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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I stayed on CNN most of the night. Great broadcast, after while the graphics were a bit much though.
  2. Funny thing is that when the elections were going on people here were talking about how they saw this or that on FOX News. That's another great source for news.
  3. Yeah, nothing had to do with the start of Republican 2.0, The Tea Party Invasion. Let's see they came out saying Democrats were going to take away Medicare and Medicaid, Death Panels, the President doesn't believe that America isn't the greatest force in the world, Democrats don't care about jobs, Democrats don't care about freedom, etc., etc. And just own up to Republicans don't like gays and that lifestyle. They DO want to privatize Social Security. And I still wouldn't call yesterday embarrassing, if we lost the Senate to, maybe. All in all, let's see what great things the Republicans can do. They had control for 8 years, been sitting on the sidelines for an additional 2.. so after 10 years, they should have some great ideas right?
  4. Read much? We controlled DC... YES. As I stated you moron "Granted Democrats should have been more united and passed more." When the baby is in corner crying that they are being left out, you try to involve them. That is the smart thing to do. Especially when people want parties to reach across the aisle. Of course people did not like want was done while Democrats had full control. Scary thing is that they have a short memory since the Reps have done crap as well when they had full control. The election was based on those feelings and certain groups pushing buttons, inciting the masses. They did a great job of that. Hopefully the Dems will do a better time next go around. And I think they will regain congress. Did you understand all of that?
  5. I wouldn't say he lost it. Hell she kept spouting off the same nonsense. Hello campaign is over, answer a question. Bachman sucks. Hopefully the Reps won't give that loon a leadership role... or maybe that would be a good thing.
  6. I'm not sure about ever expanding control. Yes, the healthcare bill placed more under government control. Other than what else? Republicans ideas scare the crap out of me. Privatizing Social Security, Eliminating the Department of Education, etc., etc.
  7. I think it was the country of dumb asses being duped by Republicans 2.0 (Tea Party)
  8. Fact of the matter is that anything and everything the Democrats wanted to pass there was a GOP spokesperson there saying "No" that idea is bad, etc. Also saying Democrats are not including, Obama or whomever reaches across the aisle... Republican answer after, No or crickets. Granted Democrats should have been more united and passed more. Now the Republicans have gained control of the House, will have (sick feeling) Boehner as Speaker. Now if they truly have the American people and progress in mind they will have no choice but to reach across the aisle. Same goes for Democrats.
  9. That was in response to the subject line... Tuesday = Election. Wednesday = Real Policy Makers
  10. Remains to be seen. They didn't do much before. Have they learned their lesson? Plus, I heard about that story about a week ago.
  11. Nice impersonation. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/314149/july-01-2010/tangelo-american-john-boehner HAHAHAHA!!
  12. Well that is true. They weren't labeled the Party of No without a reason.
  13. They all blow smoke up the voters butt. Hell one week ago Boehner said no way would he compromise, etc. Last night, let's all try to work together.
  14. Ok. Republicans lets see if you can actually work with Democrats. Not buying the spin machine as of yet.
  15. Did you get that from FOX? HAHAHA!! Yes let's get rid of everything the Dems did. No one needs health care for college age dependents; no one needs protection against insurance companies who want to end coverage because you get sick or have a pre-existing condition; no one wants equal rights; fair labor laws and minimum wage; social security; environmental protection; school lunch programs; the Department of Education; unemployment compensation; or any other program and policy that demonstrates concern and compassion for our fellow citizens. Let's privatize social security while we're at it too!! Republicans have 90 days to fix the economy and unemployment. 90 Days. After all, that's what they gave Obama. Only far right? Sorry, slip.. fair right? Side note: I do love how all of you "independant" thinkers get your news from FOX. Funny. Nope like most republicans he was hiding under a rock waiting for the chance to promise Change in Washington. Ooops, isn't that something they scolded before?
  16. yet you probably would have voted for McCain and Palin right? Come on a person on a ticket with no leadership experience. HAHA. Leaders are also not always good at setting priorities. I will give you that he should tackle things other than healthcare. No doubt. Get his ass in office and start working? Please the man is in office more than more presidents now. And yes, all Presidents campaign too. And let's face it, with republicans possibly gaining more seats today, nothing will get done for the next two years. Everyone will just piss and moan about the opposite side of the aisle.
  17. Dude you are clearly one sided, and that's fine. Don't claim to be independent or anything like that either. Just admit it. Leave capital where it is. Ok, so you believe that people earning say over $250k per year should keep any and all tax breaks they currently receive? Knowing that their income tax rate will not change... just not receiving those extra breaks.
  18. Yes, people believed that he should have focused 100% of his time on jobs. That is true. I look at it as this, he has four years to work on job creation, the economy, healthcare, the wars, etc. All of which relate to each other one way or another. I wouldn't doubt you hitting the Rove website or Fox News for your talking points.
  19. Why would you not want remove some of their income tax breaks?
  20. He's nothing more than a republican talking point.
  21. Rove / Palin either way you post talking points. Great job genius!! There's something to believe in. HAHAHAHA!!!
  22. I love that republican talking point "democrats don't do enough or pay attention to unemployment..." How freakin' stupid are republicans. EVERYONE cares about job loss. EVERYONE. Although, I do find it funny the people that B word the most about it are the same people who support sending jobs overseas.
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