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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Yes, that HUGE favor done for unions. Give me a break. If they wanted to do a favor for the unions it would have been by pushing through the Employee Free Choice Act. That didn't happen. So do you believe Palin is a good choice to be President of the United States? Could imagine her trying to work a deal with the Chinese or Saudi Arabia... dear god this country will be laughed at for years and years.
  2. Actually I was talking about her alleged misuse of State funds. So under your logic if someone else does something unethical, it's ok for Sarah to do it too? Makes sense. Bottom line again is that she may be great ( ) for speaking engagements or a reality show ( ), but that's about it. Not Presidential material.
  3. Not buying that at all. Let's face it Lindell has knocked a lot through at the end of games and with the Bills not being that good they are normally from 40+. I hope that the dumb part of the fan base doesn't get carried away and run another great Bills player out of Buffalo.
  4. Fairly solid? He is one of if not the best kicker the Bills have ever had. Everyone has an off day here or there, let's not run another very good player out of Buffalo.
  5. Doesn't matter, either way the Republicans will be dumb enough to have Palin run for Presidency.
  6. Palin stinks on ice. She flat out should NEVER be President of this great country. She quit as Governor and when in office was allegedly abusing her power. Not necessarily President material.
  7. Then that is a BS way of doing business. I get so tired of hearing how thousands of people are laid off yet at the same time execs are making ridiculous bonuses. Seems to me that smart business would be removing those bonuses and keeping some workers employed. To be honest, I'm not to sure that they would have this great idea on how to stimulate business. I will never vote for someone who says cut these jobs first, then send the positions overseas. All that does is screw over this country.
  8. They shipped jobs overseas to get the companies costs down, understood. However, at the same time they could have done other things to hire Americans instead of Indians or the Chinese. Companies also stay profitable by leadership making the right decisions. Maybe not receiving a $21 million dollar deal upon being asked to step down by their board. Hello being fired shouldn't mean you walk with a s$#%t load of money. What about Whitman who would simply want to get rid of 40,000 jobs? It's easy to just cut and move on instead of making better decisions up front. I think it's sad when a company is on the downward slope or not doing that well the first thing that happens is they get rid of the people making the least amount of money. Like I said before get rid of some of the ridiculous bonuses or chop some of the salaries for the execs. Although, I guess you have to spend money to keep the "top" talent.
  9. No and no. However I do believe that there needs to be some regulation. I don't believe in letting industry just go on and not be checked or have rules to follow.
  10. Fair enough, then I do believe that with their track record they wouldn't create the best atmosphere for job creation.
  11. My biggest deal with them is that they in no way proven that they could create jobs. Hell both either laid off workers or sent jobs overseas.
  12. I am glad I am a Democrat who is also for lower taxes, less government spending, a leaner government, less regulations (except when needed - ie: Wall St. and Health Insurance Industry) and more personal freedoms (just like a women's right to have an abortion).
  13. Agree with you on Steny Hoyer over Pelosi. Do not agree with you on Brown or Boxer. Whitman and Fiorina would have been HORRIBLE!!!
  14. True those numbers are not good for job growth, however it's a step in the right direction. I do hope that he will lean more towards the center. It is the only way that things can move forward. I think Pelosi and Reid may have screwed up his brain in the first half of his Presidency. Hopefully they will stay out of the way... not likely though.
  15. If we see jobs growth... 125,000, 140,000 per month should the President be able to take credit for it?
  16. Now will the jobs that were created be labeled as a success of the President? I think they should.
  17. Great move by getting Merriman in with the Bills. Only 26, had a few injuries, should be playing to prove himself. Sign his butt to a 3 year deal.
  18. Strategy was simple... rebrand the Republican Party aka Tea Party make it look new. Then use the same scare tactics on certain demographics (Seniors, Small Business people, etc.) and sell it like the "new" Tea Party is different than the Republican Party. They did a great of that. Funny thing is that the Tea Party most likely cost the Republicans a few seats.
  19. You realize they did a one seat filibuster many times and threatened it other times?
  20. Hey it's just like you and every other moron states that I follow every DNC talking point. And if it isn't Rove... must be Palin which kind of makes you that much more of a moron.
  21. Bachman SUCKS!!! How that dolt gets elected I have no idea.
  22. So they found a bunch of dumb asses and filmed them. Thrilling. Hey usual post, same talking point over and over and over and over again. Bravo to you!!!
  23. Well put Obama.... 'We Were In Such A Hurry To Get Things Done That We Didn't Change How Things Got Done'
  24. I do believe a lot of people were courted into believing things that weren't true. When all you do is watch one news channel whatever nonsense is spewed out of there becomes reality.
  25. No, just the far right. Just like people saying that every Democrat is far left right? All in all, let's see what the republicans can do. They have great ideas right?
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