CEO's... good for them I too know many CEO's like that. However, I also know many who sit on their ass, come up an idea for their presentation or speech and then call it a day. I know this because of the work I do on a daily basis, in the past working directly with executives and GEB's. So just keep on showing your ignorance but assuming one just sits in a cubicle. All of that being said, I do not complain about people spending money on this or that because they have the means due to their earned success. My problem is those who may have earned their success or had it handed to them and do nothing but demean or beat down the workers below them. They may have worked their way to the top, but who helps to keep them their... the workers.
  9. That is such BS and you know it. Funny thing is that many unionized people wouldn't mind paying more towards their benefits and pensions... yet for dumbasses like you that's still not enough. Let's demonize them even more. Do you ever look outside of you union hatred bubble for items that truly cause State financial problems? Didn't think so. To blame it on one thing is simple.
  10. Class isn't something often found on this board.
  11. Funny thing is that the one thing Americans want to hear about is jobs. No Republican can honestly say they have done anything to create jobs since they gained control of the House last year. They have however backed a plan that most Americans do not like due to the fact that they do not want Medicare to turn into a voucher system. Big no no.
  12. :thumbsup: I love how all of these people are SOOO against gay marriage when ultimately it has nothing to do with them OR their religion. Gay people are not asking to be married in your church or by your priest. They want their relationship to have the same rights by law... that's it.
  13. People that upset by this law crack me up!! So funny.
  14. Only thing better would be a two person race... Bachman and Palin.
  15. Wow, all 20-pages. Must have broke a sweat on that huh? HAHAHA!!
  16. How do you tax people less when they already have the money and assets to help them pay A LOT less anyway. You must be a millionaire the way you protect these rates. Fair taxation is not immoral. Giving even more breaks to those who do not need them IS immoral.
  17. Well the biggest thing is that it's only 60 million... could have made a bigger statement.
  18. That means you would actually have to stop posting long enough to do that... not possible. Someone's addicted!!!
  19. And I laugh when people say they should be taxed less.
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