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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I never said tax them at a high rate so that certain social programs could be funded did?
  2. No I agree with reducing or limiting tax breaks some that make x amount. So before you start name calling and doing the typical thing, ask a question. D!ck. No go run along and see what Sarah Palin is stating this morning so you are current with the talking points. Be a papa grizzly.
  3. yeah, no one is paying attention to jobs you moron.
  4. So you hate the healthcare bill. Great. You hate the stimulus that was created by Bush and then went through to Obama's Presidency. So let me guess now the economy / recession is all Obama's fault too? How about job loss? I'm sure you were for bailing out the banks but not the auto industry.
  5. Bush spent 1,020 days of his presidency on vacation. To put this into context, John F. Kennedy spent fewer days in office, 1000, than George W. Bush spent on vacation. Bush spent 487 days at Camp David, 490 days at his Crawford ranch, and 43 days in Kennebunkport. George W. Bush spent 69 days in Crawford during his first year in office. In contrast, according to FactCheck.org, Obama spent all, or part of, 26 days of his first year in office on vacation. This was less than all three previous Republican presidents, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush, but more than the two previous Democratic presidents, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. Come on... who here was crying over that? [insert crickets] http://www.factcheck.org/2010/01/president-obamas-vacation-days/
  6. I could say the same about you with OC, LABills, etc.
  7. You're right your experience conveys how the company is doing as a whole. Moron.
  8. yes, no President should ever leave the White House.
  9. Hey tool. Read above I do not care for redistribution of wealth. I do believe though that certain tax brackets should pay a higher amount as they do now.
  10. Wasn't the original stimulus plan created under Bush?
  11. Yes, the healthcare system was bad. Is it worse right now... maybe. Yes, I hear of people having issues etc. Personally I am not seeing that much a change going into 2011. Of course when you impose mandates, etc business will be affected, yet at the same time we can't just simply let some industries go unchecked or without restrictions. I am not a fan of redistribution of wealth. If you worked hard and earned your money, good for you. You shouldn't have to worry about that. And if someome makes more money, they DO and SHOULD pay more taxes. Just the way it is. People also have to understand that even though Republicans B word and moan about spending... they spend. Alot. I'm sure you could care less what I think, but I applaud you for leaning more towards Independent. I really do. I vote democrat because I believe in a lot of what they do. Not everything, but most of it. I also believe that republican party is a 180 degrees from my beliefs. Has nothing to do with following blindly has to do with MY beliefs and who I think will best represent them and work for them. Saying that does not make me this far left person, I have always thought of myself being towards the center. No understood the point completely. EVERY politician does that you dolt. Oh no, Obama was on a major radio program during an election year... how horrible. Just stupid to B word about it.
  12. 10 years, they finally have a "plan" for fixing healthcare. Why did it take so long? They and many people here gave Obama and his administration roughly 90 days to fix the economy. If the republicans gave full control, I'll give them the same amount of time. Just being fair. I am a homer. I believe in the Democratic Party. Just like you and 99.9% of this board believe in the Republican Party. So what?
  13. Or Run away from Problems? Demoralize? Isn't that the main strategy for the Republican base? Revitalize? HAHAHA maybe in China or India? Face the facts it took the Republicans 10 years for come up with the will and plan for reforming healthcare. Now how long will it take for them to fix the economy and jobs. I give them 90 days. That's about the same amount of time Obama received.
  14. Why is it an embarrassment? Man it was horrible when Clinton went on MTV's Rock the Vote right? I am so sick of republicans bashing every damn thing the President does. And how dare anyone look back at Republican Control the eight years prior. I would imagine you all thought the country was in perfect shape then huh? Oh that's right we had a war so everything else that needs to be done must stop.
  15. GM was a failed company. Yes, they needed help. Yes, the company is turning itself around in a big way. No denying that. On Election day remember you put the car in "D" to Drive with Democrats and "R" to go in Reverse with Republicans!!!" It could be "R" for Run away from problems. Do nothing, blame the other guy and say it's against the Constitution.
  16. VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!! Let them finish out the term... The facts: The Obama administration cut taxes for middle-class Americans, has overseen an economy that has grown for the past four quarters and expects to make a profit on the hundreds of billions of dollars spent to rescue Wall Street banks. Also, after losing upwards of 500,000 jobs per month when the recession started around 3/4 of a million jobs were saved by the auto bailouts, and GM is set to have an IPO of $10 BILLION, the largest US IPO in years. The Children's Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, provided health coverage to nearly 3 million underserved kids, and almost 100k of our troops were brought HOME from Iraq.
  17. Great post. In regards to this post... I think it's crazy for this guy to ask for an apology. Did Rand Paul ever make a statement about this incident?
  18. Republicans win House, but not Senate. Reid and Boxer will win. Jerry Brown will win in California. Gerry Connolly will win in VA. O'Malley will win in MD. Joseph Sestak has a great shot to win in PA. Ought to be very close. The idea of placing candidates like Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell and eventually Presidential Candidate Palin scare the hell out of me.
  19. Turning into? To me he has been a turnstile like Mike Williams.
  20. Didn't Halliburton know the cement was unstable? And yes, I will be afraid.
  21. I am sure that their are other factors involved that stunt growth along with his policies.
  22. At the start of this weren't we losing roughly 500,000 jobs per month? Granted its not completely fixed but those numbers have gone down dramatically. I think people are not only fearful of losing their job, but also having their job shipped overseas. All in all, it's not ALL Obamas fault as much as you would like it to be.
  23. He sounds like Lieberman. Do anything, say anything to get elected.
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